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Posts posted by GregNE

  1. Hi Huskers,

    I will be a self pay and am considering Mexico at some point. Has anyone had surgery elsewhere and got fills in NE?

    PS. If you wish to share what you paid locally I would appreciate any and all information.



    I had surgery in Mexico, and also have had two fills there. I have not explored whether a doctor in Nebr. would be willing to fill me. I also worry about the cost of a fill here in Omaha. With flouro, I have heard of very high fees.

  2. Actually F the miniskirt. It's my one year band anniversary. You should be so lucky as to buy me a beer. (Or at least an amaretto sour, since I really can't stand beer)

    Yes, by the way, congrats on your success. You have lost amazingly!

  3. TOM: I think you'll have to watch out. He might want to convert you to a full-fledged Jew. He'll do that so he can help you to become a "completed Jew" after that. It's his mission. It's his ministry. Should fit in nicely over a coupla brewskis.

    Does being a completed Jew involve any restoration of genital skin?

    And hey, love your witty "Apparently you don't know much about anything"

    I sure wish that were true....would make life much easier. I actually know a lot about many things, but I do not know everything about anything.

  4. The Book of Isaiah was written in Hebrew genius, not Greek. Every Sunday school kids knows that. Your ingnorance is showing again! Maybe this garbage is being taught in your Catholic monestaries, but it is certainly not scriptural or theologically sound. You are a piece of work!

    And, from Hebrew, translated into Greek. Then Jerome translated from Greek to Latin.....have you no concept of the shift of languages that caused such misinterpretations? Then, Latin to English....and wow, a lot of meanings changed.

  5. Being a Jew means being a decendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A A Gentile can convert to the Jewish Religion, but that does not make him a Jew.

    That's right! A Jew that has found his Messiah considers himself a completed Jew. That is not terminolgy, that come from Jews who believe in Jesus. Apparently you don't know any. Apparenlt you don't know much about anything.

    If I convert to Judaism, I am indeed a Jew. If you are referring to being a Hebrew, however, I can see your meaning. But, then you also have the term Israeli, which mixes more people in. And, considering the original test of being a Hebrew was, being from a Hebrew womb, you isolate more people. Add in 4000 years of outside marriages and childbirths, and I believe very few people know if they are truly a 'Chosen One'.

    Today, the various Jewish denominations have sharp disagreements about the nature of the Messiah and the Messianic Age, with some groups holding that the Messiah will be a person and other groups holding that the Messiah is a representation of the Messianic Age itself. Traditional thought and current Orthodox thought has mainly held that the Messiah will be an anointed one (messiah) descended from his father through the Davidic line of King David who will gather the Jews back in the Holy Land, the Land of Israel, and usher in an era of peace. Other denominations, such as Reform Judaism, perceive a Messianic Age when the world will be at peace, but do not agree if there will be a messiah as the leader of this era.

    And a jew for jesus is no longer a jew, simple. In fact, Israel has refused citizenship to many JfJ as they no longer are classified Jewish.

  6. Ron did you say that you've been in a messianic miniskirt for 25 years? And you say you are ordained? You're a complete fraud!

    Now that would be a bible fellowship to go to! Ordained in a miniskirt. I can 't stop laughing.

  7. I'm glad there was someone with some authority who has jumped in on this and exposed Ron for what he is, an anti-semite.

    Ron has gotten away with murder here. His buzz phrases are: you don't know what you're talking about, where did you get this stuff, you are mistaken, you are wrong, you are clueless, you are a fool, where do you get this rubbish, you don't know what you're talking about, and on and on. There literally isn't enough time in the evening left to list them all here.

    He has proven that he is biased and rigid and not very bright. Long ago when this thread first began some of us said that he shouldn't be taken seriously, that his mission was to engage in argument since that is his forte. He doesn't care what we believe he just wants to spout off and put others down in an effort to elevate himself.

    Well like I said, I have learned a lot here in spite of some of the negativity that has been thrown in. So maybe Ron ain't such a bad thing afterall. He's caused many of you to seem incredibly brilliant by comparison.

    I found him interesting and fun to debate, as several of you seem to also. He has set ideas, but don't we all. Look forward to talking again Mr. Cusano.

    oy veh!

  8. From Ron's sight:

    Our Statement Of Faith

    6: To encourage Jewish Believers to get in touch with their rich Jewish heritage and practices, find fellowship in a congregation of other Jewish and gentile believers, and to bring the “good news” of Yeshua to their own people.


    Just what a Jewish faith family needs-----some vulnerable family member

    to start talking about Jesus at the dinner table with Uncle Mort---lol

  9. Thanks, Greg. You're restoring my faith in mankind. :)

    This Ron guy is 62 years old, set in his ways, with very limited study. He probably has only read the KJV, and knows nothing of world mythologies or even Gnostic Christianity. Back when he was my age, the misconceptions he's preaching now are what was taken as literal truth by the general congregation.

    Even now, the difference between Lucifer and Satan is only starting to penetrate mainstream Christianity. And they have no idea about some of the deeper mysteries, because those are usually taught only in the Monasteries. So what are ya gonna do? LOL!

    What brought me into this thread was reading his anti-semetic hate site. His mission to convert Jews to a 'completed state' , where they believe in Jesus!?! How offensive, and worse, he says he is doing them a favor.

    He talks about it like you would talk about potty training a child. Oh, and he offers free training materials to other 'Christians' that want to enlighten the Jews they know. C'mon.......it is degrading.

