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Posts posted by victoryinJesus53

  1. It's been one year ago and after going out I am able only to eat my full in three days by eating small portions. For example, my hubby and I went out for lunch three days ago during which time we both ordered barbeque salads from Bono's. long story short it took me two days to finish the salad. I am so happy because God has given me a remedy to the madness !!!! I thank God for allowing all of us the opportunity to select the Bariatric procedures to help us have a better quality of Life, and I choose life in him.

  2. Keep plugging at it and remember to try and increase your calorie intake as much as possible. I have since seen my bariatric doctor who encouraged me with the news that I had lost 45 additional pounds since last I seen him during 7/ 2012. Remember God helped us by offering us the opportunity to become healthy for his glory and he will see us through this too.

  3. I understand your hunger, but I must also what were you thinking of. Now, go back and follow your dietary manual and as the months go by you will learn what sits well with your new stomach and what does not. The word is trial and error all the way. Just to give an example I was unable to eat tuna fish until 1/2013 since my surgery 4/2012. Keep going and one day soon perhaps you might be able to tolerate lo mein.

  4. Hi, your situation sounds alot like mine was fter my surgery in 4/12. like you my new stomach did not tolerate eggs or tuna and chicken salad which i loved before surgery nearly made me gag, but you might need to experiment with different foods especially Protein Shakes slowly incorporating various regular foods. I started with oatmeal and worked my way up to ground beef and ground turkey. Pretty soon i could digest thingd=s well. nine months later I still yet have issues with certain especially in the morning. keep moving it all get better with time.

  5. Hi everyone, I've have strayed some, but not much to gain weight. Actually I am still losing and I am down from 336 lbs to 266 lbs which is a lost of 70 lbs since my surgery on April 24th. I try to eat a variety of Proteins and carbs. today I ate oatmeal for Breakfast and for lunch/ dinner I had turkey, a little ham, mac-n-cheese, cabbage, greens. Also, i ate in intervals allowing my food to digest. later ate another piece of ham with a slice of cake. I feel satisfied and not hungry. As i eat I began to become full and I stop going back to my meal later. in essence I eat a sample of food on my plate and leave the rest. I am so excited because at church sunday my nephew asked to take my picture after noticing my weight lost which showed more in my outfit accompained by a belt.

  6. There are days when I am able to get in my 64 oz., but I try for 32 oz. I still drink crystal light and other such drinks that are more economical, but thanks to God I am shrinking and I am happy to say that today I found several pieces of clothing that I willl soon be able to wear thanks to my 21 year old neice who forgets to take some of her things home and she is now larger than me. A few weeks ago she weighed in at a little over 300 lbs. She is in College and she is stressed eating all the time. Oh, how I remember those days, but my weight at her age was 250 lbs and I grew bigger through the years. Praise God I stared late, but I am glad for the courage and change to be afforded a way to improve.


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  7. Hello, my fellow Florida Sleevers I had surgery on 4/24 and Dr Steven Webb was my surgeon. I have been blessed to have very few issues since surgery and my return home. I am yet determined to stay active and I find that my energy level is improving more and more. On saturday I entertained a house guests and I prepared a real down home ,eal from start to finish, which had not happened in quite awhile by myself. My journey is yet in front of me, but I am happy to be 50lbs smaller and feeling much lighter.

  8. Hi and good morning to you and thanks for your post and like you i have been blessed to lose 50 pounds, but I have gone from size 30/32 to 26/28 and Iam slowly on the way to 22/24. I recently tried on a pair of slacks that I had not worn since 2007, which were size 26 and to my surprise the slacks are beginning to be baggey. I am finding old clothes that were to small in the past that are now almost to big. My husband who so supportive presented me with somr mad money and politely said, " Here go and buy you some britches". He is quite down to earth and so proud of my weight loss to the point each time I ask him how do I look he now says you look pretty. In the past he would compliment me and and say you look nice, but I here pretty all of the time even when I don't ask how I look. He will say Baby you look pretty today. I thank God for this time in my life and for change in all our lives who have choosen to select to have the Vertical Sleeve!

  9. We are pulling for each other and as we each post information regarding our individual journey it helps to encourage everyone. There are days for me when my weight seems to want to sit and not move. During these days I regroup and review what I eaten or how I have not eaten enough. I find self inventory is best and to move at the pace, which is best for me. To date from 4/24/2012 God has blessed me to lose 50lbs and one friend remarked to me you are melting, which made me feel so happy to no longer be the largest female in my church family and being able to stand in the choir without me feet and legs hurting.

    I say to God be the Glory for helping each us and allowing us a second chance to choose to become healthy. ladies and gentlemen we are blessed!

  10. Hi,

    joining the discussion late, but I was wondering the same, which allowed me to research the matter. According to the recommended daily allowance (RDA) chart for those who are in good health meaning those of us who are not hypertensive we are allowed to consume up to 2,400 mg of sodium, but those who are fighting the war of high blood presure much like me the RDA is 1,500 mg daily in order to prevent elevation in B/P. For we personally I try to read the ingredients in everything I buy in order to limit my sodium intake because sodium is in nearly everything that we buy whether the food items are purchased at our local market, sandwich shop, and even those drive thru fast food places. In the past I experienced a problem with Fluid retention and since my surgery that problem has seem to go away. I control my sodium intake at home greatly by selecting foods low in sodium including reducing my intake of cold cut meats.

  11. JimmyGotsleeved,

    I highly agree with your comment because each of our bodies are different and DNA has a lot to with how our bodies react to weight lost and illness. I learned a little while ago not to stress over my progress versus the progress of another person. My mom used to say to me, "Be yourself, and try not to be like someone else".

  12. Grocery shopping with my husband is now a joy as I can move without discomfort, and today while in Winn Dixie I noticed how I left my husband to go n search a food prodct that we needed. In the past I would have needed a riding cart, but thanks to God I am able to walk about and look for whatever I need. I felt lighter and energetic, which was different from the previous month.

    I am finding that my clothes from a frew years ago fit me now and am looking forward to becoming smaller! I GIVE ALL PRAISES AND HONOR TO GOD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE!!!!!!!!!

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