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Everything posted by scindie

  1. Congrats! I thought he was great... When was your surgery?

  2. OMG! That is one of my biggest fears! I watch the brush constantly wondering if I'm losing more than I was before.. Its even harder knowing I'm only a month out and it could happen up to 6 months or more after the surgery! I asked my DR at my pre op visit what are the chances and he said that as long as I keep my vitamins and minerals where they need to be, it wont be a problem and that most cases the clients already had a low count... I'm starting to wonder if this is a line of BS since he's a man and I dont think they quite understand the devastation of us women losing hair.. All I can do is hope I'm lucky enough not to have to go through this, if so, I've heard a lot of women chose to go with short hair cuts... I think I may check into extensions if it does
  3. scindie

    When's the change begin?

    I went through the same thing.. My dr said you wont lose the first week due to all the fluid retention along with the anesthesia.. I wasn't losing lbs, but noticed my clothes were fitting loser and my face getting thinner.. Its an adjustment period and your going to go through a few stalls. After that stall, I started losing about a half pound a day for about a week and half and stopped again and gained a couple pounds. Didn't weight myself for a few days and when I did I had lost 5 lbs. Everyone is going to lose at different rates. Hang in there, it will happen
  4. After my surgery I learned I could no longer take my requip for restless leg syndrome... Every time I took it, within a couple hours I was at the toilet puking! Apparently with the changes in our stomach and the way it works now, it doesnt break down the meds like they used too.. Feel better soon!
  5. scindie

    Unsure of Wanting Surgery

    I was going to have the gastric bypass, which I did a lot of research and it scared the crap out of me.. A lot of possible side effects with that. Dumping syndrome, hair loss, malnutrition is a big one too. When I found out my insurance co would cover the sleeve, my personal Dr was very excited and recommended that surgery due to less complications. Where I had my surgery done, which was Puget sound surgical center, I voiced my concerns about side effects and I also did my research. Unfortunately this is a newer procedure so not a lot of long term information. But, speaking to my Dr, he informed me out of the 250+ surgeries they had performed to date, they only had 3 complications. One, was due to issues the patient had prior, one was a leak and I cant remember what the other was from. I think having the sleeve will be one of the best decisions you ever make. I hope your friends are just kidding when they say they will never speak to you again! A true friend will support your decision on this and you need that support when you have to make a life changing decision that will effect the rest of your life! Best of luck to you
  6. Congrats! Dr Billings and his crew are amazing! Enjoy the new you
  7. scindie

