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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aug62012

  1. aug62012

    The Drain Is A Pain

    I hate mine also, I had surgery 8/6 and get it out on Monday. I do not like to much of anything because I am scared of hurting where the drain is, yuck
  2. I am so itchy around them
  3. Surgery tomorrow and I am exited and nervous. I just can't air until it is over and I am awake after surgery so I know it went ok. Wow, it is here. Scared
  4. aug62012

    August 6Th Sleevers

    Wishing you all the best!! I also have surgery tomorrow morning, exited and nervous.
  5. aug62012

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Thanks everyone!!! I can't sleep, soooo ready to head to the hospital at 6am
  6. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Surgery tomorrow!! Nervous and exited. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers I go to hospital at 8:30 am and surgery around 10:30 I think. Pre op diet of 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds. Holy cow I am nervous now. I just want to wake up from surgery so I know all is good. I can deal with pain... I sure hope so. Thinking of all of you having surgery tomorrow. Hugs
  7. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Hi everyone!!! I have surgery with Dr Brengman tomorrow at St Mary's!!!! I am nervous but Dr Brengman has been great. He is also going to fix a small hiatal hernia when he does surgery. He did not ask me to lose weight before surgery just do the 2 week pre op diet. I have list 10 pounds on the pre op diet and have only been able to exercise 1 day so I think thet is pretty good. I am nervous about going home with a drain for a week and just pray surgery goes well. Please think of me tomorrow. A little scared.
  8. Have any of you gone through this? Will my surgery be cancelled? I have lost 8 pounds so far on my pre op diet and can't imagine doing it longer.
  9. Thanks guys! I have been resting and drinking liquids. Hopefully it goes away, I really want this surgery and have been waiting forever.
  10. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Well tomorrow I go to my 4 hour class as part of my pre op. I start my pre op diet in 2 weeks. I have tried to start cutting things back but do not have the motivation. Once again, the reason I need this tool to help me. If I get any tips from the class tomorrow I will post for all of you. I had my endo scope done last week and they found a small hiatal hernia and an irritated spot which they took a biopsy of. They say this is all from my GERD and that I am fine. My surgeon did not require me to have the scope done but I requested to have it done since I had really bad bad heartburn and chest pain when I was laying down. If any of you are going to meetings and learn tips please post.
  11. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    23 days until I start per op diet. Nervous about not losing weight on it. I keep saying I am going to start it early but then I decide to wait. I need to start doing a little walking each day but it is so hot and my feet hurt. I am now 304 pounds but I have started to drink water. I have my endoscopy tomorrow at 1pm. I hope everything looks good.
  12. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Audrey, I have started taking pics and keeping them also. I am going to make a "never again" collage to keepe motivated after surgery. I couldnot believe I was 300 pounds when I weighed myself last month. I felt ashamed and depressed. Now I am anxious about the surgery but wish it was tomorrow. We will do this together!!
  13. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Terry, I am also having surgery with Dr Brengman, how was your hospital experience with him and St Mary's?
  14. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Terry, it is great to see your post. How has your journey been?
  15. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Terry, it is great to see your post. How had your journey been?
  16. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Darn auto correct, unjury chicken broth.
  17. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I am nervous about having a major complication like blood clots or something. I have a daughter and scares me to leave her. Of course I need the surgery to be healthy for her do I really am exited. I know sounds so crazy to be scared and then exited but thankfully you all understand. My pre op diet is not a liquid diet. It is protein shakes with veggie and meat dinner. He calls it a liver shrinking diet. Basically 1000 calories. I have started to cut out soda and am down to 1 a day. I am also down to 1 caffeine drink a day. I can not believe it, I used to drink 5-7 diet cokes a day. For some reason flavored water gives me heartburn and I already take Prevacid everyday. I found the sugar free hi c individual packs for 20 oz water bottles and they are GREAT! I am not a big fan of crystal light. They say protein powder goes really well in sugar free tang but I could not find it do am ordering it online. I bought the injury chicken broth but just 1 in case I do not like it. My favorite ready protein drink is muscle milk lite and it is lactose free. What are you doing to prepare?
  18. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Skinny pants, that is a great list. I am getting mine done by Dr. Brengman in Richmond VA We all have to stay in touch and share.
  19. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    How are all the Felliw Richmonders doing? I am so exited and nervous!!
  20. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Congrats arukind, we will be sleeved on the same day. I am so exited and nervous. I will be having it done in RichmondVA. Wish you the best! Welcome all new Aug sleeves!!
  21. I feel as if I have such a higher BMI than most on here, has anyone had success with a really high BMI? I am set for Aug. and I have to succeed, my body can't take this abuse any longer.
  22. aug62012

    Anyone Start With 48 Bmi!

    Thank you all for the encouraging words, I have my ups and downs and wish my date would hurry up and be here.
  23. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Welcome! I am waiting for my pre op in July. I wish it was tomorrow. I can't stand how I look lately, before I scheduled surgery I really did not care but now I can't stand it. Aug 6 needs to hurry up.
  24. aug62012

    Richmond Virginia Sleevers Around?

    Hi msnae, welcome. I am a newbie on here and am looking for others to go on this journey with. Best of luck getting the approval. I am counting down the days until my surgery.
  25. aug62012

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I have had an endoscopy before and you will not feel a thing and won't remember any of it. Yea, the cathedral is yuck and I hope it is not in long. You know my doc is not going to do an endo on me, hmmm, I need to ask him about that.

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