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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kimmie

  1. Kimmie

    Sex Life

    I have always had a huge sex drive...big or small. Being single though, doesn't really help that. LOL I've had a few flings here and there, but nothing that would develop into something serious...which is what I want! I'm too old for these games anymore! :thumbdown:
  2. Kimmie

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    Me too...though I've finally got restriction and have been losing! I was 290 for like 2 months straight! I've increased my cardio, usually hit the gym twice a day. I'm averaging 10-12 times a week at the gym. Completely insane...but I'm motivated for once! I stepped on the scale this morning to see 277! Can't even tell you the last time I remember being that weight! It's been a long, long time! Good luck everyone, ya'll are doing awesome!
  3. Well, I finally had time to figure out how to put some pictures together. So far...only have the face, will work on the body tomorrow or another day! I can see a major difference...of course, I have quite a long ways to go yet! Happy New Year Everyone!
  4. Kimmie

    What is wrong with me?

    I'm with ya'll...I've been stuck since I can remember. Heck I'm even up a few pounds...I'm going to blame Christmas for that. I go today for another fill, and feel miserable even going in there because the scale has went up...not down. It's frustrating. I don't eat many carbs, sugars...hell, I eat healthy 95% of the time! The other 5% is usually sugar free snacks that I probably should cut out. Grrr!!
  5. Kimmie

    Have you had your 2nd fill?

    Woot...I need that loss of 2-3 pounds a week! I've been at a standstill forever it seems!
  6. Kimmie

    Soft Stop

    Nope...I sure hope I get it soon though! *crosses fingers that tomorrow does the trick!*
  7. Kimmie

    50 lbs Down!!!!

    Congrats...I'm almost there! These 5 pounds are a pain!
  8. Glad everything went well!
  9. Kimmie

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Well I'm back to the officially being single thing. The Nate thing didn't work out..."He Just Wasn't That Into Me!" I'm glad I can finally admit that....and not feel so shitty about it! After reading that book, I've learned that if a guy isn't going to dig me....then it's his loss! I tried the Eharmony thing...and started talking to this amazing guy. We now are talking on the phone daily, with emails as well. He lives 2 hours away...so who knows where this will go! :eek:
  10. Don't eat too much! I can't for some turkey and green beans! YUM!!
  11. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal...........To Go Kimmie................285....................285.............270....................15
  12. Kimmie


    I had some last night, and it went down fine. I had a piece for lunch...and OMG it hurt SOOOOO bad. I assume that was sliming...but who knows.
  13. Kimmie


    Well hot diggity damn....I experienced the sliming thing yesterday. I would cough up mucus...until the food came up. Which, I assume, is this PBing thing everyone talks about. I was NOT very happy....needless to say, I didn't eat anything the rest of the day! LOL
  14. Kimmie


    There wasn't much mucus...but my mouth was watering. lol Was the worst thing ever! I won't rush anymore (Tho I thought I was going slow...lol) eye yi yi!
  15. Kimmie

    Port flipped!!!

    that's friggin' awesome girl!!
  16. Kimmie


    Welcome to the board!! There's a TON of information here to keep ya busy reading for hours!
  17. Kimmie

    Monthly Weight Loss Report

    Stacy 73… 40 TulipStar…22 Mdicurn…20 time4me…27.8 Magooz07…11 Caresarn…16 Klpdbl…31 Lapband4me...32 Sirusman…45 Allisarin…23 Tishamarie…49 EL1…23 Juliacleone…14 Kimmie…45 dsmit13…23 ScareDcat…32 Lapitup…22.5 mandi78…23 andrea71…28 Thinmom…23 Kellymovingon...35 flipper64...30 kagoscuba...37 Lucylu...15 Gurlygirl....23 Amber...39 suzygayle Linda E......24.5 lbs Texrose 575 .....24.0 lbs
  18. Kimmie

    Have you had your 2nd fill?

