Sue in Russia
LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by Sue in Russia
Good luck Tammy- yes, one week later a drink would still be nice! Today I am grumpy and hungry...I am sick of liquids. I am making some MORE chicken soup as we speak. While I remember this..has anyone else sneezed???????????? OMG..did that hurt my port or what..thought i was gonna die..anyone else?? I didn't do anything to my band? Geez, this is like worrying in pregnancy..sheesh. i'll be back.
Pam-just so you know sweetie, i am not criticizing you or anything..I was merely asking what worked for you. i don't want to embarrass you by you telling me anything that you ate. i was asking you because you are alittle ahead of me and I am interested in what worked. Just so you know , in Europe, they get you onto real foods, slowly, starting on day 6.I know you would have stopped if you had pain. Do you eat oatmeal by the way?At any rate, i wish you only the best with your band and i really enjoy your posts and your spirit. tammy- if that day here? OH MY WORD- how are you holding up??You are gonna be great- i won't lie that trip to the hospital and getting underway is unnerving!!!!!!! It is sooooooooo exciting. how's everone holding up?
Linda-I was always afraid of the bypass surgery, although there are alot of people that do just fine with the surgery and weight wise it is usually a good thing. I have read alot of people gain back, but that can be true of anything weight related. What i would say is that if your Dr. is bypass oriented and you want the lapband I might go to someone who specializes in lapband . Good-luck I know it is alot of info and big choices to make. Pam-Could you tell me what foods you first started out on that didn't cause you too much trouble. I see what you are saying about the band and trusting your instincts with foods..probably a good approach. Ouch on the chicken..how far out were you? Annie-I don't know if I have restriction , I am not eating very much so it's hard to say. Like i said Iam alittle intimidated by food at this second. I'm sure that will pass. how are you doing with the water? seems hard to get it in. How is your swelling/if any/ I seem to be getting to the end of that myself. I am anxious to see my incisions.I still have steri-strips on them. Synicalchick- how do your incisions look/ have you seen them? All who are new..hello. we have quite a big group- i am not ignoring you. Looking forward to hearing everyone's story. Char- how are things today?
Gail- thanks for the idea! can i ask if you were using a flavored protein powder? I guess whatever you have to mix it with to get it in. i know that the protein is important. So, on the soup , about 1/2 cup to 1 cup? just curious if we are all eating about the same amount. can you imagine us eating that amount ??crazy...
Annie- that's a great idea. So , does that count as clear? I only had to do clear 3 days and then thick soups etc. believe it or not if i thought I was ready i can start real foods V-e-r-y slowly. I am not ready. Are you hungry??
good luck to everyone today!!!!!!!! char- bless your heart, you have had quite a go of it. hope you are on the mend now- feel better,k? today is a good day. no pain at all even at the port. i bought this soy protein stuff with a large amount of protein stuff in it in france. today i decided i needed to get going with it- mixed it up OMG, GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to say that it was disgusting would be a step up..but then I had an idea to mix a couple tsp.into yogurt and voila, i think i can do it.I cannot stand the taste or smell of these shakes- how do you guys do it?????? I would love to know what tou guys are eating besides broth, tomato soups(I love them)creamy potatoes, tea , gatorade clear juices. what about protein sources?cheeses? cottage and yogurt? i baked some ricotta with tomato sauce it was way yummy..what else should i try??
Actually, i don't have too much in the way of gas pain either. But, my port sight was hurting and i just put it on top of my t-shirt..ah lovely. Ok- good news -poop accomplished. TMI , I know. Can i just say that tonite i was hungry and my family had some of my favorites. Steak,pasta with sauce ,salad and here's the killer..garlic bread. I am on soft/mushie so i made myself soft baked ricotta and tomato sauce. Had my cup serving and you know, it was delish. I needed to get some protein..I was hungry. I also made homemade applesauce for tomorrow. It looks yummy. I will blend some cottage cheese in. I am staying with soft for a bit. I have to admit i am alittle intimidated by food right now. I get kinda freaked that I will get sick. I know it's a learning curve..i have to be patient and learn this one step at a time. Synicalchick- how are you feeling? mary- shame on him- is he perhaps dealing with the surgery in his own way? does he have a weight problem? Sometimes i think partners have a hard time b/c they are losing their eating partner? I have no idea if that's you guys, but i know my husband had alittle of that. My husband will do anything in the world for me.........if I ask, it usually doesn't just occur to him.He makes me nuts sometimes but he is definitely my other half. What can you do??
