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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vk7gd

  1. vk7gd

    What have you eaten today?

    Hi fro Hobart, Tasmania, For breakfast this morning I had four Cruskit biscuits with braised steak and onions (in a can) and a cup of black coffee with no sugar plus a glass of orange juice. This is my usual breakfast. For lunch a cup of home made chicken Soup and a small bowl of chow mein plus a black coffee, no sugar. The evening meal will consist of 8 or 10 prawns (shrimp) plus four Cruskits and a cup of usual black coffee with no sugar. The Cruskits are probably not available all round the world, but are very nice with spread on them. The are only 30 calories each. Cheers, Graham.
  2. vk7gd

    Lap band fills how much?

    Hi, In Oz they are covered by Medicare, whixh is an obligatory health fund whixh everybody has to be in. The system is called bulk billing and the government pays the surgeon, so we don't have to outlay any money. usually 0.1ml is added each time. Cheers, Graham.

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