    Lump on the side

    Its probably just scar tissue. I have one 3 1/2 weeks later on the side of my stomach where everything drained. I didnt have a drain tube, its just where it all drained from. I've been told to rub it a few times a day, as much as you can tolerate just to break the tissue up.
  8. I think just about everyone goes through what you are going through. I know I did... It scares you to think that you are altering your body for a whole life style change. I even wondered after the surgery when I was watching all them commercials for food knowing I cant have those things. I was told that with the sleeve, you will stretch it out to hold about a cup and that's pretty much it. Since they remove the lower part of your stomach its less likely to stretch since that is the part that does all the stretching. Not saying its impossible though, just not as easy. Its definitely a lifestyle change. I used to always be in a hurry, shoveling food in my mouth as Im running out the door. I made that mistake the other day and got the 2nd spoonful in and when I swallowed, my stomach reminded me I cant do that anymore. I worked on getting my surgery for almost a year and no way was I going to change my mind! I'm only 3 weeks into it and just starting on the "soft food" and have no regrets. By the way, my BMI was only 36, but tried everything else to lose weight and could not. Not only did I do this to be skinny again, but to help my other medical issues I had.
  9. As for the B Movements, my Nutritionist said, keep in mind.. If your not putting a lot in, there's not a lot to come out. Your body is probably using everything you are eating or drinking... Just make sure you don't get dehydrated. I can always tell by my hands.. they look really wrinkly if I spread my fingers You can always call your doctor or the nutritionist and find out whats going on if you are getting concerned. That's what they are there for
  10. I had my surgery on October 25th... I lost 8 lbs pre surgery and another 12 since.. I lost nothing the first week of my surgery. Remember they pump you full of fluids for the surgery along with the anesthesia, its almost impossible to lose at first. It seems the more you have to lose, the faster you lose it. My doctor told me to expect a lose of an average of 2lbs per week. As long as I'm losing, I'm happy! I had the same worries as you at first, did I do the right thing.. But once that scale starts moving, it makes it so worth it. Really try to get your Protein intake.. It will lead to other problems if you don't.. My NUT told me to stop weighing myself everyday... everyone plateaus within the first month or two... are you losing inches? When I wasn't losing weight, my close were getting loser and my face was getting thinner and my rings were getting loser. Hang in there, you weight will melt off in no time. It seems like we can pretty much put the weigh on overnight but takes twice as long to lose it.. And as for hunger, I have terrible cravings for food! When you are on the liquid portion, it doesn't stay in your stomach. Once you progress to the mechanically soft, you will definitely start finding yourself feeling full. I was told by the NUT that with the staples, there is no way you are going to stretch your stomach and after you move to real food, you will just end up being in pain from eating to fast or too much or its going to come back up Hang in there... It will all be worth it in no time
  11. I've heard he and his staff are wonderful... Almost like a pampering yourself vacation! Good luck on the surgery and keep us posted
  12. Good for you! I've heard A LOT about Dr Aceves. Is that who you are going too? Good luck to you! It will be a Thanksgiving you will never forget
  13. My first visit prior to surgery was about an hour.. I've only had one since my surgery and I had a few questions, so it was good. But, I agree, it is long for a drive all the way from Covington! I honestly dont look forward to going Im doing good on the diet, but having a hard time mentally going away from the mushy part of the diet! Afraid Im going to mess it up or stretch out my stomach even though I know I cant at this point. Hang in there with the NUT center... who did you see? There's one that is awesome and the other I could care less for
  14. You can find it at the grocery store where the Asian food is. Its in a packet kinda like you find gravy. They have a few different flavors too. Its awesome
  15. scindie

    Surgical tape -- WTH?

    Baby oil or any type of lotion will take that off for you... I use Aguaphor on my wounds. Its like vitamin E.. It will help the healing with minimal scaring
  16. I had my sleeve done on October 25th and had horrible cravings for starches.. My weakness! I bought cream of potato Soup and egg flower soup. Both of those helped me immensely! Good luck to you
  17. scindie

    October Sleevers

    I had mine on October 25th.. I lost 10lbs pre-op and am just now finally losing! so a total of 17lbs as of today. It was really hard to not see the scale moving right after surgery, but I guess a lot of Water weight and dr said the anesthesia does it too... Still have terrible cravings for my weakness, starches For those of you trying to find a good Protein drink, try this sight: http://www.celebratevitamins.com/ They have chocolate and cake batter flavors. The shakes come with your Multivitamin, Calcium. I bought the chocolate and going to order the cake batter next! I read you can add flavor to your shakes to help with the flavors.. like coconut extract, mint extract, etc... good ideas for when you get bored with the same flavors!
  18. I had Surgery Oct 25th.. I lost 10lbs pre surgery and am just now slowly losing my weight! My doctor said the same as the other post, its a combo of both the fluids and the anesthesia and not to really expect to lose weight right away. I HATED the food commercials right after surgery. I have never wanted a burger or pizza more in my life! LOL... When I went to my post op, my doctor actually gave me pictures of my surgery. Kinda creepy, but cool at the same time. By the way, I was a big carbo addict and still CRAVE pasta's and potatoes.. I bought myself cream of potato Soup and that helped Good luck to you
  19. I was told its more your intestines making the noises.... Mine was so loud I thought it was trying to have a conversation with someone in the next room! LOL
  20. I had to have a ultrasound of the stomach, a endoscope, 2 nutritional visits, a psych visit, ekg and blood work prior to surgery
  21. I had my surgery October 25th with Puget Sound Surgical Center. They are awesome! Dr. Billings even called my mother in Oklahoma to let her know I did fine and was very impressed he did this himself and not an assistant

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