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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OldMomOf3

  1. Thanks, Ilene, I appreciate the apology. I actually was offended, but all is forgiven and forgotten now. Thanks for the well-wishes.
  2. Thanks, TMF. That was helpful. I'm dying w/o Advil, and Tylenol just does not cut it. I have back troubles and it's really bad w/o Advil. I do take one extended release medication, but it's tiny and I think it will pass through (smaller than a half of a pea. I've eaten some of those raw foods and fruit w/skin and didn't get stuck, but I have a feeling that will change when I get my first fill. Right now, w/o a fill, I do have some restriction and have gotten stuck on tuna that was too dry, but after first fill I will have to learn all over what I can tolerate.
  3. Hi Cindy's Mom, 50 pounds is my personal, realistic goal, for right now. Losing 50 pounds won't put me in the "perfect" weight category, but it is my personal goal. But, why would it matter if I had the surgery for 50 or 150 pounds?
  4. Thanks, TMF, the manual was helpful. Of course I will chat with my doctor, but I won't see him for over a week and I've discovered that this whole thing isn't an exact science anyway. Just wanted to get the gist of things until I see doc again. The replies here are helpful. Thank you. There are a few things I read in the manual and I've also read this information other places, but I'm wondering if any one knows why: Avoid time release or extended release forms of medications No NSAIDS, example: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, unless approved on individual basis DO NOT EAT/DRINK at the same time. Stop drinking 30 minutes prior to eating and wait 30 minutes after eating to resume drinking Avoid fibrous vegetables (raw cabbage, raw carrots, celery, asparagus, lettuce) No seeds, nuts Avoid skins of fruits and veggies
  5. OldMomOf3

    Food Sticking In Esophagus?

    Yes, I did have the same issue with tuna. So, I didin't drain the can to make it more watery, and I used relish and mayo. I don't like to use mayo, but really wanted that tuna. Since it was the only solid food I ate that day it didn't seem to affect my weight loss.
  6. Oops, I pulled mine of on day 7...oh well! I saw the doctor on day 8 and he didn't even mention it was a problem - and he was looking at my scars and saying that they looked fine. I'm not encouraging anyone to pull them off. Definitely follow doctor's orders.
  7. OldMomOf3

    Food Sticking In Esophagus?

    I was banded 9 days ago and the same thing happens to me, and I'm on mostly liquids still. Everything makes me feel just as you described. I actually appreciate it as it keeps me from overeating. I think mine may be due to swelling since I'm just over a week out from surgery. I hope it lasts because if it does then I won't have to get a fill. I guess I like it and dislike it at the same time.
  8. I have my 1 week post-op apt today and I'm wondering if anyone has thoughts about the questions I should be sure to ask or the issues we should be sure to cover. Personally, my 3 concerns are: -what can I eat next? hahahahaha -what's with these stitches sticking out of my incisions (were supposed to be all inside, so what to do about them - they are pokey) -PORT PAIN! But what else do we need to cover??????
  9. Thanks for the reply! I had my appointment and it went well. Doc cut the stitches so they don't bother me now. Port pain is still there but getting better SLOWLY. I am now allowed to eat a few more things: Really really mashed potato, Greek yogurt and my vitamins/medications.
  10. I've been out of surgery for 48 hours now. Minor gas pains. TERRIBLE incision area pain. Can hardly move w/o feeling as if I'm tearing open all over. Insane muscle pain in entire abdomen and back. Can only take about 2 oz of Fluid or it feels like it will all come back up and I think I'll DIE if I vomit. So I'm taking liquids slowly and probably not taking enough. Pain meds bring some relief to the body, but upset the stomach. How is everyone else doing? UPDATE: Day 9: I'm pretty much back to normal, except for the port pain. It's about 75% better, but still easy to cause pain in that area. I still can't sleep on my side or do a single sit up without excruciating pain. Walking around, sitting, driving are all MUCH better in the port area than they were a few days ago. Also, my appetite is coming back (so much so that I dreamed I ate my shoe last night). Still hard to get things down my esophagus, but I find I'm hungry more often, Oh, and I'm craving Cheetos like you would not believe, but don't worry, I won't eat them.
  11. I'm starting my pre-op diet tomorrow (6/7), band 2 weeks later (6/21). Anyone in a similar place? Want to form a team for support? A few weeks post band we can join in with the current June Bandsters, but I thought it would be helpful to gather up a few of us who are later in June, and more in the same stage at this point. What are your dates: Pre-o diet? Surgery? What is your pre-op diet like and how is it going? Are you telling anyone about your surgery? Any thing else you'd like to share?
  12. OldMomOf3

    Bcbs Approval?

