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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kimmie

  1. I'm a high school teacher...still preband...but am looking to be banded w/in two months if all goes well! I was hoping to get it done over spring break, but my psych eval couldn't get scheduled until March 30th! :welldoneclap:

    My surgery will be on a Thursday, and I'm going to go back to work the following Monday.

  2. Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I've been searching these forums day in and day out since I found out about them! Last weekend I went to a seminar here in my town, and I was hooked since. I've got my first appointment next Thursday with my doctor/nutritionalist/insurance chick....I'm curious to know what the next step/steps is/are?? I saw a post on here the other day, and for the life of me I can't find it! LOL

    I'm excited to be here...and will get my before pictures sometime this week...and then I'm off to continue on my journey! I've got quite a bit of weight to lose, I'd say I'd like to lose around 150lbs...but I have a feeling it'll be more than that! :)

    See ya'll later!!!!!


  3. Just thought I'd make my first post here...I've just joined the forums today! I'm from Northwest Indiana, and am going to be having the banding done at DayOne Health in Chicago. My first apt. is on March 8th! If my insurance doesn't cover the banding, I've got an amazing family that is going to help pay for it! :)

    It's nice to meet you all! I'm looking forward to being here quite often!

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