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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by taarific

  1. I got my band on August 1, 2008. It was the BEST thing I could've done for myself! I lost over 100 pounds and had ZERO regrets.

    In the last year and a half, I've gained up to 40 pounds (lost 10) but have felt no restriction, and my Dr. and I were stumped.

    It wasn't until my THIRD upper GI (this week) that revealed my band has eroded and shifted. I'm so terribly disappointed. My Dr. Suggests band removal (of course!) and then switching to the gastric sleeve.

    When I asked about rebanding, he said his experience with everyone he's rebanded is the erosion again.

    So now, I have a difficult decision to make. I chose the band b/c it is completely reversible. I did amazing with it. My Dr. told me his patients that do well with the band, do well with the sleeve after band erosion and is convinced I will do great as well. I'm apprehensive. Most of what I read ob GS is positive, but it's the irreversible part that bothers me.


  2. I got my band on August 1, 2008. It was the BEST thing I could've done for myself! I lost over 100 pounds and had ZERO regrets.

    In the last year and a half, I've gained up to 30 pounds, felt no restriction, and my Dr. and I were stumped.

    It wasn't until my THIRD upper GI (this week) that revealed my band has eroded and shifted. I'm so terribly disappointed. My Dr. Suggests removal (of course!) and then switching to the gastric sleeve. When I asked about rebranding, he said his experience with everyone he's rebanded is the erosion again. So now, I have a difficult decision to make.

    I chose the band b/c it is completely reversible. I did amazing with it. My Dr. told me his patients that do well with the band, do well with the sleeve after band erosion and is convinced I will do great as well. I'm apprehensive, but most of what I read is positive.

    As far as advice, I'd go with the band 100%. Best of luck to you in your WLS journey!

  3. I was banded on August 1, 2008 (5 year anniversary coming up!!!) and lost over a hundred pounds! Went from a 265 lb gal to a teeny-weeny size 6...never in my life did I expect such success. It was awesome!

    Well, all was wonderful until about a year ago. I've since gained about 30 pounds and have had ZERO restriction. So my doctor kept filling my band, and now I'm filled to the max and still have ZERO restriction...clearly, my eating has gotten out of control (the problem with introducing bread and JUNK back into my diet...dumb mistake!) and now we're thinking perhaps my esophagus has stretched due to my bad decisions, thus the no-restriction...Plus to add insult to injury, my head hunger is back, so the satiety that I used to feel with my band is no longer...

    So now I'm scheduled for an Upper GI (the barium swallow & X-ray, yippee!) to see if that is indeed the case. My doc will take out some or all of the saline from my band in order to allow my esophagus to "shrink" back to normal and then we'll start the fill process again.

    SO my questions are: Has this happened to anyone? What happened? How long will it take for my esophagus to go back to "normal?" Will I gain a ton of weight? Thoughts? Advice? Help please, I need some support...

  4. I have steri strips on my incisions' date=' did anyone cover their incisions or protect them somehow when putting on regular clothing? I have been wearing really lose clothing since surgery (July 9th), but I really need to leave the house and need to wear more snug clothing. Any suggestions, or should I not worry?[/quote']

    Spanx tank tops are great. I still wear them and am convinced they helped speed up my weight loss!! Good luck!

  5. OMG!! OK I want to know EVERYTHING. How did you figure out the band slipped? Were you not able to eat/ keep anything down OR did you just stop feeling restriction? May I ask what band you have (lap Band or Realize?) I've lost 110 but gained 30 because I haven't felt any restriction...My doc put me up to 11CCs...I'm freaking out here!!!

  6. I can only speak from experience, but my hair dresser also put in her two cents...

    When I lost the bulk of my weight, hair did fall out, but not in clumps. I still had hair and kept on coloring and cutting, etc.

    One thing I have noticed is my hair has become extremely dry. My hairdresser says I need to make sure I'm eating enough nutrients to keep it looking lush. She said she's seen this in many of her clients who go through weight loss surgery.

