Sue in Russia
LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by Sue in Russia
sheesh, I thought I was on the wrong site. You guys are moving too fast for me. Tammj- so sorry for your loss!! i am also worried that I will be too tight. Did that show up right away?? I am sorry you will miss your trip to Las vegas. I saw where you have 2 boys. I have 3, they are real mommy boys. I was blessed enough to have a girl and she is a joy and such a character. I have to say that she thinks my husband hung the moon though.She looks exactly like me though.Do you want any more?? Juli- I have to say you make me laugh...how's it going? You have also lost alot no?? I love buying makeup and hair stuff!I really don't wear alot of makeup but mascara but I love buying it. I really have quite the perfume collection, mostly because I travel alot and buy it in the airport. Love candles too. Ok, so woke up today to see that AirItalia is on strike, grrrr, don't they know that I must have my fill on Wed.????????????????????????????????? They had better get it together. Gotta go, I'll be back later. Today I am baking using new gluten free flours for my son who has celiac. Fun, fun. One more thing..Tracy- huge change!!!!!!!!! How is it going? Are you on liquids or soft foods?? It's great to be done isn't it?? ok now I gotta go
I'm here , reading and just waiting for my fill. Isabellama- i have done colonics. I wouldn't say I loved it b/c that wouldn't sound right but it sure does work. I felt great afterward and you feel great getting all that toxic stuff out. If I could do it once a month I sure would. The stool softeners always work for me. WHERE THE HECK DID PAM GO?? She used to post so much and then ...nuthin'!! I am still doing the same stuff here, mom and dad leave on monday and I leave for France monday too. XXOO Sue
Guns- so glad you said you can't cut and paste, I too am a techno geek. i will do the challenge too, I need to relook at the choices. Thanks tammyj for keeping us accountable. I can't remember who said what but... I don't get too much port pain, sometimes when I am walking for awhile. No, furball yet but plenty of the golfball incidents...shit, it's hqard as heck not to panic. Kyethra- glad to see the surgery went well.I have to say that on more than one occassion I have thought that you are so wise beyond your years. I want to respond to more but I have to jump in the shower and rock before my parents come back with the babies and it's nuts again. The babies got bikes yesterday. My 2 year old is obcessed with it. At 7:30 this morning he was cleaning it with wipes. So cute.
sorry- should be Tammyj , typing is not my thing.
Tammj- I was referring to being electrocuted for eating chocolate,something that Josie said. I believe she wanted her band zapped everytime she would eat chocolate. Sorry it was confusing.
Sugarbear-Actually my dad is a great help. I really don't mind it's just so damn hectic with all the people. i would love casseroles though. Did you have a fill or you waiting for your first one? or did you have one a get no restriction?? i got my tix for France. Bless my husband, first class Air Italia. AND, because it's a holiday, I have to add another day. I guess I just go shopping. I think it's turning into a mini holiday...sucks I'm going alone. Tammyj-I am scared of the phen drugs but I sure could use something. I like the zapped thing for chocolate.Sheesh , I could have used that yesterday. Ok, off to put the troops to bed and start a movie. Hope I can stay awake.
Josie- OUCH, that sounds so painful!!!!!!!!!!! I have never had a pb, and now i am really not looking forward to it. Is it still hurting when you breath? Bless your heart, you were really sick and struggling. Take the meds and be well. Sophie- you go girl and dance on the piano. My parents are here visiting and i have had to break out the wine on more than one occassion and the buzz is quit lovely. Parents can be so much work you know?? Mine are 74 and 73, in good health thank God, but sometimes I feel like they are like Jerry Seinfeld's parents. Ok- well, one more week. My house is way full!! yesterday was my worst band day yet- wine and chocolate!! I am still at the same weight and know I might be grateful. My periods should start tomorrow..no wonder I feel like I could eat anything. BBL girls..off to put the chicken in the oven.
Tammyj-don't worry, it is only temp. I am sure of it. Just get right back on track. The absolute best thing about the band is that it's not going anywhere. We just take alittle break, and we are off again. It's not a diet, we are in it for life. I kind of find it to be liberating. We are gonna be superstars..I just know it. Have a couple of chips and that's it...no biggie. Don't beat yourself up. LLSibley- I have to think about a response to you...we have work to do in that category.It is going to take longer than 5 weeks grasshopper...i am only being silly, but i know that it is hard work. I think you got great advice from Hazel. We have to stay on the positives. bbl...
Julie- I think at any healthfood store, and probably Traderjoe's and Wholefoods. Here I got them at the drugstore. They are little wafers, sweet tasting, kinda tart. Chew about three of them up and i swear twice they have cleared up the golfball and pain pretty quickly. By the way , I also have heard pineapple juice is awesome for this same thing.
