Ms V and Amytug- I think that for the most part, UH is trying to see who can hang on long enough to keep at it for six months. Kinda weeding people out. Just making you jump through hoops, so people will give up. Not me!
Amy, I can lose weight too- and like you, I can't keep it off! I have a nurse that works for UH that told me, " if you lose weight during the six month diet, it won't be counted against you. The first weigh-in that the Dr. Takes is the weight we base our decision on. But- I wouldn't gain any weight while on it. "So, I plan on losing about 25-30 lbs. my Dr. Said he jus needs 10-15 to shrink my liver, and he's happy.
Some companies that use UH don't require the 6 month supervised diet. Some only 3 months. Some nothing at all. Depends on your employer. If you're unsure as to what your protocol is, call your insurance and grill them for specifics. hope I helped!
Hope that answers your questions.