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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by taarific

  1. Hi everyone! My name is Tara and I had my REalize Lap Band surgery August 1, 2008 and I've lost 110 pounds I went from a size 20 to a SIX!!!! However, after a divorce and a new relaitonship (I found my forever guy!!! :wub: ) I have gained back about 30 pounds I have been workling with my doctor to keep track of my fills and think we finally found my target. I am hopeful I will drop the weight I've gained and am looking forward to continuing my journy with the lap band community. I wish those of you just beginning your journey the best of luck. It's sooooo worth it, I promise. Those of us "veteran banders" keep up the fight, it's an everyday process and we need to lean on people for support!!!
  2. taarific

    New To This App!!!

    @bigenuff thanks fior thinking of me as an inspiration. I sure could use some myself. I'm adding you as a friend and let's keep in touch with our weight loss!!!
  3. taarific

    New To This App!!!

    @mygalshirl: I can't really remember how many appointments I had with the doc before my surgery. I know I went to some support group meetings pre-op and met the docs there, then I had to go through a psych eval with a different doctor, then I met with a nutritionist a couple of times before my surgery and I think I only had one meeting with the operating surgeon before my actual surgery...I hope this helps! I'm going to add you as a friend and be sure to keep in touch!
  4. taarific

    New To This App!!!

    It took two years to lose 110 pounds because it came off at like a pound or two per week. I also tried to stay active (i was never skinny before but was always an athelte) and had no problem with excess skin. DOn't get discouraged and rememebr every day is a new one. If I can do this, anyone can! Good luck!!
  5. taarific


    You go girl!!! Your pics are truly an inspiration! How are you keeping the pounds off?? After going through a divorce (and getting down to a size 6!!) I have gained 30 pounds...I have got to hit the gym!!! lol Congratulations and keep up the GREAT work!!!
  6. taarific

    Before and Afters

    I had surgery on August 1, 2008 and it took two years to lose over 100 pounds. I lost a total of 110 pounds and have gained about 30 from the fall of 2011 to present (spring 2012) I am determined to lose at least 20 lbs of my weight gain by summer by keeping up with my fills and watching my diet and being more active.
  7. taarific

    July 2011

    From the album: Before and Afters

  8. taarific

    August 2008

    From the album: Before and Afters

  9. how do I post before and after pics on my profile??

  10. feeling hungry, but have to write a paper. WAAH!!! lol

  11. taarific


    Dont be discouraged, you're just starting out! it took me TWO years to lose 110 poounds and I'm up 30 now...The above mentioned pointers from Rosetoyou1960 are SPOT ON. Sounds like you need two things: 1) more protein and 2) another fill. Try to find a post op support group and start making little changes, like parking further away from your destination, taking the stairs in addition to doing what's menitoned above (the no drinking and eating worked really well for me!!!) Don't give up, remember the band is just a tool, you stillhave some work to do! Good luck and keep in touch!!! Tara
  12. taarific

    New To This App!!!

    Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement ladies!!! @Gohealthymom: my insurance paid for it, though I did pay $500 as my copay (SOOOO worth it!!) Good luck and I hope you have success. @ready4animprovedme: Congratulations!!!! This is such an exciting time!!! Do yourself a favor and start a journal (Food and thoughts) NOW!!! The one thing I regret most is not keeping one! One thign to remember: your fills are SUPPOSED to restrict what you eat, so if you cannot eat bread, THANK GOODNESS, and don't eat it!!! I've had several friends get saline removed because they can't eat like they used to...Remember this is a tool, not a miracle product, we have to do SOME of the work ourselves.

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