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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shrcumm

  1. If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done. Love All of You!! Have A Happy Blessed Day!! Remain Strong, Weak Is Not a Good Look!!!
  2. They Say Great Minds Think A Like! But Also Remember On The Other Hand, Fools Seldom Differ!! Hope Your Day is Going Well!!! Sharon!!! Dont You Just Hate when People Ask, How You Lost The Weight!! I Say Let Them Wonder!!! Or You Can Put Up Your Hands Like Anna Nicole Smith And Say, Trim Spa Baby!!! Lol Lol
  3. I went for Weight In Today and Lost 6 Pounds in One Month!! Go Me!! I Even Made The Nurse Take a Second Look At The Scale!! I refuse to Take This Fat Thing Laying Down!! I'm Fighting Every Donuts Cake, Cookie, Chips, Mc Donald's Burger King, Wendy's Other Fat Junk Food I Abused!! You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down!!!
  4. shrcumm

    200 Pound Loss Picw

    Keep Up The Good Work, Hugs To You!!! Thanks for The Motivation!!! So Proud of You!!!!!! You Go Girl!!!
  5. Yesterday At Work Someone Asked if I was addicted to Diet Pills Because I Got So Small!! So Fast!!! I Laughed!!! Never Let Anyone Tell You What to Wear!! You Put in the hard work for this new body now act like it and Be a Show Off!! What Good does it do to Hide It!!! You Put in the Work Not The Lap Band!! Love All of You!! Happy Friday!! Sorry Carolinagirl for the Birthday Mix Up!!!
  6. Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Have a Great Day! Love All of You!! Always Have Hope in The Lord He Will Renew Your Strength!!
  7. Learn to Find None New Friends with Your Weight Loss Surgery!! I would like to Introduce you to My None New Friend Mr. Jack La Lanne Super Power Juicer!! He is Great and This Helps with the Digestion of Those Foods You Can't Digest!!I Know it May Sound Crazy Me Calling Him a None Friend, But Trust Me if He Helps Me with this Journey Then I call Him a Friend!! Trust God and Lean Not on Your Own Understand!! What Works For You, or Does Not Own It and Try Something Different! Never Compare this leads to Frustration!! Find a None New Friend Like I Did!!! Oh Happy Belated Birthday Carolinagirl Love You!!!!!!!!! Love All of You!!!!
  8. Please Read My Post for Today it May Help!!!!
  9. Many Times We Have to Let Our Haters Be Our Motivators Because of Them Do We Remain Strong!! My Prayers Go Out to The Boston Runners, Keep Running No Matter What!! Its Those That Set Out for Hate That God Uses For Our Good, Greatness, and Benefits Anyways!! Love All of You!!! Sharon
  10. Always Do The Best You Can, But Never Let The Best You Can Be All That You Can Do!! Love All of You, Sharon
  11. Yes I would, But don't Think anything has prepared me for the loose skin!! I am happy with the weight results but must work out harder to not show so much skin that hangs below the arms and thighs. I never thought ti could look and feel this great and it shows every step that I take and move that I make. I am even more happy that I had the lap band with the plication.
  12. Yes Team Work is Great on The Field and In Sports and In The Arena and Even At Work in The Office!! But Team Work is Best Served When Its Done Within a Relationship!! Lets Create a Better Relationship with Each Other and Stick Together Never Apart to Accomplish This Weight Loss Goal!! This Site is Called Lap Band Support Not Your Feelings Only Support!! Strength Comes in Numbers!! I Love All of You From The Bottom of My Heart!!
  13. Have You Ever Had a Situation in Your Life When You Wanted To Do Something But, People Try To Make You Think Their Way is Correct; buy a home, get a new career, leave your husband or wife, go back to school, loose weight their way,start your own career, buy a car, Spend your money, have a child, think your bosses way is correct, when he or she is not or what ever it is!! And people can't figure out why you won't listen!! John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:05 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice. Love You!! Happy Thursday!!
  14. I Think that if you look at all the hard work that you put into yourself to loose it now would be devistaing!! Never Put in Hard work to Only Give it up!! Its like becoming a Doctor then going Going back to Washing Dishes!! Love you Hang in There!!
  15. I Finally Believe in Someone I have not Believed In Years!! Myself!! Philippians 4:13 I can do All Things Through Christ Which Strengthens Me!!! Love All of You!! Happy Monday!!
  16. shrcumm

