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Blog Comments posted by taarific

  1. Do not fret!!! I had my surgery August 1, 2008, and lost 110 pounds and HATE those shakes too!!!

    Will you eat eggs? Try frying an egg in pam, or having a hard boiled one. Also, Who says you need to have breakfast food in the morning only (or at all? Have a piece of fish, or chicken or a piece of cheese and a slice of turley!!) I have also just ordered a couple of cookbooks from amazon.com that are specific to banders. I can't wait!

  2. Dont be discouraged, you're just starting out! it took me TWO years to lose 110 poounds and I'm up 30 now...The above mentioned pointers from Rosetoyou1960 are SPOT ON. Sounds like you need two things: 1) more protein and 2) another fill.

    Try to find a post op support group and start making little changes, like parking further away from your destination, taking the stairs in addition to doing what's menitoned above (the no drinking and eating worked really well for me!!!)

    Don't give up, remember the band is just a tool, you stillhave some work to do! Good luck and keep in touch!!!


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