    BC of CA took 5 days
  13. So, here's what it was like... Surgery was at 7:30. They loaded me up with Versed before going into surgery so I was happy and have amnesia from that point until I woke up in my hospital room. I was and still am extremely sore in the entire abdomen area. Every thing causes excruciating pain. I'm on Tylenol with Codine and it does help, but I hate the way it makes me feel in the head. The gas pains were not as bad as I expected. Walking really does help - it's just that getting up and down is difficult. I can barely eat or drink but manage to get down about 20oz of Water and 8-12 oz of Protein drink. Other than the extreme pain in the abdomen, I don't have anything to report. I don't regret doing this. I'm glad to be on the other side and ready to recover. Right now I don't know how much I've lost nor do I care. I'm just to sore to care. I'll update more later. This is about as long as I can sit up.
  14. I'm now on day 4. The gas is about 70 percent resolved. It's the port that's killing me. I can hardly move. It does not show any signs of infection bot it is lumpy there. Feels like its burning and ripping when I move my core - which is pretty much every time I move. What was your port like in the first few days? When did it get better?
  15. I'm now 4 days out. No more nausea but I also have not had pain mess in 2 days and that was the source of the nausea. I have terrible pain in the port area. Can hardly move w/o excruciating pain. I guess this is normal.....? Gas pain is 70 percent resolved. I get very hungry but then can only drink about 3 oz of Fluid and then I'm uncomfortable. No complaints about that! Sadly I've only lost 1 pound. How can that be?!?! 5 days w/ little more than 500 calories a day and just 1 pound? Any thoughts on the port pain? How was your port on day 4 ish?
  16. I had 2 weeks liquid pre-op 2 weeks liquid post-op (clear plus milk and protein shakes) 1 weeks puree 1 week mushey
  17. I have 1 pill I need to take. It is an extended release pill and cannot be broken. It is fairly small - about the size of 1/2 of a Pezz candy. What has your experience been with taking pills during first few days of recovery?
  18. Now on day 3 and it's just bloody awful pain all over the entire abdomen. No improvement yet. In fact, it's worse than day 1 and 2. Hope it's better tomorrow... Fighting to get anything down. I haven't thrown anything up, THANK GOD! I think vomiting would kill me or at the very least split me open all over. Nevertheless, even liquid goes down VERY slowly and threatens to come back up. No regrets, but I can understand those to do....
  19. Does anyone know anything about a clear or flavorless Protein powder or drink? If so, will you please post what you know... How is it? What is it called? Where did you get it? Thanks
  20. Uh!! So frustrating! Kind of the same thing happened to me. Pre-op shakes, bars and veggies only. I lost weight really slowly (still have 2 days left), and it is so frustrating. LIke you, I was eating a good 1000 calories less than I was before. It does not make sense to me at all. I still don't understand it, and all I can say is, I share your frustration with this. I came to the conclusion that at some point my body would start letting go of the pounds, and it has, just not as quickly as it has for others, and not as quickly as I'd like it to. Gaining weight is more confusing! So strange. Maybe you can ask your doctor what he/she thinks....Good luck. Even if you don't drop pounds, you are doing something good for your body and I'm guessing you will start to feel the benefits soon.
  21. OldMomOf3

