I hear you John, I also am post op 5 days and the pain is gone now I'm just a lill sore, alot of people told me story's as well those story's were always they now somebody that knows somebody, and yes I was scared but at the end of the day it was my decision, to either continue living my life the way I was or take a step into the future , with my health, I had high cholesterol , pre diabetic issues , high bmi, and if I continued this way i was gnna end up dead by 45 my doc said so wether i died from my health problems or from surgery it was inevidable . at least i Am know Taking the steps to a better future and life.Therefore this surgery Is a tool to help you loose weight and it will be a long journey but if your ready, go for it don let anyone tell you what you need to do, don't let their negative feedback hold you back a real friend will support your decisions.