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Sharon's last chance

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About Sharon's last chance

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 08/22/1949

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm scheduled for sleeve May 17, 2012. Feeling nervous, excited and confident.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Music, pets, travel, family, not in that order.
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  1. Sharon's last chance

    eating bread!

    If you trust and respect your surgeon, I suggest that you follow his advice. He has more knowledge experience than we do, and I am sure wants you to succeed at this. I am almost 1 year out and still have a tough time with bread and steak. Your new little stomach is not fully healed. Why push your luck. Also this is your prime and easiest weight loss period. I know its hard to resist, but you can do it. Whatever you decide. I hope you continue to do well.
  2. Sharon's last chance

    Once upon a time...

    Amazing progress, fabulous post! when do we see the new you?
  3. Sharon's last chance

    sleeved 19th may 2012

    I was sleeved May 17, 2012. I have lost 176 pounds (including pre-op) and gone from size 32 to size 16-18. More importantly I've gone from 12 daily medications to 1 low dose cholesterol med and omneprazole. I can walk and stand with no back pain and much less knee pain. I am no longer short of breath and feel better than I have in 20 & years. Was it all easy? NO. Was it all worth it? 1000% YES! I want to lose an additional 30 - 40 pounds and know that I will accomplish this. I am back among the living!
  4. Sharon's last chance

    3 weeks post op lots of indigestion!

    You may need to double your dose of omneprazole from 20 to 40 to get relief. Talk to your doctor. Good luck.
  5. Sharon's last chance

    Stranger N my mirror

    Its a great feeling isn't it? My mom was in the car waiting for me and I passed the car to return the cart to the cart corral. When I returned to the car, she said, I thought I saw someone walking by with your purse. It was me! She didn't recognize me. I have lost 171 pounds and dropped 8 sizes thus far. I will be one year out on May 17. About 35 - 40 more to go. I am so happy I did this. Congrats on your success!
  6. Sharon's last chance

    Before and After (over halfway done!)

    You were beautiful before and just stunning now. You must be on cloud 9. Congratulations!
  7. Sharon's last chance

    54 lb lost in 9 weeks

    Congratulations on you amazing progress so far!
  8. Sharon's last chance

    Before & After Pics...Almost 6 Months

    You look great. Congrats!
  9. Sharon's last chance

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    You look beautiful and are absolutely glowing with radiant health and happiness. I will celebrate my one year surgiversary on May 17. So far I have lost 171 pounds including pre and post op. I have not settled on a final goal weight but want to lose at least 30 - 35. additional pounds. Weight is coming off extremely slowly now. but I'm greatful its still going in the right direction. You are truly an inspiration. Could you tell me your height?
  10. Sharon's last chance

    4 month pictures

    You look great. What dramatic progress you have made. Bet you feel as amazing as you look. Congrats!
  11. Sharon's last chance

    I guess this is how it ends

    Glad to hear your doing better. Don't give up on you. Of course I don' t know whats causi.g your unhappiness, but you might want to consider seeing a therapist. It is amazing how much they can help you deal with issues that are stopping you from living the life you want to live. I know that I would not have been so successful with this durgery if I had not gotten help to deal with numerous issues that were holding me back. Either way, you can do this. Just keep working it and do not give up. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
  12. Sharon's last chance

    Choose NOT to tell people you had WLS

    It is an individual, personal decision. There are potential advantages and disadvantages to either choice. We don't need to convince one another that our choice is the right one. There is no right or wrong choice, do what makes you comfortable.
  13. Sharon's last chance

    Second thoughts about surgery ..

    I started a lifetime of dieting at about age 13. Seems like I was on some kind of diet more often than not. I just knew I should be able to do this on my own. YES I lost some weight on most of those diets, but never came close to a normal weight. Weight issues and low self esteem put a major damper on my life. I had no social life, never attended school functions, never danced, and never felt good enough. Finally in 1983, at age 59, and more than 300 pounds, I began looking into bariatric surgery. I had started the process when my dad became ill and died. I then proceeded to gain an additional 70 pounds, weighing 374. In 2011, I started seeing a therapist to help me deal with my dad's death and with my food/eating issues. That is the single most important step that helped me not only make a decision about the surgery, but also prepared me to be successful with the surgery. I suggest you find a therapist who specializes in helping people with food/eating/obesity and self esteem issues. My therapist continues to help me dealing with the stresses, diffulties and joys of life after gastric sleeve surgery. I can't advise you whether or not to have the surgery but I truly believe that without some therapy/counseling, successful weightloss will be a very difficult process. I sort of threw my life away, but can finally say at the age of 63, I got this weight thing under control. I have lost 168 pounds in just under 11 months and am well on my way (30 - 50 pounds to go) to a healthy, normal weight for the rest of my life. You have your whole life ahead of you. I wish you enormous success, health and happiness whatever your decision.
  14. Sharon's last chance

    11 1/2 Months Out/200 lbs lost/With Pics

    You are so tiny! I would never guess you had weight issues. You look fabulous!
  15. Sorry for the double post. Any way to delete?

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