    advise please

    I have had the Lap Band Plication! I was afraid at first at this new procedure but my God the results do work. I received mines also the same week as Maddygram mention as Carolinagirl last April and I lost close to 80 Pounds and we have been very successful! Now Please Don't Get me wrong i am sure that those with just the Lap Band have done great as well. I have double the weight loss rate, I guess because I have the plication and the work out is crazy daily!! But if more money cost better results then what are you loosing if you spend more money and see more happiness then it all pays off!! Never think of it as paying more see it as gaining more!! And I do mean! Happiness and to me cost more then 1300 and trust you me!! God will return it back to you anyways!!!
  17. shrcumm

    Just Ignore It!!

    Have You Ever Know Someone Who was so Aggravating, and Annoying, and You Sometimes Have to Cross the Street to Pretend that You Don't See Them, or Just Ignore Them All Together! Well That's Just What You Have To Do With Hunger!! Ignore It, and Pretend Those Aggravating Pains Done Even Exist!! It Keeps You Stronger and Sane!! Love You!! Happy Sunday!! (Sharon)
  18. shrcumm

    I am Freezing!!!!

    I am Always Cold!! I Thought it was Just Me!!! Its Just Awful!!!
  19. Its Been so Hard, To Get to The Gym Trying to Maintain the Weight loss, Work, Take Care of the Kids, Go to Therapy for Shoulder, Help the kids with homework, so what did I do? I saw the Problem as an Opportunity instead of a Problem, Well I always hated that Dinning Room Table so I got rid of it and made my entire dinning room as a Gym! Yes I did, I brought and an entire Gym and Workout center and its going in the dinning room area !! I can't eat much to use it anyways problem fixed!! Now I work out in the comfort of my own Home! Love All of You!! Happy Friday!!!
  20. Thanks All, Maddygram, and Carolinagirl Love All of You and Thanks!! Hugs to The Rest of My Lap Band Family!!! Summer is Coming Lets Work Harder Now!!
  21. shrcumm

    Nope Not Today!!!

    I made a Promise to Myself today that I will Not Let Anyone or Anything Get Under My Skin or Bother me in Anyway!! Always Remember that 10 Percent is Life, But 90 Percent is What your Going to Do About that Situation in Life!! Proverbs 23:7 For as a Man thinketh in his heart, so is He!! If you Think Negative Thoughts then That's What You Get, But if You Think Positive Thoughts You Get That Also!!! Love All of You!! Happy Thursday!!
  22. I am so Happy For You!! I Wish your Happiness Continues, Great Inspiration!!!
  23. Okay I am not a Finished Product But Changed my Profile Picture!! To this Date I Lost 80 Pounds with My lap band Plication!! This 80 Pounds includes Before the Weight loss, and Before the Lap Band Program & Afterwords!!! I am Dedicated and Refuse to Be a Prisoner of My Own Eating insanity anymore!! I Just Refused to Give into this Weight Struggle!! I am still a Work in Progress, I Know!! But I will never forget my Bible when Jesus Stated!! Proverbs 23:7 For as a man Thinketh in His Heart so Is He!! I Think Greatness in My Heart so That Must be I am Greatness!! I Love All of You Lap-Bandsters!!! Have a Great Monday!!!
  24. I'm Not Blessed, Because The Lord Feels Sorry For Me!! But I am Blessed Be cause Despite of All My Short Comes He Still Loves Me!!! Happy Easter!! I Truly Love All of You!!!
  25. Learn to Love People as You Love Yourself!! Even Those People, Who Shouldn't, Couldn't, Wouldn't Be Loved!! Trust Me It Goes Along Way and The Blessing you Get Back is Unbelievable!! John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Love All of You!!! Happy Saturday!!!

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