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Posts posted by kimberlee1235

  1. Deli turkey meat is rather easy to chew. Have a piece rolled up with a slice of your favorite cheese... Like a little turkey taquito. I usually put my turkey slice on a paper plate, slice of cheese on top and heat it up in the microwave for 20 seconds, then roll it up and enjoy. The cheese being melted makes it a lil easier to eat ( I use havarti cheese, it's awesome )

  2. Glad to hear you are doing better! So far' date=' I chickened out. My surgery was supposed to be 9/11. I got scared from reading many scary stories. Still trying to decide what to do. I'm 34 years old. I've been 70-90 pounds overweight the last 13 years. It's time for a change![/quote']

    I hope you find a way around the nervousness and go through with the surgery. Everyone's experiences are SO different and although mine was not so pleasant, I don't think I could've avoided it. I'm looking forward to the next few months when things start to balance out and work more in my favor

  3. Im three weeks and 3 days post op, and i Just got transitioned to soft foods yesterday from full liquids. I say "soft foods" but my bariatric coordinator at the surgeons office said I could basically eat anything except for beef and bread. I had actually been eating a few bites of fish chewed really well and a couple bites of mashed potatoes within the past few days to see how it sat in my stomach and It did fine, so I think that's why they let me advance. I'm so glad I didn't have to do an awful purée stage. Today ( right now ) I'm eating a slice of deli turkey with a slice of havarti cheese ontop heated up in the microwave for about 20 seconds and rolled up. Freakin delish! Also having a couple veggie straw "chips" from costco. I'm learning my stomachs limits and I'm just trying to take it slow when I eat because I fear the V word... (vomit) ;) I haven't thrown up since surgery but I did dry heave a few days ago... I guess I would've thrown up if I would've actually had something in my stomach... Anywho. On the medical front, I have to go to the lab today to get my PT/INR checked for my Coumadin, going to see my pulmonologist next week to follow up on my blood clots... Need to see my hematologist so he can tell me if I indeed have some mystery clotting disorder... And an OB/gyn to see if he's figured out a method of birth control I'm allowed to use since I have blood clots... I am feeling SO much better though (other than a sore throat). I can't wait to be back to my old self (not eating wise of course). I have lost 32lbs total so far since the 14th of last month. My BMI went from 43.6 to 38! Alright everyone. Sorry for the long post. Have a happy Thursday :)

  4. Good luck with that. I have to say blood clots scare me. I have never experienced them. I guess my biggest issue is knowing that I have one because they don't always make themselves known.

    I really hope they get to the bottom of it for you and soon.

    Thank you very much

  5. I am so sorry you are going through this. I know you mentioned in your previous post a possible underlying clotting disorder. Did they find something or did they determined this was directly related to your surgery?

    I am wishing you a speedy recovery. I am glad they found the clots.

    I'm going to see my hematologist in a week or so for results of extensive labs they did in the hospital so ill find out then.

  6. Some of you may have seen my other posts about my post op complications...if not, here's a breakdown: Surgery was on 8/20. On 8/27, after almost two days of sharp pain when I took a breath, I finally went to the ER. Two blood clots. One in each lung. Admitted to ICU immediately. The next day only complicated things further, as a CT of my abdomen and pelvis revealed two more large blood clots. One in my splenic vein and one near my kidney.... I'm 24 years old. I'm getting married in under 5 months. This kind of stuff is not supposed to happen... I shouldn't have spent almost 12 days in the hospital, 7 of those spent confined to a bed in ICU, where you're lucky if youre allowed to use a bedside commode ( I was only so lucky on my last day in there ). On this past Thursday, after a few days in a regular room and several emotional breakdowns my mom pleaded with the doctor to let me go home. He said okay, as long as I had home health set up for at least a week. Done. So here I am, two days later. I still have two pieces of tape on my arm from where I had an IV taped down, and I refuse to remove them because I have hair on my arm and it hurts when it comes off. I'm miserable. I have buyers remorse more than I could ever imagine. This surgery has brought me nothing but grief. My job is on the line because I won't be able to return for a good while. And now I'm on blood thinners for at least several months. I'm hacking up bloody mucus constantly. I dry heave. I barely eat anything. The only time I have any sense of "ok" is when I'm medicated. I wish life had a fast forward button, or better yet.. A rewind button. I'd take it all back if I could, in a heart beat. That's all for now I guess.

  7. Just thought i would update everyone. I'm not in the ICU anymore as of the day before yesterday. They have taken me off of oxygen because my breathing has gotten a lot stronger than before, although it's still painful to inhale somewhat. Typically my pain when I breathe is on my right side where my ribcage is(in the back) and it radiates to my right shoulder, but yesterday I "suddenly" ( within 20 mins ) developed a pain under my left breastbone area that radiated to my side. It's one thing after another! I'm pretty sure they're going to do another CT scan, which wrecks my nerves because it's so hard for me to lay flat...last time they did one I went berserk. Anyway, as of this second the pain on my left side is not present, but the pain on the right is back. I'm just getting so annoyed with all of this. It's a never ending situation, or so it seems. I just want to go home.