    Just make sure you're taking your Vitamins (I"m not good at that...) and using good products.

  7. Thanks for the responses peeps!

    @sashawls - yeah the Lap Band comes in FIVE different sizes, mine is the Realize band and it's just one size. ;(

    @Sunshyne068 - I'm meeting with my doc again today, I will ask him what the chances are of a leak...who knows???

    @Stephyanders - I'm willing ot bet that may work. I will bring it up to my doc and see what he says! Thanks for the idea!

    It really means a lot to me when you all respond, thanks so much!!!


  8. Thanks for your responses!

    @tmf: I did the barrium (the upper GI) swallow and the films "look" normal. I don't think I'm eating around the band...I used to feel restriction and never pushed through that full feeling...is that what you mean? Before, I couldn't even get bread down now I can eat ANYthing...

    @lauren: My doc is aware, but seems perplexed. I'm grateful that you've seen others with this issue. I am just hopeful I'll be back to normal soon...The weight is creeping on and honestly, I'm freaking out.

  9. I had my surgery August 1, 2008. I did amazing and lost 110 pounds and got to a size 6!

    Since last September until now, I've gained FORTY pounds. I am hungry between meals, etc as well. Originally my band was filled to about 7CCs of saline, but I've been monotoring my fills. I have been going every couple of weeks since January to get fills and in March, my doctor sent me in to have an Upper GI done and everything came back normal, so why don't I feel any retsriction?

    Now have 11CCs in my band but feel NO RESTRICTION and can eat EVERYThing. I rely on my band to help me...

    I am wondering if anyone else has been through this? My doc is looking over my Upper GI films again (this is the third time) to see if there's something wrong. The next step would be for the doc to go back in and check it out surgically, which I don't mind, but it has to go through my insurance and actually be approved, and who knows how long that will take???

    I just want to be in my size 6s again...also, I gave all my "fat" clothes away and nothing fits!!!

    If anyone could get back to me on this, I'd surely appreicate it!

  10. @mygalshirl: I can't really remember how many appointments I had with the doc before my surgery. I know I went to some support group meetings pre-op and met the docs there, then I had to go through a psych eval with a different doctor, then I met with a nutritionist a couple of times before my surgery and I think I only had one meeting with the operating surgeon before my actual surgery...I hope this helps! I'm going to add you as a friend and be sure to keep in touch!

  11. It took two years to lose 110 pounds because it came off at like a pound or two per week. I also tried to stay active (i was never skinny before but was always an athelte) and had no problem with excess skin. DOn't get discouraged and rememebr every day is a new one. If I can do this, anyone can! Good luck!!

  12. Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement ladies!!!

    @Gohealthymom: my insurance paid for it, though I did pay $500 as my copay (SOOOO worth it!!) Good luck and I hope you have success.

    @ready4animprovedme: Congratulations!!!! This is such an exciting time!!! Do yourself a favor and start a journal (Food and thoughts) NOW!!! The one thing I regret most is not keeping one!

    One thign to remember: your fills are SUPPOSED to restrict what you eat, so if you cannot eat bread, THANK GOODNESS, and don't eat it!!! I've had several friends get saline removed because they can't eat like they used to...Remember this is a tool, not a miracle product, we have to do SOME of the work ourselves. ;)

  13. Hi everyone! My name is Tara and I had my REalize Lap Band surgery August 1, 2008 and I've lost 110 pounds I went from a size 20 to a SIX!!!! :D

    However, after a divorce and a new relaitonship (I found my forever guy!!! :wub: ) I have gained back about 30 pounds :blink: I have been workling with my doctor to keep track of my fills and think we finally found my target. I am hopeful I will drop the weight I've gained and am looking forward to continuing my journy with the lap band community. I wish those of you just beginning your journey the best of luck. It's sooooo worth it, I promise. Those of us "veteran banders" keep up the fight, it's an everyday process and we need to lean on people for support!!!

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