Atta girl, i'll be watching out for you. did you ever consider putting the scale away for alittle while. Say, one week to give yourself a break from that stress? I know it's hard to do, but just for alittle bit at a time? Good luck!
Hi SG dodge, where have you been girl??I had alittle break too, my parents are visiting. Afrykanvylot- now you just can't worry about the bathing suit. Get it on and get into the water and start moving , all is good. Just remember you are not out in the open you are in the water. I know what Kyethra is saying about getting wet. On holidays, I spend all the time swimming but we have a pool in my complex and there is something not appealing about cold and wet. Couple that with leaving the building and walking home in the snow...ugh. Oh before I forget again, Tammyj-LOVE the hair short!! You have lost alot of weight, are you feeling it? Bandstar- how are you doing? i am mad at your floroscope people-didn't they know that they would use the tables for people having WLS...sheesh,here's another hug for you. Janine- love planning parties!! my husband is Jewish and just told my son if he would like a Bar Mitsvah that he would do it with him...i thought that was kinda cool. Sophie- i have to tell you that your story about passing out was quite scary. I am glad to see that you are feeling so great. i am worried about flying to france and doing mine alone, but i am sure that i will be fine. Do you know right away if you are in trouble?? Medge- i am waiting, waiting for a fill. I have to wait 9 weeks from the start. Seems terribly long to me.everytime I think that it's like i don't have the band..bang!!!!!!!!I get a golfball incident. had one yesterday that lasted for about an hour. damn chiken soup..but i tried those papaya enzymes ,they are the bomb....it's like draino. LOVE them!!! can't really comment on the fastfoods, we had to totally eliminate them because my older son has celiac and can't eat anything there so we just don't. We have the largest McDonalds's in the world here...it has 2 floors!!!!!!!! Russians LOVE LOVE LOVE fast food. Well, that's it. I'll be back later. Where is Pam and momlambert??
I read your posts all the time, and even though i know you are struggling you ALWAYS seem to give such sweet and loving advice to others. Please don't be so hard on yourself, you are stronger than you know. Put down those cookies, today is another day!!
Oh Bandstar that is just terrible. They should have a backup plan. Don't be embarrassed, they should be for not being able to service their patients with dignity. Keep your chin up.
hey kids...it's me!! just trying to stay above water, my parents are visiting and I am cooking non stop for 8 people every day..my son got very sick and I am just exhausted. I am following just not writing. I am sorry that josie felt like we weren't listening, I have felt that exact way. BUT, I don't think it's so true..usually I am reading and nodding my head, agreeing and many times you guys make me laugh. I have to participate some more. LOVE march Band.. Hazel HUGE difference!!!!! where's Pam? i am holding the same weight loss. feel pretty good. have to eat really slow. My fill isn't until May 9th..that's 9 weeks. Ugh!!! Love to all! back to the kitchen..it's snowing today! Sue
Don't worry girl, I have to wait 10 weeks for my first fill. My Dr. waits 8 weeks, then there's a holiday in Europe on the day he does fills soooooooooooo,10 weeks it is! WE WILL DO FINE AND BE EVER SO GRATEFUL! See you back in our thread.....
man, I realized i'm an idiot. Sorry if that post was offensive to those who are suffering and not eating yet. I didn't think before I typed. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Thanks Tammy! Already April! I am doing well. getting ready for Sunday dinner. Got a slow cooker this weekend. This is my first time cooking with it. Pork roast ,potatoes, carrots, yummy tomato/bar bq type sauce. Sure smells good. Made home made spoonbread and asparagus too. Made blueberry muffins today too. Don't really miss eating them but they sure look good. Tammy how is the eating going??
Pam and Sugarbear-I have to wait for 8 weeks May 8th I believe for the fill. I will write today and ask about earlier. Now, it's really going to work out fine schedule wise because I have my parents visiting until the 7th and remember I have to fly to France.I have a question for you guys though, my dr. here, primary, says he is very familiar with ports and would be happy to do any fill/unfills. What do you all think about that? Too risky? Too technical? Too much of a speciality? Just would save me an enormous amount of time and money. For the first 2 I would prefer to go back to the lovely Dr. Frering. I don't have a big plan pam. i like lo carb lots. I am planning just to limit, limit and get going on the exercise. i am walking and using the bike. I do the bike throughout the day 10 minutes at a time.I am finding out that it is much easier for me to eat at dinner than the day..anybody else? Pills, the only one i take is a vitamin and I split it. Any hair losers? Should i freak? Mom is bringing Nioxen and bioten. Can you reccomend anything else? Pam you are so funny with the eggs LOL I love eggs. I found out recently that i am highly reactive to them, I miss them though. Last nite I made Thai meatballs with ground pork..YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And pasta with peanut sauce. Do you guys eat salads? Is there anything to avoid? Man, I bet that takes a while to eat ugh? Special hi to Karen- how's dad holding up sweetie?Are you taking care of yourself? Ok- off to start the day.BBl
Ok ladies, I want alittle sympathy...my surgeon makes you wait 8 weeks, not a typo there, 8888888888888888888888888888888 weeks. OMG that seems so long for me?? I had a couple chips yesterday and really beat myself up. This is going to be a real learning curve. Plus, I lost some hair and that made me freak!! Anyone else??
