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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fericito

  1. fericito

    2Nd Weigh In

    Wow that's awesome! I go in for my first fill tomorrow and I'm really hoping it will help me start losing. Not letting myself get discouraged but I haven't lost anything in the last two weeks - they said I probably wouldn't and I haven't gone up at all (knock on wood) but it had been nice to see the scale move both pre and post op so it's been a bit of a downer... also being hungry all the time hasn't helped so hopefully the fill helps with both. Congrats to you!!!
  2. fericito

    Wt Gain:(

    Does not sound fun but I hope it gets better for you and you're able to be back on track soon. Hang in there.
  3. You'll be feeling normal again soon - but yes I think that's pretty common. I mostly sit at work and had two weeks off but was so surprised how hard that first day back was - mostly just exhausting like you said. It does get better.
  4. fericito

    Recovery Time?

    That doesn't seem right. is there anyone you can appeal to? I'm sorry for your job loss but hope it will be a good thing in the long run. Best of luck to you!
  5. fericito

    Lap Band Vs C-Section

    c section definitely worse. my last one was (just) 6 yrs ago but I still remember it well. The soreness in my abdomen after band was nothing compared to the c-section and certainly didn't last as long. I'm back to exercising and haven't been banded a full month yet. The gas pain was pretty bad from the lap band but didn't last beyond the second or third day for me. I'd do it again. C section? Dreading it if I ever have another child . Best of luck to you!
  6. fericito

    1 Day Post Op

    I'm just sending best wishes. Some of the worst days are coming but some of the best too. I'm impressed you sound so good. Take care of yourself!! And just know if things get bad it gets better after a few days- but maybe for you it'll be easy peasy. HOPE SO!!
  7. fericito


    How long ago were you banded? There are some awful days. You can get through this and you'll be ok - just keep doing what you're doing and be careful about over eating if you think that was it. I don't know about the smog. Sending my thoughts and prayers that you'll feel better soon.
  8. fericito


    I am so glad to read this. I was wondering if what I am experiencing is "stuck". Feels like a rock on my chest. I feel like I can't breathe as good. So this will pass. It happened after I ate, but an hour later when I started to drink. Obviously I need to fix something so it doesn't happen again - chew slower, drink later, chew smaller, etc. I don't want to ever feel like this again!
  9. Is there anyone you can talk to? I can't help thinking it's withdrawal from whatever comfort you got from food as well as the actual withdrawal. I know I've actually cried over some stuff that is so stupid (food related) and yet I am so frustrated while trying to change myself for the better. Can you find some comfort elsewhere to help your mood?
  10. fericito

    Dairy Products

    I'm ok with dairy but think I'm better off without it which has been hard for me to let go of. I am sorry that you're struggling and I hope it works out. What kind of problems with solids? How far post op are you? I had solids for the first time today and I think it's stuck so I'm not happy but this too shall pass...
  11. fericito

    Recovery Time?

    I think you'll be fine in a week. I went on vacation on my second week and did things like swimming, hiked a cave, etc. I got tired but wasn't in any pain. I carried my 6 yr old (he's light, about 30 lbs) with no problems. My port site was still a little sore for awhile but not painful. It took the longest to heal. Best of luck to you!!
  12. fericito

    What Kind Of Job Do You Have?

    I work mostly sitting but some lifting boxes etc (records). I went back after two weeks (had vacation for one, scheduled it a week longer just in case) and I was definitely ready to go back. When I did finally go back I had to lift a box that day and I was a little sore but didn't hurt, just like a stiff muscle feeling. I was tired by the end of the day but no pain. If it helps, my dr. has had me walking and exercising since after week 1. I go back to Cross Fit this week and it is pretty major working out (push ups, kettle bells, running, up downs, jumping rope, lifting weights, etc.) - and that will be one month. I think you should do what your dr. recommends but maybe talk to him again? I think four weeks sounds excessive BUT he/she does know best.
  13. fericito