    Already Feeling The Isolation

    Oh, that's so sad for all of you! I'm really sorry your friends are behaving this way. I am sure you really like your friends, but sometimes we have to step back and re-evaluate our friendships. Hopefully you can have an honest discussion with your friends and let them know the way you feel and the ways they can support you. If not, it might be one of those re-evaluation periods. I know I've had to deliberately let go of some friendships in life because they weren't good for me. Perhaps, if your friends cannot accept you giving up a particular lifestyle, which you are doing for your health, then perhaps it's time to do some re-evaluating. I know it isn't fun, but just like giving up unhealthy foods, sometimes you have to give up unhealthy friendships. Seems like a selfish thing to not invite you because they don't understand or like your lifestyle changes. I think it's unhealthy to keep selfish people close in your sphere of influence. Easier said than done, know. Good luck!
  22. I'm going to Tri-Cities, in Hawaiian Gardens. They have a bariatric center of excellence, which my insurance requires me to go to. I think Saddleback has one too, but my doctor, at The New Program in Newport Beach does not do surgery at that one.
  23. Sure, I'm happy to let you know. I'm staying at the hospital on Thursday night and will probably post and up date in the "post-surgery" forum. I'll try to remember to send you a message too (not sure how to do that, but I'll figure it out ). It may not be right away, but as soon as I can, I will. If I'm feeling good I'll post from the hospital using the Ap, but not sure about that yet.
  24. Woobs, I'm glad it was helpful. My doc tried to talk me in to the sleeve, but I'm going with the band (in 2 days). I'm at peace with it. I like that it is reversable and adjustable. I did not like the idea of having a large portion of my stomach removed. What if THAT goes wrong?!?!?! If the band does not work for me we can still explore other options. Other questions that I had were: How much time should I take off of work? Will my birth control be affected by the band? What sort of OTC medications should I have one hand? When can I resume intimacy with my husband? Will you be doing the procedure or will an "assistant" or intern be involved? Best of luck to you!
  25. Someone suggested that I post my list of questions that I brought to my consultation. Some are redundant, sorry about that. I hope this helps and please add your questions too. ABOUT THE DOCTOR: How many gastric banding procedures have you done? Is he a board certified surgeon? What types of complications has this doctor personally encountered during lap band surgery and recovery and life with band? Is there a difference among the two different adjustable gastric bands? Do you have other Lap-Band® patients that I can talk to? Do you have a video or presentation that I can watch that shows the surgery? Do you specialize in the Lap-Band® or do you perform other procedures as well? Do you perform other gastric band procedures? What is the Realize band, pros/cons of each? What are the short term issues? What are the long term issues? What is the doctor's policy when a complication occurs during a procedure? (ie: does he discuss options with family or immediately convert to bypass or other WLS). What qualifications does this doctor have regarding the specific brand of band that will be used? (Lap-Band System, by Allergan or Realize Band by Ethicon/Johnson&Johnson) ABOUT THE PROCEDURE: Lap Band vs Realize? What is the “scarless surgery?” Do you perform the procedure on an outpatient basis or will it require an overnight stay in the hospital? What kind of anesthesia will I be getting? Will an anesthesiologist be present during the entire procedure Is the surgery being done at a surgery center or at a hospital? How will you protect me from infection/staff infection during the procedure? What types of complications has this doctor personally encountered during lap band surgery? PREPARING FOR SURGERY: What tests do I have to have prior to surgery? Will I need to have a special diet before surgery? Will you notify my primary care doctor about the procedure? Do you need any of my medical records prior to surgery? AFTER SURGERY CARE AND FOLLOW UP When can I resume taking medications? How soon after surgery do you want to see me for a follow up visit? How do does the doctor determine whether or not my band will need to be adjusted? Is there a direct line in case of Emergencies? When should I have my first adjustment/ fill? What will I need to have prepared when I get home in way of food items? When can I resume exercise? How will I manage my pain after surgery? How will I have to change my eating habits after surgery? How much weight should I expect to lose in the first month? FRIENDS AND FAMILY What help can you give me to help educate my family and friends so that they can also support me? LIFE AFTER BAND: How do adjustments work and how often will I need adjustments during the first year? Ongoing? How often will I have to see the doctor over the next year and at what cost? How is it better than other forms of bariatric surgeries like Gastric c Bypass and Gastric Sleeve? What is the expected weight loss? How much time will be required for losing weight? Is there possibly a better weight surgery for me?

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