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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About 7carol3

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 05/31/1973

About Me

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    I'm married and have two children. Ohio born and raised.
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    Needle crafts, true crime books, movies
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    Civil case manager & bailiff
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Let me start off by saying I gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant with my first child. I guess I decided that I liked it so much I kept it for twenty years. I had been contemplating weight loss surgery for years. I have had a few friends who have experienced it, mostly with good results. My husband was dead set against it. I am perfect to him no matter what my size. When I first thought of having weight loss surgery, in approximately 1995, I was pretty certain I wanted to have a second child. This desire was something that put off surgery for me. I had my second child in 1997 and never gained a pound. I stayed consistently at 265 pounds for twenty years, until Dr. Lalor came into my life.

I went to an informational meeting at the Center for Weight Loss at Wood County Hospital with a friend who was also contemplating surgery. We both left hopeful, and quite honestly, not really caring much for Dr. Lalor's personality. I am lucky enough to be covered by insurance through my job and also my husband's job. The expense out of pocket would be minimal for me, so I put my personal feelings for Dr. Lalor aside and decided to count on his skill as a surgeon instead. My friend, well she didn't have the luxury of having double insurance. Being a single Mother, she is still fighting the fight on her own without this wonderful tool I've been given. She has been SUPER supportive of me and I credit her for getting me to that meeting!!

I was contacted by Dr. Lalor's office in a short amount of time after the meeting. I set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Lalor again and discuss my options and to go over insurance benefits. My first appointment was April 15, 2011 and this is where my journey began.

Now, I want to say that once Dr. Lalor knows you are in it for the long haul; he is a genuinely nice man. My theory, though I've never discussed it with him, is that he doesn't get too invested in the people he meets at the meetings. I'm sure it is hard to hope to see someone that you know you can help at a meeting but then be disappointed because you never see them in your office, for whatever the reason may be. After meeting with Dr. Lalor that day I met with Beth, the dietician. She is a lovely person and very helpful. With her help I lost between 10 & 15 pounds before my surgery.

There were many hoops for me to jump through, requirements of my health insurance. One of which, I was incredibly angry about. I had to go through six months of nutritional education and I had to have MENTAL evaluation. Seriously? What the heck? I wasn't mentally unstable!! Well, guess what...I was! My self-esteem was so low my doctors didn't feel I could successfully achieve my goal without some counseling. I won't bore you more with that part of the story. I'll just say that I still see my counselor. I love her and she actually loves me!! Imagine that, someone who loves ME & they don't even HAVE to!!

I jumped through all the hoops and on November 14, 2011 Dr. Lalor gave me the best weight loss tool anyone could ask for. That's what I call it, a weight loss tool. Yes, I achieved it with the help of a doctor through surgery, but I am walking this weight loss road. Don't let anyone tell you that you're taking the easy way out. Weight loss is NEVER easy for anyone and if you think it is, you're kidding yourself. This journey (which at the time of writing this, I am only six months into) has been full of ups and downs. I have had to work at my 100+ pound weight loss. It has been a mental battle, for me, more so than a physical one. You will change, not just in appearance, it is inevitable. Just make sure that change is one you can live with, YOU ARE IN CONTROL!! I do have to pat myself on the back. We all should!! We may not do this alone, but we certainly have to work at it to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will hopefully carry us to an old age.

Dr. Lalor was very proud of me at my six month check- up. I was proud of me too! I expected it would take me the better part of the first year to lose 100 pounds. It didn't!! I know I'm a lucky lady, but luck wasn't the only thing on my side. I had a doctor, a family, friends and heck...even I was on my side for the first time in my life!! My husband, who was so against me having surgery...he still loves me at a size 8...as much as he did at a size 24. I think a lot of times spouses are just terrified that you won't make it through this procedure, in one way or another. Understandable, I have put him through a lot with my emotions in this whole process, but he is still here and so am I. Here is what I want everyone reading this to know.

First, tomorrow is a new day. Don't ever beat yourself up so bad that you ruin your new day. Make the next one better so you don't feel that low you feel on a bad day! Sounds cheesy but its true!! Second, DON'T KEEP A SCALE AT HOME!!! I cannot stress this enough!! I would have probably jumped in front of a bus if I had a scale handy. I know I would have weighed myself more than once a day. It just defeats you...if you have a personality like mine I should say. Third, buy a (reasonable) goal outfit. I started out with size 14 pants that I bought at Goodwill. (I have spent very little on NEW clothes since my weight loss) I kept trying them on and they didn't fit for the longest time, but keep trying them on. I have those pants on today. They are way too big and I have them cinched up with a belt. I think I'll keep these pants for a while, no matter how they fit!! Lastly, and most important, do what your doctor tells you!! Don't fib, don't cheat just be honest. I keep track of everything I put in my mouth. I have an app for my i-Phone where I record all my food and drinks. It really keeps me in check and if I want to have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich and I'm reaching my calorie limit for the day I know I need to get my butt out and go for a bike ride or a long walk to burn some calories.

We can live and eat and be "normal". We are normal; we are doing what everyone in the entire world should do. We are eating to live not living to eat! Everything in moderation...except exercise, get as much of that as you can stand!! Good luck to you in your journey!!! I've been lucky in mine.

Age: 51
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Starting Weight: 265 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 155 lbs
Goal Weight: 165 lbs
Weight Lost: 110 lbs
BMI: 24
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 04/15/2011
Surgery Date: 11/14/2011
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
7carol3's Bariatric Surgeon
Center For Weight Loss Surgery At Wood County Hospital (CWLS)
960 W. Wooster St.
Suite 116
Bowling Green, Ohio 43606

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