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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kimmie

  1. Hey everyone...I'm Day 2 post op...I can say that I feel MUCH better than yesterday. I was able to get out of bed on my own this morning which was awesome, yesterday I was at my parent's house and had to have my dad help me.

    I'm able to shower, dress myself...pretty much just can't bend over at all. I was able to paint my toenails. It took awhile, but they look pretty now! :confused:

    I'm walking more today than yesterday, because I'm told it'll help me heal faster and I'll feel better!

    Woot! Can't wait for day 3!! :)

  2. September Challenge

    Name...................... Starting......Loss.....Current......Goal......To Go

    losingjusme.(Christine).. 273..........-4...........269.........252........17

    faithmd...................... 302.........-1.7.........300.3.......290.......10.3

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)...262..........+1..........263. .......250........13


    Kimmie.........................314........-16. ........298..........290........14

    Tinkerbell77..................317..........2.6.... . ...314.4.......299.......14.4

    Rainer (Lorraine)............298.........-8...........290..........275.......15

    Chiefsfankatie...............305...........0...... .....305..........290.......15

    jbtullis ........................300..........-2..........298..........285........13

    Elisabethsew.................278..........4....... ....274..........269........5

    Well, I'm two days post-op...and have lost another 4 pounds since I last posted in here...I'm full of gas still, so I'm constantly walking today as I have to get back to work tomorrow...LOL

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

  3. September Challenge

    Name..................Starting........Loss.......C urrent.....Goal......ToGo

    losingjusme.(Christine)..273...........-2.... .........271........252........19

    faithmd......................302............1.7... ........300.3.......290.......10.3

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)..262..............+4...........266. ......250........16

    insubordination.............300...........-2.2........ .297.8......292.......5.8

    Kimmie........................314.............-12. ........302........290........12

    Tinkerbell77..................317............0.... ........317........299........18

    Rainer (Lorraine)............298............8............ 290.......275........15

    Chiefsfankatie...............305...........0...... .......305........290.........15

    jbtullis ........................300...........2........... .298..........285.........13

    Woot..I'm officially down 12 pounds since the start of my liquid diet...I hope to reach 300 by Friday (the day of my surgery!) I start ALL Clear liquids tomorrow...fun stuff! B)

  4. I was weighed last night at the doctors...when I got my surgery date...Woot! Down 6 pounds!! :) I'll be having surgery next Friday! :)

    September Challenge

    Name...........................Starting........Los s.......Current.....Goal......ToGo

    losingjusme.(Christine)........273...........1.... .........272........252........20


    ridinmyhddream (Carol)........262..............0.............262. ......250........12

    insubordination...................300............. 0........... .300........292........8

    Kimmie..............................314........... ..-6. ...........308........290........24

    Tinkerbell77. . . . . . . . . . . .317 . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . .317 . . . .299 . . . .18

    Rainer (Lorraine).................298.............4...... .........294.......275........19

    Chiefsfankatie...............305...............0.. .............305............290......15

    jbtullis ........................300...............2....... ......298..........285.........13

  5. I've yet to be banded...but I will be in just a few weeks ;) I've started the liquid diet this past Friday...so I'm going to join! :)

    Name..............................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo

    losingjusme..(Christine)..........273............. . 0.............273.........252..........21

    faithmd.................................302....... ........0............302..........290.........12

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)..........262................0............2 62. .........250........12

    insubordination......................300.......... ......0........... 300...........292.........8


  6. Damn...sounds like the same thing I'm going through. My stuff was submitted, but the chick forgot 3 important papers that caused me to be denied. I'm switching surgeons...and am moving right along with my second place. I meet the doctor next week and send everything to my insurance company. They accepted all of my paperwork from the original place...

    good luck to you!

  7. still nothing on my end...still waiting to hear back from insurance. 3 months of visits to my MD and a letter were faxed over to them today...we'll see if they accept that!

    sorry i've not been around...just depressed cuz everyone around me is getting the surgery....and then there's me. waiting...still...6 months later :eek:

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