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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Phoebster

  1. Phoebster

    Day 9 Post- Op

    my incision is real sore too. that is the biggest incision we have , I.m guessing that's were the band and the camera went through. My surgery was on the 24th April. I too am feeling more hungry then before.I'm trying to control it with a couple of bit's of re fried been or pudding. I had plication as well so I try to pay attention to my stomach ,eat slow and I do feel full after 5 spoon fulls of puree. it is hard for me at night ,my belly rumbles and I eat a little jello if I don't I can't sleep for my stomach keeps me up. tomorrow is my first day back to work ,I work 10hr shifts I'm a little concerned about my eating at work ..i'm making up mush to take. I get my fill on the 22nd....I see the doc on the 9th. I sure look forward to eating eggs. not sure what a stomach band is but I'm sure I don't have one. Keep us posted after the Doc apt.
  2. this is one thing I puree....... caned chicken, some avocado ,green enchilada sauce, re fried been's and onion's ...I love mexican food so it is helping me through the puree time, as long as there is no lumps bumb's or chunks my doc said it can be puree
  3. Phoebster

    Surgery Moved Up

    You are going to be just fine ..stick to the program and watch the pounds melt away
  4. Phoebster

    Tomorrow Is My Day!

    Yes I do have Plication
  5. Phoebster

    Full Liquids

    one thing I puree is chicken , refried been's and a little green enchilada sauce a little cheese it is good tasting baby food puree adult style. my doc said anything that can puree is ok no lumps chunks or bumps
  6. Phoebster

    Back To Soup And Other Soft Stuff

    no heart burn for me either thank goodness , keep up the good work ,Congrats
  7. I lived on phentermine for three yrs before ever looking into weight loss surgery ..it is bad for you it causes heart valve problems. I went to a heart Doc. a couple of mths ago and had a stress test and two other tests to make sure I didn't do damage , thank goodness im ok, my heart Doc said it is the worst thing to take.
  8. Phoebster

    Post Op Day 14 And Itching!

    yes im right there with u my doc said to use cortizone 10 2 weeks post -op
  9. I had Adema so bad before surgery I was on meds for it could hardly were flip flops ..haven't had meds since surgery and my feet and legs look normal sooo happy

  10. Phoebster


    From the album: Phoebe Kellylee Boyce

  11. Phoebster

    Big mama

    From the album: Phoebe Kellylee Boyce

  12. Phoebster

    4 days before

    From the album: Phoebe Kellylee Boyce

  13. Phoebster

    4 days before

    From the album: Phoebe Kellylee Boyce

  14. Phoebster

    Tomorrow Is My Day!

    you got this its a piece of cake...i'm 2 weeks post and feel great.. are you having plication as well? no way around it you will be real sore but this to shall pass . sugar fee popsicle are your buddy when you get home...helps with the dry mouth and throat .. good luck and relax,u r going to do great! keep in touch
  15. you are going to do great take a deep breath and stick to the schedule life is going to get better. are you having plication done as well?
  16. Phoebster


    YOU CAN DO IT! change the food you are eating ....Protein ! let us know how u r doing after your fill...
  17. Phoebster

    First Weekly Weigh In

    Great going! I was banded the 24 as well , and had my stomach folded. I have lost 22 pounds . I feel like I'm drinking all day trying to keep up on fluids and protein . I feel great and see the change starting in my face.I will start walking Friday.let keep in touch on this great journey we have created for our selves.
  18. Phoebster

    Whoo.woo, Got My Date May 17

    Your going to do great! real sore after but stick to the program and the weight will fall off. Cheers to your new life and a new you.
  19. Yes the good old waiting game.. during that time I ate all the food I new I would not be eating again and started buying everything I would need for my new life... I'm 2 weeks post op and I have lost 22 lbs,,,,I had my stomach folded in half and the lap band, I also had a hernia repaired that I had no idea I had. I feel good and the soreness is sooo much better and the gas is tolerable. good luck with your new life keep in touch
  20. Phoebster

    Another Day In The Life Of Protein Shakes

    Hang in there u will do just fine I felt the same way but in just 13 days I have lost 23 pounds . I had my surgery April 24th. they also found a hurnia in my stomach that I had no idea I had.. they fixed it while they were in there. I also had my stomach folded , crazy weight loss.
  21. Phoebster

    Best Protein Shake

    I use whey 52 g protein 160 cal I use choc and vanilla I use non fat yogurt make smoothies for breakfast
  22. Phoebster

    Dont Laugh

    how can I get this ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
