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Everything posted by LillyMay

  1. LillyMay

    Fills In Mexico

    Im pretty sure they will take you, dont know why they wouldnt. But Google them and call just to make sure. Also, I loved how easy it was. They fill your port under x-ray so its really easy to find the port. The fill took less than 10 minutes, I was there a total of 30 minutes cuz the doctor likes to talk.
  2. LillyMay

    Fills In Mexico

    I live in San Diego, about 20 minutes from TJ. I drove this last time. But most of the time I park at the border and walk across and take a taxi to Applebees. The the doctor is right behind the Applebees (has a big sign out front that says Dr. Mendez)
  3. LillyMay

    Fills In Mexico

    Dr. Aril Ortiz with the obesity control center $100 a fill. right across the border behind applebees by the costco. got 4.5cc on my first fill.
  4. LillyMay

    First Fill!!

    6 weeks, but i called my doctor and complained about having gained weight so I went in at 5 weeks.
  5. LillyMay

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    I feel the same way. Had my first fill (4.5cc) last week and i feel a huge restriction but not a single pound lost. =(

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