I totally understand what your going through!
I also gained weight to hide from the world.
I never understood and kinda still don't really understand why I know I hated all the attention from men but humm.... besides that idk?
anywho I just got my primary to send a referral so I should get a date to go to the option orientation
through kiaser so this is the beginning of my journey I am a bit terrified but so excited due to the fact I don't
even reconize my self anymore.
The emotional eating is a killer Happy eating,mad eating,sad lonely eating,busy bad choice eating it's all eating.
I could tell you stay motivated but when people tell me that I'm like yah ok ....so I don't know exzactly what you need to hear at this point in your journey but your honesty is very inspiring and is greatly appreciated I can't wait til the point I can say I have lost 70 plus lbs:) so good job your doing awesome!!!! stay focused on your goal if you mess up remember your human it happends to all of us and also remember the journey it took to get you from where you where to where your at that might help good luck doll 170 lbs i wish lol...