I had surgery 3/29/2012. I dropped down 17lbs before surgery (258 to 241). Afterward, I gained 8lbs right after surgery, then dropped down to 239lbs a couple days after surgery. I was 241lbs when I went to my 1 week post op check in. I get my first fill this Thursday, and my weight is up to 248lbs =/ anyone else yo-yo like this?
I drink plenty of Water, get walking in, eat 3 meals a day. I have my menstrual cycle starting now, so I account for a couple of the pounds being water weight because I always "gain" around this time of the month.
I just don't want to go in for the fill and wonder if gaining 7lbs since my last weigh in will be a bad thing or if anyone else has experienced it. Inch wise, I'm smaller. Eating hasn't been too bad. I eat slow and chew well, some things go down better than others. But with the fill coming up, I have no idea what to expect!
Thanks for any input =)