    Yup...I could tell a difference after the second fill. I'm actually getting a third on Tuesday! Woot!
  19. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal...........To Go abckids..............303.........................3 03...........270..................33 alwayscurious........245......................245. ............212...............33 Amelia40...............270.................... 270................240..............30 areellady...............232....................226 .5...........212...............14.5 argon..................162.....................148 ...............142................6 Ariel....................207.................... 199 ..............182................17 aussie_jode...........212......................212 .............190..................22 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ............145..................19 Babygrl1234...........215......................201 ............190.................11 Becky42................253.....................248 ...............220...............28 bekafina.................225.....................2 25.............199................26 Cherrybomb...........311....................306 ..............291................15 chickatee..............203.....................193 ..............175................18 chocolate_snaps......344....................342... ...........299................43 cQQlgirl..................225...................21 8................185..............33 Chris_NJ................284....................250 .................250...........0 cindyluhu...............194....................193 ...............180.............13 dacer123...............243....................239. ..............223................16 Denise...................170....................17 0...............155...............15 Denise..................244.....................24 4...............220................24 Desertbunnee.........232....................207. .............180................27 DonnaD................185.....................185. .............170................15 eclipse..................215.....................2 12..............199................16 faithmd................303.....................303 ............ 283...............16.7 glindab................ 277.....................269...............250..... .. .......19 gonnabfree............231....................231.. ..............205................26 Guinessgirl77.........241...................241 ..................210..............31 gweniper..............253.....................228. ...............223...............30 hf2havefun...........240......................240. ..............210................30 ihadenuf................216....................216 ................190................26 itsjustducky...........317....................317. ................297...............20 james2539............235.4.................235.4 ................220.............15.4 jfran………......……….212……….............196.......... .........19 6………………0 jglong54...............206....................206. .................195.............11 jadrad7.................224....................224 .................200..............24 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ...............220...............26 Jeni 85.................237....................226.... .............207..............19 joisey....................307....................3 07................290...............17 josiebies...............188......................1 69................165................4 JulieNYC................155.....................14 9.................136..............13 Kaelin's G-Ma.........272....................272............. ......220.............12 KarenG................. 240.....................223...................215. ...........8 katalin.e................230.....................1 79.................150..............29 Keekahari..............230......................21 8..................215............3 Kellymovingon........207......................196 .................187............9 Kimmie.................296.....................285 ..................270.............15 ladydi............. .....233.....................228.................2 08...............20 legster..................261....................23 4................228...............6 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6................186...............30 LifeLover..............289.....................271 ..............259................12 LilMissBandAid.......276.8...................276.8 ............265...............11.8 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................160 ................160...............20 losingjusme...........273.....................263. ...............238................25 luvinke..................225.................. ..223..................195..............28 maddog.................230.....................230 ................205..............25 marcar35...............277.....................259 ................250.............9 mcgreen...............236......................210 .................210..............0 METALBAND...........187.....................177... ..... .......167..............10 momlambert..........207.....................194... .............185................9 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200................29 Peache8887...........330.....................306.. ...............275..............31 pmmegm..............248.....................248... ...............228..............20 Rainer..................298................... 265..................258................7 robgoblin87............279...................279.. ................250...............29 SC2VA..................233.....................233 ..................200..............33 sdakotaRN.............254.....................254. ................225..............29 Short C................. 166....................166.................146.. ............20 Soniacan...............198.5..................198. 5.............175.............23.5 Stacy73.................259.....................23 4...............230...............4 Sunny112..............215.....................151. ...............140...............11 Suzzzie. ...............349....................317.6....... .......320............-2.4 sweethot143..........197....................188... ...........175.................13 tanderson..............231.....................231 ...............199................32 teacher.................236.....................23 6.............200................36 ToniaPatt …..........286……….....……......283………......... 243.… ........…40 UK-Lady...............255.....................223.... ...........210.................13 Wannabthin...........231......................222. .............211................20 want2beme...........225.....................225.. ............195................30 wen.....................288......................2 84..............255................29 Whosyadaddy.........388.....................369... ...........335................43
  20. Kimmie

    2 Months Out Today.

    Yeah...today is my 2 month bandiversary! I'm down to about 285-286 ( I need to update my ticker). That puts me at a loss of 44-45 pounds! Woot! I've got another fill Tuesday, so hopefully that will do more damage! Woot! I noticed yesterday, I pushed myself harder at the gym...and I seemed to have lost a pound. Could be mental...so we'll see tonight!
  21. Kimmie

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Yeah...I do that or I order Chicken fingers with Mashed potatoes....Those usually go down really well.
  22. Kimmie

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    So far, both of the guys that showed interest in me (including Nate)....I've told about the band. Both seemed rather interested and intrigued about the band. I guess it just depends. I figured that I'll be upfront with everything. Either they like me, or they don't! I read a book called "He's Just Not That Into You"....and it made everything make so much more sense!
  23. Kimmie

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I've met a couple guys from online dating sites. The first guy I met online was from americansingles.com. This was a few years ago. We hit it off well...and continued dating for a few months. He had to move because of his job, and I wasn't into the long distance thing. We both went our separate ways...and just recently (September) started talking again because he's moved back in town. We met up for drinks a couple of times...and then he had me over to his place a few times for some games and hanging out. I just went there this past weekend and had one of the *best* times with him...which did NOT include sex. That was awesome....I'm totally fallin' for him again. He liked me when I was my biggest, and seems to continue liking me....I'm not going to give my hopes up on this....but I'm curious to see where it's going to go. If anything...it's a nice step back out into the dating world!
  24. Kimmie

    Port flipped!!!

    Awe, I'm sorry to hear that! My port has turned a little since the surgery, but it's still accessible. Like Tulip said...it's just a lil' bump in the road on our journey!
  25. Kimmie

    Have you had your first fill?

    I just got home a lil' while ago from gettin' my second fill. Fun stuff...hopefully when I move to mushy/soft foods I'll notice a difference!

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