    Food Stuck For 12 Hours

    I haven't had it come up (yet) but I think I had my first stick tonight. I am finally on solids for the first time today... ate really carefully but I did have shredded pork. Waited an hour before drinking but soon after I've got the worst feeling. It hurts a lot like a stone on my chest. Haven't dared drink anymore but it still just hurts, hours later. Is this what being stuck feels like? I'm hungry all the time and scheduled for my first fill next week but I'm genuinely scared for what it might do. I can't imagine how you must've felt for 12 hours. I am SO sorry. Glad it finally came up for you though.
  14. fericito

    Soft Foods

    I concur with the above poster - ask your dr. I specifically asked about salad, I am really missing it and he said no way no how until I can eat solids (almost there!). I explained about missing it and he said too bad basically and then listed some softer veggies I could have, mostly squashes, potatoes and well cooked broccoli. Check with yours to be sure.
  15. fericito

    Hello My Lovelies..interesting News Here

    I agree with the above poster. I have MULTIPLE times lost weight always to have it come back on. I believe just about anyone CAN lose weight but I think those of us who yo you for years really do need the tool the band can bring. I paid out of pocket for mine because I was so sick of the yo yo (our insurance won't cover it) and I feel so good about taking that control over this issue that's been with me for years. No it wasn't easy to come up with the money but in the end for me personally it was worth it. I send my thoughts and prayers to you as you make your decision. Best of luck to you.
  16. fericito

    When Is It Safe To Start Back Having Sex?

    Actually I'm finding that people really do have a variety of how it can go - after the first few days when I really kept thinking what the jack did I do it got a lot better, even the pain. I'd say by day 5 I was at least off the pain meds. I felt mostly normal within a few weeks - but I have a friend here who is suffering WAY more than I did and it made me realize how much it can vary... I agree with get real though - we need to ALL be talking about it so that those who have a different experience can feel "normal" even if theirs isn't the same.
  17. fericito


    Did you all have plastic coverings over your steri strips? I did and maybe that's why? They didn't leak or anything and the dr. peeled them off af my 2 week follow up and said my incisions were healed - I've never noticed them not to be. Weird now I'm all nervous
  18. Mine makes us wait 5 weeks post op - and then 30 days in between after that. Best of luck to you!
  19. fericito

    When Is It Safe To Start Back Having Sex?

    5 days lalaj? You're amazing. 5 days post op I was still wishing I was dead . As to op, I did ask about that my dr. said whenever I felt comfortable. You could ask yours?
  20. fericito


    Oh wow I wasn't told anything other than don't bathe for a week. I went on a vacation to a lake the second week and was swimming everyday (well nothing strenuous just in the water with the kids) and it didn't do a thing. Actually felt really good to be in the water. I'm not even a month out yet and been going to the public pool a couple times a week. Mine never said a word but now I'm going to ask when I go back next week lol.
  21. All good tips and thanks for the reminders!!
  22. fericito

    2 Months Post Op

    I don't mean to be rude by prying, just curious how much over your recommended bmi you were? I'm almost double the weight bmi charts say I should be so I thought mine would come fast but nothing like you're saying... so I just wondered. Seems every person is so different - any good tips or secrets to share? CONGRATS to you - that's really really cool and I'm so happy for you!
  23. I don't have the answer although I bet there's research on it but I have a friend who's had hers 4 years and still going strong. Her mother was banded in the 90s and still has hers... so I'd guess quite a long time? I guess I figured forever myself.
  24. fericito

    What Just Happened?

    So again I'm sorry, I haven't had my first fill (aug 1st) but I've been eating slowly and small portions etc. and I had expected to throw up at some point (they said all do) but hasn't happened... I guess I didn't realize the really bad times will be after my fills? I thought all the post op diets etc were teaching me how to eat with a fill in but are you saying it's not? That it gets worse than this (post op diet)? I'm not complaining just inquiring. I have a couple banded friends and even after fills they seem ok? But they are years out so I don't know what to think now...
  25. Thank you for the motivation to keep doing it right. Wonderful article!

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