HOLY GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!had a situation with sf pudding today..ate it too fast I guess, no pb or slime JUST P-A-I-N!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG, MY QUESTION IS HOW WILL WE KNOW IF WE ARE HAVING A HEART ATTACK OR NOT??Seriously, that is not something I don't want to happen again. I have only had sips of water since . Pam and others did you guys panic? I had to talk myself off the ceiling and used my beloved heating pad and burped and it finally passed. Momlambert- your posts about your dad kinda made my eyes misty. I am so sorry that you are going through this now. Just remember that this is major surgery and you must take care. I live in fear of something happening to my parents and I am so far away. Take care ok? Spend as much time with him as you can, the memories will last you a lifetime.ps. don't tell them of your surgery if it causes you more stress..stress is bad. Magnolia- congrats on the loss! I had the baked ricotta and it was delish- actually one of my favorites. Denise- believe it or not I have never eaten cream of wheat and 2 weeks ago was my first serving of oatmeal. It was delish, not a big fan of hot cereal I guess. kyethra- how is everything going? Is the pain settling down?Interesting getting used to living with this band!
Hi all!! Congrats and goodluck to everyone who is getting banded!! You will do just fine. Holy cow, there have been alot of posts, I wiill add my answers , maybe not personals..but here goes. I had had both constipation and the runs. I second the colace , it does work great and is not harsh. I am eating a couple of hi-fiber crackers with my tunafish and that helps too. The tunafish is great by the way-takes a longtime to eat i can and do eat the whole can- i feel like i really need the Protein to feel full. I don't have a ticker Bikergirl- (I might have to call pam too)I started at 248..ack i can't even believe that. By the way i loved your bikes in the picture i saw in your garage. I don't think I have great restriction. but what I do have is not the same every day. Saturday I had a ton and Sunday I WAS HUNGRY and grumpy because I just wanted to eat and not worry about all the band stuff. I was happy to go to bed. I am officially eating real food and it is going well. Last night I had a chicken patty and half of a sweet potato and alittle brocoli smushed up. It took ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time to eat and honestly I was still hungry but that was it for the night. I don't have any advice on taking meds cause i don't take any but i heard that the pudding thing works great and they always use that in nursing homes to get meds down. My incisions are good - i DO get pain after walking around for awhile I guess that will go away after while- does anyone else get that? Pam, I agree with you about eating. I think this is going to be alot lot easier to deal with if we have a steady learning curve and not make ourselves crazy with the "forbidden"foods. BTW- who is chris? That's about it- off to buy bedding for the babies. They BOTH went into big peoples beds in the last 2 weeks and I need extra bedding. I'm going to Ikea and have to feed my candle addiction. Anyone else love candles?? It is almost spring in Russia- the snow is almost gone THANK-GOD!!!!!!!!!
ok, so it looks like I'm down about18 pds. BUT i think my stomach is still swollen because even though things fit better the waistline is still tight on many things. How can that be I ask you?? Anyhoo, i am glad about the loss. My incisions look great. At the end of the day i have to say that certain ones seem alittle tender to me. I am still mainly on soups, soft foods. I did have some taco meat with ricotta cheese and it was easy and yummy. i feel I really need protein.
geez Lara, i don't know what the heck is the matter with me but you post made my mouth water..............
kssunflower- no sweetie , you have not gone off the deep end. i was in France for my surgery and I was eating the most wonderful food in the days before. I was so glad to get to the hospital..i was so stuffed!!!! I say enjoy-don't make youself sick and don't beat yourself up. one thing I tell myself instead of i will never...is I but slower and smaller quanities. Somehow that makes me feel better. I saw someone else say to swirl feta cheese into the tomato soup for more protein and also some sourcream. yummy. I made chicken soup and pureed everything ,returned it to the broth and added coconut milk..YUMMY!!!!!!!!! It was very filling , thanks Annie! good luck band friends today! kyethra- how are you holding up with the pain???I have 3 boys with red hair by the way- all different shades of red. My little girl has blond but I reallywanted her to have red!!
LARA-YES,YES,YES that sneeze almost killed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have that same pressure you feel in your chest-sometimes I just have to burp!!!!!! Good luck everyone!!!