Hi there,
my name is beverlay. I am new to this site and thank god for it because i have been able to read and learn a lot of information so far...
I am or was terrible exited to be approved for lap bad surgery...this was definitely going to change my life since i have always struggled with my weight all my life!!
Now i am 48hours or less away from my surgery and i am FREAKING OUT!!! I am starting to get nervous, anxious and nervous and it is only getting worst as the time gets closer!!;-(
Due to my high weight, Doctors have ALWAYS had a very hard time finding my veins for blood tests and others so very early they started butchering me all over from arm to wrist to the top of my hand and others to be able to get some blood out of me and sometimes get in several times :-( so you can IMAGINE due to this i started to develop a real fear and phobia for needles and pain!!!:-(
The thought of the surgery is what is the most nerve wrecking for me...!! I do not know what is going to happen...they only told me 1h prep than 45min surgery than that was it...
I am terribly terrified of the pain....when i wake up!! The incisions’, the scares, the band inside, the reactions, the gas...all this is really making me nauseous those past few days so really my liquid diet hasn’t been so bad to keep up with since i am just too nervous to eat!!
If someone please could help me, tell me what to expect and what will happened i would really really appreciate it!!!:-)
i have done researches after researches to calm me down but if anything, all those risks i saw or worst cases made me more scarred and worried than anything else!!!:-(
I am just so scarred for Friday...i know i will feel better once i reach the "other" side but i just wish i didn’t have to go through surgery or pain...:-(
I just hope things will be ok after the surgery... the pain and the recovery process are my biggest question marks and having to anticipate this surgery for so many days or just killing me...i just wish they could have done it the day i found out i was approved for it...
Anyhow I apologize for this crazy message i am sure it must sound crazy but i really would love some help and answers....thank you to whoever could bring some bit of calmness to my soul before Friday...!:-)
thank you again and looking forward to a wonderful journey to a beautiful me...:-)