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About shrinkinmama

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    Expert Member
  1. shrinkinmama

    Surgery Is Over

    i had mine 10 days ago and wondering how long this horrible pain is supposed to last for? Im struggling with it. I take tylenol and oh lord i feel like i am walking around with a knife in my side.
  2. dear Lord I am dying here. I am 10 days out and the main incision is so painful. It hurts the same amount today as it did on the day of surgery. I cant walk with out holding it. I want to cry it hurts so bad. I had my drain out two days ago and thought that would help but the pain in unbearable. I take tylenol and it is not doing an thing.... how long did you all experience pain? Is it normal that it is lasting this long?
  3. shrinkinmama


    Hey all I am 10 days post op and the main incision site is just as painful today as it was on the day of surgery...when will it stop. is this normal?
  4. shrinkinmama

    Bypass Vs Sleeve

    I just was converted a week ago from the sleever bceuase I had a kink in it as well. I have not found anyone with this issue and i feel so very alone and I am scared at the least....Lets just say going through it the second time I think is worse. I hate ever last second of this hell... The issue that I am having if u want to call it an issue even is that i dont feel any restriction or pain when i drink or eat puree. It is so wierd becuas the first time I could barely take asip and it would hurt. I know I need to talk to the dr again about it but I was wondering if any one has experiecned this before?
  5. Hello! I had a sleeve done in April and 4 months out if became kinked and then just on this past Monday 6 days ago i was converted to a Bypass. When I had the sleeve done i could only sip little tiny bit of even Water and it would hurt. It took forever to progress to more liquid and food. Since day one out of my surgery when they would let me drink I was able to drink normal just like I was prior to the surgery, Also i am able to get the pureed food down no issue at all and I NEVER have a full feeling. I dont know if the bypass full is the same and the sleeve full but either way I dont feel full. Dont get me wrong I dont keep eating but it is rather disturbing that I dont feel anything at all when I eat. It kind of concerns me. Is the food just slipping on through? I was hoping that someone maybe has experienced this before? I am really anxious about it and am reaching out for help from all of you all. Thanks.
  6. Hello! I had a sleeve done in April and 4 months out if became kinked and then just on this past Monday 6 days ago i was converted to a Bypass. When I had the sleeve done i could only sip little tiny bit of even Water and it would hurt. It took forever to progress to more liquid and food. Since day one out of my surgery when they would let me drink I was able to drink normal just like I was prior to the surgery, Also i am able to get the pureed food down no issue at all and I NEVER have a full feeling. I dont know if the bypass full is the same and the sleeve full but either way I dont feel full. Dont get me wrong I dont keep eating but it is rather disturbing that I dont feel anything at all when I eat. It kind of concerns me. Is the food just slipping on through? I was hoping that someone maybe has experienced this before? I am really anxious about it and am reaching out for help from all of you all. Thanks.
  7. Hello! I had a sleeve done in April and 4 months out if became kinked and then just on this past Monday 6 days ago i was converted to a Bypass. When I had the sleeve done i could only sip little tiny bit of even Water and it would hurt. It took forever to progress to more liquid and food. Since day one out of my surgery when they would let me drink I was able to drink normal just like I was prior to the surgery, Also i am able to get the pureed food down no issue at all and I NEVER have a full feeling. I dont know if the bypass full is the same and the sleeve full but either way I dont feel full. Dont get me wrong I dont keep eating but it is rather disturbing that I dont feel anything at all when I eat. It kind of concerns me. Is the food just slipping on through? I was hoping that someone maybe has experienced this before? I am really anxious about it and am reaching out for help from all of you all. Thanks.
  8. Aparently in about1% of people the stomach can twist. I was having pain on my left side for about two months now. My stupid surgeon too, my gallbladder out and guess what i still had the pain. I had ever test under the sun except an upper gi. I found another surgeon at loyola and he told me that my stomach was tiwsted just by talking to him. he did the upper gi to confirm and also scoped me again as my other dr did. I am just annoyed that my other surgeon did not catch any of this and i dont even know how to go about dealing wiht him. I have been out of work and now have to be out of work again and have no time left. I will be going with out money for a while. I wish i could sue him. im so frustrated.
  9. I have to get a bypass and have had the sleeve since April. I have lost 60 lbs but now my sleeve got twisted and it hurts when i eat. Im so depressed to have to go throuhg the process again. All i want to do is eat junk and its almost like i am back in the mind set that i had prior to the sleeve. Has tis happend to any one. am i going to loose alot more weight? I have been stalled for a month now as well. THanks for any help you can give
  10. shrinkinmama

    Bypass Vs Sleeve

    I had a sleeve done in april and now i have a kink in it. basically it is twisting and it hurts when i eat.... i am getting converted to the bypass in 3 weeks. I am scared becuause i know it will be different but also becuase i have to go through the process of starting over after the surgery is done
  11. I found out that my sleeve is twisted or I have a kink...however you want to refer to it. I am scared to death to be converted to the full sleeve now. I have never even hear of this happening and I can hardly find any info on the twisting. Has any one had this or know anything about it. or been converted?
  12. shrinkinmama

    Serious Help Needed Gallbladder Out

    yes they did check it before and during...he said it was fine... so now it is out regardless and stilli have this pain
  13. So, I am realy not sure what to eat these days. For breakfast i will have a hardboiled or scrambled egg. Then lunch its basically wahtever. I will have a little lettuce with dried berries and chicken and dressing wiht other veggies. snack of baby bell cheese... However, the issue at hand here is that i love chips and i love crackers and theyseem, along with cookies to go down the easiest. I guess I just dont know what to eat that is easy. I am only cooking for me so what i have done is made a bunch of turkey meat balls. turkey burgers, qinoa burgers and froze them so i can have one at a time for lunch or dinner. I make smoothies in the morning with protein powder and then kale, blueberries greek yogart and milk. Does this sound right?
  14. Hello Everyone. So i have beenhaving thing horrible sharp stabbing pain in myupper left abdoman right below my rib cage...this happens about 10 minutes after I eat anything. So I went to the dr and he said it may be the gallbladder. So i did the HIDA scan as recommended and immdediately had the gallbladder removed.. That was on Tuesday. Today is Sunday and I am still having this pain. I was going to give it a few days and see what happens but now I am going to call the doctor tomorrow. Perhaps it is something else and my gallbladder was just a coiencidence along the way. Has any one experienced thisbefore. I am desperate for ansers.
  15. Hey every one, I am struggling... i feel like i can get the protein in but then there is never room for veggies or fruits unless i whip up a smoothie. I miss the crunch and stuff so now i fined myself eating chocolate and potato chips..craving for the sweet and carbs is terrible and i dont want to do my self a diservice so soon after the surgery.. what do you eat on a daily basis?

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