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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Legs

  1. I have had more surgeries on various body parts than I care to count and have never woken up with the tube still in. It's been my experience that it's bad enough to fight my way out of anesthesia as I'm waking up. This last time for the LapBand surgery, though, I was able to remind myself to be calm and to relax, relax, relax! I don't think I could handle waking up with the tube still in and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.
  2. Hi! Cindi, I would like to add to Cindi's comments--specifically this portion: One question I have though, is when will I feel full? It seems (volume wise) that I don't have a stopping point where I feel full. All still seems to be a self control issue, rather than feeling full. I eat better choices now, do the Protein first, try not to drink during meals, stopped grazing...but I have never been "full" with the band. If I pulverize everything I eat, and eat slow, won't it all go down, not fill my pouch, and never give me the full feeling that keeps me from eating the portion sizes that got me to this place?...But portion control was always my problem, and I thought the band would be helpful in this respect (not a cure, a HELP). I am asking myself the same questions. The biggest problem for me, though, is that even before the surgery I was never hungry. I do not know what it feels like to be hungry. I can go for days and not eat unless I remind myself to do so. Self-control and portion control have always been my issues and I thought the band would help me to learn what "full" felt like since I didn't have the advantage of knowing what "hungry" felt like. Now, four months post-surgery, I am feeling like I spent $16,000 (out-of-pocket) for just another diet and that the band has so far not helped as I thought it would. I have to admit that the band has helped me to eat slower and chew more thoroughly. But the concept of eating slower is supposed to be rewarded by giving your body a chance to register "full' before you've gone too far. Without hunger to begin with, that hasn't been the case. I am wondering if anyone else out there has had this strange phenomena of never being hungry.

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