-I have been following your story. I was checking on you everyday waiting for your band date. I am NOT a stalker, I promise. Maybe I saw you on a locarb website too?? Anyway, Russia is way cool. We have been here for 10 almost 11 years. You will LOVE that heating pad I swear it!!
ok-before I respond to Pam's post , let me say that cold yogurt down there really does work and the relief is fast. tammy- i think you will definitely find that you will be able to go out and be good AND still enjoy yourself. I can't explain it but when the band is indeed in place it's kind of like you have this little hidden edge and you have alot of power on your side,kwim?? I have had some moments, flying home through milan, my husband got a slice of fresh pizza...i could have wrestled him to the floor for just a bit of that damn thing...but, everything passes. I AM STRONG and you will be too! THIS I CAN PROMISE. Now pam sweetie..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your post made me sad. But, I also want to say, atta girl there was some great victories in there too.You made in through without medicating with food and that is amazing!!!!!! Of course, your husband was being a butthead. We have all been there haven't we? But it sounds like you realized a whole lot of info in his actions. you don't sound like a victim, you sound good. Just one piece of advice- stay in the positive energy not the anger. You will gain much from giving yourself positive affirmatives instead of getting more and more angry. I so want you to be happy though, THAT you do deserve. It's a process. you are on your way. Day 5 for me post-op. No pain. No gas. BUT-AM I EVER GONNA POOP AGAIN?? I don't feel uncomfortable probably because i have only had liquids and some thin soup but do I have to worry?? And did i mention...everyone get that heating pad, it is just heaven..
Hey girls I'm back from the lovely Lyon, France!!!!!!!!! Banding was on the 7th and it was good. Had a very good experience. I got to the airport on Sunday and sat on the runway for 2 hours due to snow!!!!!!!!! Finally flew, got to Milan, missed my connecting flight. Flew the next morning at 7am got to Lyon, met with Dr. Frering at 10:30 all set. Monday nite had an amazing dinner of beef , salad, baked potato and brownie dessert. Tues. checked into clinic at 12:30. had endoscope at 1:30 , all clear. Clear liquids- surgery time 9am. Get to operating room, pretty nervous but MUCH better than expected!!!!!!!!!! In the operating room get onto a table that looks alittle like a gyn table. Last thing i remember is telling the Dr. take good care of me i have 4 babies at home. Woke up in post op- pain about a 4. Moving to a 6..6 times trying to restart the damn iv..ok that HURT! My arms look terrible. Finally some relief. back to room. Some real pain relief in a shot..life is good. At 3 o'clock get up to pee.Painful to get to side, ouch!! 4 o'clock..water!! 6 o'clock ..broth..very yummy! to sleep at 7:30. great nite sleep , a bear getting up to pee. next day, up for shower. I feel really good(still in hospital). get shower go to put socks on and ..............and the chair slipped backwards and i fell on my butt!!!!!!!!!!!Can I tell you that i am wincing just writing this. I was fine but alittle freaked.Check out with doc- ok to leave. Get bandages changed. WOW alot on swelling on tummy. 5 incisions. Go back to hotel. Hang out - go to mall shopping , walking is good but slow! Home to hotel more boullion...good nite of movies. Friday sleep in, shower off to airport. Note to self...it's a bitch flying after stomach surgery.Got home 3:30am..went to sleep. I will say that I had no real gas pain to speak of. I LOVED using the heating pad though. On my back it was soothing and on this damn port site which is tender. The swelling is going down. I am sooooooooooo glad I got this done. All of you that are waiting , you will do just fine!!!!!!!!!!
ok ladies , my bags are packed and I fly tomorrow. I kinda had a mini melt down but now i am just ready to get this over with. I am making myself crazy i swear. Had a great chinese meal with matthew and i am just ready. I have to say that i feel just fat tonight and I am actually looking forward to more mindful eating and not feeling overly full, kwim?? For everyone getting banded while i am gone -I am thinking about you. Love and light! Sue
oh Sara sweet friend that just sucks!!!!! i agree you should report that behavior. it stinks that on top of everything you have to deal with idiots!!!!
ok-someone talk with me , I feel lonely?Could be you are asleep? LOL Tammy- why down in the dumps? Just nervous and such?Don't be sad, this is going to be so exciting, a huge life change for the better!! Keep your chin up..
Tea time-aren't you sweet!Are you in our group or already banded/ Lara- I am right there with you. Not beating myself up though, I wonder if that's good or not. I just keep saying I am almost there. I will finally have the tool that helps me to stop this game i play with food. I will eat healthy and stop when I am full. Somehow I feel really peaceful right now-I know for sure that i have made the right choice- I really and truly cannot wait! Kyethra-ok step away from the doughnuts. See, it's much easier here because we don't have doughnuts. Sounds like you know what you are doing though. scarlett!!!!!!!!!!!!!5 pds. You go girl- color me green! That's wonderful. Ok Pam I read that twice- I don't get it. You had the band- you are going again? Pleeeeeze explain to this tired mommy what I just read. Off to the shower and to the mall to get a new robe and slippers to take to the hospital. Apparently I will need them. Hey did I share with you that the lovely Dr. Frering is somekind of handsome and very, very sweet apparently. (ontop of that has placed some 4000 bands in his practice)Do you think that will make me more or less nervous. Cute story- i told my boys about going to get some surgery to help with weight loss etc. (very general) and my kids reaction ".Why, you don't need to loose weight mommy." Bless their hearts, what's 70 pounds.
that would be 41 and 42 ....
