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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kimmie

  1. Kimmie

    Starting weight: 274

    Current Weight: 262

    Green Day Weight: 260

    DOWN So Far: 12 lbs

    LBS TO GO: 2 lbs

    Well, I was 2 pounds off, but glad I was able to lose 12 pounds in the last month. This weekend I had a little more alcohol that I had wanted lol, which is why I think I didn't lose more weight. But I'm happy as hell! :shades_smile: It's all gonna work out in the end!

  2. So...I joined Eharmony for a few months in November-December...and met the most amazing guy from there! We finally met up last week after talking online and on the phone for 2 months, and have been inseparable since! We had our serious talk over the weekend, and I finally decided to let him know about the band. He was totally okay with it all, and was asking questions to know more information about it! Never thought I'd get that kind of response! :smile:

  3. Girl you can do it! I've had a crazy week...I'm down to about 267 this morning. I'm not sure how I did that...except that I've not been eating as much as normal! I've not been eating past 7pm as well. Though, last night I had two glasses of wine!!

    Everyone is doing awesome...I'm still holding on to the last few days and am going to push hard as hell to make my goal by Monday!

  4. I haven't weighed myself in a few days...I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a cruise, so I'll be back in a little over a week! Last night I kept sliming...for some reason a little Pasta got stuck, and it never usually does. That was not a pleasant experience. Though, it caused me not to eat anything the rest of the night! lol Have a good week ya'll, see ya when I get back!

  5. I just got over Bronchitis myself...I went right to the doctor and had him give me some medicine (we're going on a cruise next week for my sister's wedding). I have a little post-nasal drip still, but it's slowly going away. It hasn't bothered my eating...oddly enough. Though when I was sick last weekend, I lost a few pounds from not eating a lot! :biggrin:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  6. I'm wearing green pants in honor of this challenge today....BRIGHT green actually lol Just got back from the gym, and am about to clean a bit before heading off to get my bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding next weekend! A nice NSV there...they ordered me a size 28, only needing to take off at least 8 inches :thumbup: Woot! Hopefully it fits...if not she'll have to take more off before next weekend! Eep!

    Go green!!!

  7. I'm going to change mine a bit...because when I weighed myself this morning, I was at 274! Besides...I want to make it a little more challenging for myself! I would like to see 250 by April 1st!


    Starting weight: 274

    Current Weight: 274

    Green Day Weight: 260

    DOWN So Far: 0 lbs

    LBS TO GO: 14 lbs



    Current Weight: 218.5

    Starting Weight: 218.5

    Green Day Weight: 204.5

    DOWN so far: 0 lbs.

    LBS to go: 12 lbs.


    Georgia Girl

    Starting Weight: 266

    Current Weight: 266

    Green Day Weight: 254

    DOWN so far: 0 lbs.

    LBS to go: 12 lbs

  8. Congrats on getting started! I'm 28 and was banded back in September. I started my journey at 330 and am down to about 273-274ish. I wish I would have started sooner...but am glad that I'm making this change now! I have a little under 100 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I have high hopes in reaching that by the end of the year, but I'm not going to over-do anything. If it happens, it does....if not, i'll be soon!

  9. Oh, and after surgery, don't laugh, cough, sneeze. They all hurt too. :scared2:
    Very true...I had to baby my cough and prayed that I didn't sneeze. The second day after my surgery I was at my sister's house (she had Kim-duty) and my cousins were over...we were playing monopoly or something and I couldn't stop laughing. I kept holding my stomach so it wouldn't hurt that bad. lol Even a few weeks after, the laughing sometimes hurt.

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