  8. I had my surgery on 8/9/12 and have not not had any problems till about two days ago. I started with right flank pain' date=' I talked to the nurse and she said I was probably exercing to much. All I've done for excercise is walk on the tread mill for a hour at 2.0 to 3.0 mph. Needless to say I didn't go to the gym the last two days but I did take a 15 min stroll in my neighborhood today. However, on Friday night my throat started hurting. I slep til 2pm on Sat, thank gosh for my husband, he kept the kids out of my hair. This morning was 10x worse my chest is super heavy, when I breath in it hurts and I have a cough that keeps bringing up green chunks, yuk! It's also making my head pound! Of course, I am paranoid because of the recent surgery, I don't wanna end up with pneumonia or blood clots from being in active but at the same time I'm embarrassed to go to the doctors. I'm sure it's just a cold but after reading your story and just knowing all the different complications I am worrying terribly. I know my senario is nothing like yours but I still can't help but worry.

    Anyway, I wanted to ask if you were on Iv fluids? I don't remember reading that. Thank you for all of the updates, EVERYONE IS ROOTING FOR YOU TO HAVE A COMPLETE AND SPEEDY RECOVERY!!!![/quote']

    You mean IV fluids while in the hospital currently? Yes, I was. I was on IV heparin for blood thinner and IV saline for "regular fluids" they took me off heparin I think yesterday or the day before. They took me off fluids today. No active fluids at the moment

  9. I'm doing alright today. I was finally able to do some feminine pampering things my mom helped me I think it kinda changed my overall demeanor in a certain sense. Pain is still there and I don't really have any new news other than my Coumadin levels are high so theyre not giving me a pill again today. My doc is on vacation this weekend and will either be back tomorrow or Monday...I will hopefully be transferred to a regular floor and out of the ICU.

    I meant tomorrow or Tuesday, btw. And thanks everyone.

  10. I'm doing alright today. I was finally able to do some feminine pampering things my mom helped me I think it kinda changed my overall demeanor in a certain sense. Pain is still there and I don't really have any new news other than my Coumadin levels are high so theyre not giving me a pill again today. My doc is on vacation this weekend and will either be back tomorrow or Monday...I will hopefully be transferred to a regular floor and out of the ICU.

  11. I had surgery 8/20. Over the first few days after surgery I had what I assumed was still the gas pain and surgical pains or whatever. I started to develop a rapid heart rate. I attributed it to dehydration. On the saturday after my surgery I started getting a pain when I took in a breath, and it got to the point where I couldnt take deep breaths only short shallow ones. It was only on one side at any given time, but had the ability to be either on right or left side. It hurt when I inhaled in my ribcage area on my backside, and radiated into that shoulder. Sharp stabbing pain. By Monday the 27th I couldn't stand it anymore. I went to the ER (even though I almost felt embarrassed out of fear that it would just be gas or something dumb) they did a CT of my chest and I have a blood clot in each lung. An additional CT of abdomen/pelvis showed two more, one in kidney one in splenic vein. PLEASE, If you have pain, go to at least an urgent care facility. It's not worth risking your precious life.

  12. Glad to hear it dear. How are you doing on fluids and Protein? I'm sucking! My docs advice....eat anything you can keep down. I don't care if it's ice cream' date=' just do it! Sadly I have zero. Interest in ice cream lol.


    I'm getting in as much as possible. I'm usually really tired/doped up on pain meds so I don't get in nearly as much as I need but it's been a crazy past few days

  13. Just updating everyone. I think I'm doing good, I mean the pain is definitely still there when I breathe but I'm takin it day by day. A physical therapist came by earlier and had me get out of my bed for the first time and walk over to a recliner and they want me to sit here as long as possible. It's actually not uncomfortable at all, so I think I'll be fine. Dr is still unsure on how long I will be in the hospital but I can expect to be out of work for a few weeks.. *sigh*

  14. How are you feeling today Hun?

    Today I'm doing alright I suppose. Not much has changed since yesterday. I had a chest X-ray this morning (first one of these since my preop) I hope they don't find any surprises on there. The pain is prominent, but I'm just taking my pain meds when they're due and laying here. My heparin levels have been really good so they're only havin to check them once every mornjng instead of like every 6 hours or 4 hours or somethin crazy like that. Thanks for all the love!

  15. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone. Well, I wanted to clear something up. The clots "in my lungs" are apparently just very near my lungs in my inferior vena cava. I had a second dedicated CT yesterday of my abdomen pelvis (which was extremely traumatizing) and they found two more moderately large important clots. One near my kidney and one near my pancreas. The doctors are completely dumbfounded, as am I. They're doing lots of labs to see if there's any type of underlying clotting disorder... Which I don't have a family hx of. I don't know. What I do know is I will be here for several days at least. I am not allowed to get up or walk for fear of dislodging a clog...ugh

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