Oh girls, see it makes you just nuts getting ready for the surgery. I am sure they will go ahead with the surgery but they have to chase down any red flags. Keep thinking positive thoughts/positive energy that's what I am doing.I hope I can keep it together. When I had my last 2 babies(I was 42 and 42) and i had amnios done I was a freakin' mess before that procedure. BUT I made it through, that's what I keep telling myself. I stopped drinking soda AND coffee 2 monthes ago.. I won't miss that. I converted to tea..love it.
Cynicalchick- thanks so much for sharing your journey! It doesn't sound too bad, no? Are you handling the pain ok?? I was nodding as I read everyone's post. We all seem to be worrying about the same stuff. I am only worried about my husbands' reactions now and he is very sweet and very supportive. HE is definitely joining me on THE FARWELL TO FOOD TOUR I am currently on. Tammy- that's just great..9 lbs. I would love that! I wanted to respond to everyone but this morning I decided to add highlights to my hair so I am out the door again..I will check back later for patient updates. How cool is this we are starting surgeries and entering lapland...WAY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alrighty then no nail polish it is. I knew there was some reason. Annalee and Machele you have come to the right place my friends, we will support you!! That's terrible that you have been met with criticism. I haven't had much, but I have not told alot of people nor have I asked for opinions. Ok- let's talk about naked pictures ..I can't bring myself to do that. Heck I didn't even want to do the clothed version. It will be great to see your progress though. Gotta do bathtime and bedtime routine, gosh it's tiring at the end of the day. Hair turned out fab!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the eybrows done and eyelashes tinted..no makeup for me. Have a great nite ladies!
Tammy- I agree with you totally. I go over and read those threads, kinda scared myself a couple of times but now I am in a positive groove. It is good info to know but i am determined now . So about the nail polish, what do you think? synicalchick- I want to know every little detail girl...soooooooo jealous you are almost there!!!!
Hey, speaking of nails..I want to do that too. Why do I think that you are not allowed to wear nail polish into surgery? Am i imagining that? Please respond because I have to get a manicure /pedicure for your same reasons Kyethra. Beautiful pic of you by the way.
Scarlett- Well ,Russia IS a must see, it it pretty wonderful, very beautiful. I always love coming home though. It's the small things in life like umm... Target, Starbucks etc. Synicalchick- I am thinking of you!!!!!! Envious really, you will be done it no time- can you imagine? Keep thinking positive thoughts, positive energy!! Glad you got the bad day out of the way! Good luck! Tammy- I agree, you have very positive and uplifting energy. Glogirl- I have a 2 and 3 year old..I love them to death but I could never have what it takes to teach. Bless you , you must be a patient soul. How long will you be out of school? Ok- here's my question. I was at a health institute in Mexico and just got results from my food allergy panels and it shows that I am highly reactive to eggs, milk, whey, garlic,cheddar cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. So as you can see the protein drink/soft soft foods stage is going to be a challenge. Of coarse, I have lived 44 years without knowing these particulars so I'll do what I have to. This probably causes my migraines. So any suggestions would be great. Do all protein drinks contain whey? One other question..do you think most people do well with the band..no significant problems? I personally think they do. I think there is a big learning curve, learning to eat with the band. I am 8 hours ahead of you , so you are all sleeping soundly. Today is beauty day, getting the ole eyebrows done and haircut. Have a great day!!
Oh girls, it makes me nervous that I don't have a pre-op diet! I have written the office twice to make sure. That and the fact that I really am eating the "last meal" all the time. I am cutting back starting today..and really upping my water. I feel like my husband is getting all his food in too!! I read that Lyon is one of the best eating cities in Europe, boy that's great..hope they have good broth too. It's beautiful today in moscow...sunny for a change. I will walk today outside. Have a good one today ladies!
Hi, I would love to join your group. My name is Sue I live in Moscow, Russia and I am scheduled for banding on March 7th. I am so excited but I am getting nervous. I will fly out on Sunday, meet Dr. Frering on Monday and have a endoscope on Tuesday and surgery on Wednesday. I am reading everything and making my self both anxious and crazy...just bring it ON already ..how much can a girl take? Looking forward to getting to know you guys.