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Everything posted by Nanny3Kids

  1. Nanny3Kids

    Sleeved On Monday

    Lori, i am having the surgery on the 29, too :-)
  2. Nanny3Kids

    Sleeved On Monday

    Welcome Cliff :-)
  3. Try putting a little corn startch on when you get dressed, it isnt going to hurt you it is very soft and wont cause any friction. Hope you feel better soon :-)
  4. Have you tired any of the sugestions? Is anything helping?
  5. Dont you mean " sterner stiff stuff" lol jk
  6. OK here is the best thing you can do for this, corn startch first then aquaphour it will work over night promise! Lol then use the corn startch when you know it is going to be rubbing or sweaty!
  7. Where did you have your sugery? I am having mine the 29, and i have to have liquids for 4 weeks then mushys like pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese! So not looking forward to just broth and water
  8. I thought i seem a post about what to bring and what not to bother, maybe a check list of some sort! Anyone have clue?
  9. I am so scared, i am making myself sick over it i dont know how i can cook for my family and not eat a bite? Do you really have to wait 4 weeks to eat real food?
  10. Thanks Hope, i know in my head it wont be forever but it is killing me!
  11. Thank you Lissa, i think i am just overwhelmed right now, pre op in the am and my son also has pre op he is having sugery on tues, i am just hoping that a week out he will be alright without me! No one here does any cooking but me and i love it, i was making pasta salad the one salad they all love here and started thinking , wow i wont be able to eat this again
  12. Nanny3Kids

    What To Bring To The Hospital?

    Even if ws can get some ideas like, clothing, binding, slippers ect... would help out alot to know what to bring and what to have at home for the first few weeks!
  13. Nanny3Kids


    Amy, you crack me up! Lol thanks for the laugh
  14. Nanny3Kids

    Wow I Cant Believe It

    Jimmy i just sent you a message!
  15. I had my gaul bladder out and went home crying in pain and they didnt seem to care, for 2 weeks i was mess! I hope you feel better soon
  16. Nanny3Kids

    Wow I Cant Believe It

    Omg goodness, glad they found out before they got any futher! Where did you have the sugery? Glad to hear you are feeling better! I am so nervous, and excited i think! Lol
  17. Nanny3Kids

    May 15Th...anyone Else?

    Updates would be wonderful, rather nervous myself here
  18. Nanny3Kids

    Wow I Cant Believe It

    Hey Jimmy, how are you feeling? Did they find out what the problem was? I was worried about you!
  19. I cant help with the pain, i havent had my surgery yet it is the 29, and now i am really scared! Is you pain from the gas possible? I hope you feel better soon, did you say you went home in pain? That just seem wrong. Where did you have the surgery?
  20. Nanny3Kids

    Anyone On My Fitnesspal

    Nanny3kids06 add me please
  21. I have been so excited till the past 3 days and have been going through all the BS hoops for almost 3 yrs to get the surgery and now i feel like i am on a roller coaster!?! I can't sleep, tossing and turning, mind is racing, stomach is in knots and everything i eat and drink comes right back out, sorry if that was TMI:) I went to a WLS suport group last night with some questions and walked out 4 hrs later with more question then when i went in! UGH' am i just nervous? Has anyone else felt like this? Any input would be wonderful!
  22. Nanny3Kids

    Anyone On My Fitnesspal

    What is fitnesspal and how does it work?
  23. Mina, I have been gone through everything you have, and i did them all twice i went from one hospital and did everything and my insurance wouldnt cover the sleeve my BMI is to low, and that hospital isnt a standard of excellents go figure so that was all wasted and then i went through it all again and got approved at the hospital i switched too. It is a lot of work and gets very aggervating, but i am right there with you i would have jump right in the OR with bells on & yrs ago when i first started all this and even a month ago when i got my date set for sugery but right now with a little over a week to go i am having some bit time what if's and should I's!!
  24. Nanny3Kids

    Any Smokers?

    Amy, some say 6 months others 6 weeks, I am a smoker and i am so having a hard time with just quitting! I am having surgery on the 29 this month i know i need to quit i know what it will and can do as i am sure so dont you i plan on stoping the day before when i have to my pre op liquid diet and never lighting one again! Sorry i cant give you any advise as i am one of the dirty, smelly smokers too! Let me know how you make out and when you plan on doing it, we can vent together

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