  10. Two absolute lies. Not just mistakes, outright lies. I work habd in hand with Jews for Jesus and I know first hand who they are. And and Jew is a Jew no matter what he believes. If your a Jew and you believe NOTHING, are you any less a Jew. If you are a Jew and an athiest are you not still a Jew? A Jew that believes in Jesus is a completed Jew, but a Jew nevertheless. If you mean the are a Christian because they follow Christ, correct, but they are still a Jew. I have never seen such misinformation come out of anyone who obviously know nothing about what they are talking about.

    So, if I am a Christian, and become a Jew, does that mean I am still a Christian. And all Jews virtually all believe in Jesus, just not as their Messiah.

    A Jew that believes in Jesus is a completed Jew????? Wow, that is anti-semetic in the extreme. So, the mainstream Jew that believes as the Torah teaches, is not complete. Kind of dehumanizing them, aren't you.

  11. Two absolute lies. Not just mistakes, outright lies. I work habd in hand with Jews for Jesus and I know first hand who they are. And and Jew is a Jew no matter what he believes. If your a Jew and you believe NOTHING, are you any less a Jew. If you are a Jew and an athiest are you not still a Jew? A Jew that believes in Jesus is a completed Jew, but a Jew nevertheless. If you mean the are a Christian because they follow Christ, correct, but they are still a Jew. I have never seen such misinformation come out of anyone who obviously know nothing about what they are talking about.

    Misinformation? I think you are the one experienced with misinformation. You sure struggle for accuracy, as a proclaimed bibical scholar.

  12. Then I guess someone forgot to tell the prophet Isaiah 14:14 about 600 years before you St. Jerome!! Where do you get this rubbish?

    Now that is a stupid statement. As a biblical scholar, you should know that many names and terms we use now were interpretations.

    In the Vulgate, an early-5th-century translation of the Bible into Latin by Jerome, Lucifer occurs in Isaiah 14:12-14 as a translation of the Greek word heosphorus ("dawn-bearer"), an epithet of Venus. The original Hebrew text of this verse was הילל בן שחר (heilel ben-schahar), meaning "Helel son of Shahar." Helel was a Babylonian / Canaanite god who was the son of another Babylonian / Canaanite god named Shahar.

  13. Greg,

    You have no idea what you are talking about! The messianiac movement, including Jews for Jesus are made up almost entirely of Jews who nelieve that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. There is nothing more natural that a Jew accepting his own messiah. Of course Jews who have not accepted Jesus are opposed to it, just as the were when Jesus walked the earth. Are you remotely aware that the frist century church was almost entirely Jewish?? This is nothing new.

    Tis is nothing perverted ot twisted about it. You are entirely clueless and has no idea what you are talking about. Those are about the stupidest statement I have seen on this thread!

    If you want to know more go to my ministry website at www.shiloh-ministries.org

    Actually, Jews for Jesus has a membership that is about 80% Gentile.

    And a Jew that believes that Jesus was their Messiah, is not a Jew, but a Christian.

  14. Huh! Yeah Dude, Lucifer and Satan are one in the same!

    And yes, you are clueless!

    Actually, it was St. Jerome (347-420) that gave Satan the proper name of Lucifer in his writings. Other church fathers did not agree that Lucifer was the name of the Devil.

  15. I came upon this post yesterday, and thought it was just another incarnation of an urban myth (anti-Semitism in France). I am sure there is Anti-Semitism in France, as there is everywhere. There is also anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, anti-black, anti-fat, and a host of other hatreds.

    The irony, however, is that the person that posted the alarmist alert that started this thread is a known Anti-Semite. If Ron Cusano had his way, the Jewish faith would be eradicated. It does not get any more Anti-Semitic than that.

    He is part of a religious movement aimed at converting Jewish people to a twisted version of Christianity. Such groups, referred to as messianic movements, use traditional Jewish symbols, holidays, and imagery, as well as other deceptive practices, to coerce vulnerable Jews into joining 'home bible studies'.

    They do not worship or 'study' in churches, but rather in homes, to maintain the deception that they are not practicing Christianity. Torah Atlanta Rabbi Efraim Davidson, in describing these movements, stated that "their techniques are manipulative, deceptive and anti-Semitic."

    This practice of deceptive conversion is opposed by many Christian denominations, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Church USA. Pope John Paul II also said Jews shouldn't be targeted for conversion.

    Even the most famous evangelical of all, Billy Graham, said he believes it is not appropriate to convert Jews (or Muslims), directly opposing the position of his own denomination, The Southern Baptist Church, which fully supports and funds these deceitful movements.

    I have no problem with Mr. Cusano's religious conviction, and I know he believes he is doing his Christian duty. I also believe any person can choose to follow the religion they desire (or lack thereof). I do, however, have a problem with his methods and approach.

    Expressing his disgust with Anti-Semitism, while openly practicing Anti-Semitism himself, is quite a deception.

  16. I live in Omaha, and had my band placed November 14th, (in Mexico). My UHC policy is excellent, but specifically excludes WLS. Being self-pay, I sought out the affordable opton for myself.

    I was surprised to learn Omaha has a support group! All band patients? Or a mix?

    Good to find other Nebraskans.


  17. I live in Omaha, and had my band placed November 14th, (in Mexico). My UHC policy is excellent, but specifically excludes WLS. Being self-pay, I sought out the affordable opton for myself.

    I was surprised to learn Omaha has a support group! All band patients? Or a mix?

    Good to find a fellow Nebraskan.


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