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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kimmie

  1. Woot...that's awesome girl! :)

    I hope to lose fast like that....or even slow, just as long as it comes off some how! :D

    As soon as I get the paper that states I can exercise again...I'll be at the gym the next day! I'm ready. I know I'm not ready for extremely strenuous exercises...but something other than walking sounds fun!

    Keep up the good work...you're almost there!! Woot woot!

  2. Hey....I started my journey with a BMI of 51 point something. I had to get it below 50 before my insurance company would approve me. I lost 15 pounds, and it was 49 point something. I'm continuing to work on it, and now have it down to about 46!

    I never saw this thread, and wish I would have seen it awhile ago when I needed some support in losing the initial weight!

    My pre-op diet was all SF liquids, Protein Shakes, and broth! I, for once, can honestly say that I didn't cheat!!!!! I stuck to it...and am still sticking to it! I've had some amazing SF popsicles that get me through the sweet tooth part...not to mention the Calcium chocolate chews I'm taking! Woot!!

  3. Congrats to all my fellow bandsters...and future bandsters!!! I was banded on the 14th of this month, and feel awesome! My port incision is still a little sore, but I'm doing okay! Still not doing any hectic activity or lifting anything heavy...per my doctor's orders!

    I go in on Tuesday for my first post-op check up! Will report what he says asap!

    I'm up for an October challenge...as I want to lose 45 pounds by the end of the year! I'm hoping to be released to exercise in early October...we'll see!!

  4. September Challenge

    Name...................... Starting....Loss....Current.....Goal......To Go

    losingjusme.(Christine).. 273..........-4...........269.........252........17

    faithmd...................... 302.........-4.6.........297.4.......290.......7.4

    ridinmyhddream (Carol)...262..........+1..........263. .......250........13


    Kimmie.........................314........-19. ........295..........290........5

    Tinkerbell77..................317..........2.6.... ....314.4.......299.......14.4

    Rainer (Lorraine)............298.........-12...........286..........278.......8


    jbtullis ........................300..........-2..........298..........285........13

    Elisabethsew.................278...........6...... ....272..........269........3

    I'm in awe right now...kinda getting teary eyed, as I have never accomplished anything like this. Setting a goal, and ALMOST reaching it! I have no doubt I'll reach it within the next week and a half! I'll have to come up with a good goal for October next! WOOT!!!

    Congrats everyone that's losing...ya'll rock!!

  5. Almost my entire family knows...because we have many get together's through the years...and eventually they'd find out. I'd rather they get it from the horses mouth, than people make up stories. Only had one cousin and his wife who were unsupportive....but I really don't need their support anyways. I've got support everywhere else! :car:

    At work (I'm a teacher), the kids know I had surgery, just don't know what kind of surgery. It's hard, because when I laugh, cough, or do something with my stomach...I automatically move my hand over my port. LOL That incision is what hurts the most. A few of my fellow teachers and administration know what happened....and that's because they are my friends :)

  6. I've never known the port to be so high...that's interesting! Glad everything is going well since your surgery! My incisions are MUCH better. I'm actually able to bend over...can't quite tie my shoes yet. I guess if I lifted my leg up on a seat I could do it...but I'd rather wear flip flops and sandals on these last few days before it gets cold out!

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