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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BOB052212

  1. So with my 9cc's (realize 14cc band) as of 8/1/12 I am learning this band is not a joke, to all who have not found there way to restriction, have patience, it will come! So im still trying to figure out if im to tight, today I had a Greek yogurt for Breakfast, small bag of chex mex for snack, and than came the downer of the day, an orange! From 1pm I was nauseas, having cold sweats and extremely fatigue, about 10 minutes ago the culprit surfaced, one good belch and up came the half of orange I thought I had digested! This is definitely a learning experience, unfortunately no matter how many people tell you the do's and the dont's most of the dont's are not dont's until you experience it first hand#learning!!

  2. So I had my 3rd fill August 1, 2012. 1st fill doc took out 2 cc's of air and replaced them with 2cc's saline plus added 2 more cc's which gave me 4 cc's. 2nd fill was on July 10, and I received 2 more cc's, still no restriction! Last week my doc was going to give me 2 more, I asked for 3 he said ok. So I have a total of 9 cc's in a Realize Band that holds 14 cc's. Im not sure if my restriction is there because I have horrible pain while trying to swallow! Most times whatever I do manage to eat comes back up! Drinking Water even causes discomfort sometimes...Oh and I was one of the people who did not know what PB'ing meant, I am acutely aware now...lol. So is it possible im to tight? I have also realized that small bites are.not the size bites I must take, tiny tiny bites is more like it! I think I may be a Lil to tight, honestly 8.5 is probably my lucky # because the 9 is extremely tight! Im not complaining, I was the skeptic who had Lil faith that this would even work, im a banded believer now, LOL!

  3. So I had my 3rd fill August 1, 2012. 1st fill doc took out 2 cc's of air and replaced them with 2cc's saline plus added 2 more cc's which gave me 4 cc's. 2nd fill was on July 10, and I received 2 more cc's, still no restriction! Last week my doc was going to give me 2 more, I asked for 3 he said ok. So I have a total of 9 cc's in a Realize Band that holds 14 cc's. Im not sure if my restriction is there because I have horrible pain while trying to swallow! Most times whatever I do manage to eat comes back up! Drinking Water even causes discomfort sometimes...Oh and I was one of the people who did not know what PB'ing meant, I am acutely aware now...lol. So is it possible im to tight? I have also realized that small bites are.not the size bites I must take, tiny tiny bites is more like it! I think I may be a Lil to tight, honestly 8.5 is probably my lucky # because the 9 is extremely tight! Im not complaining, I was the skeptic who had Lil faith that this would even work, im a banded believer now, LOL!

  4. So I had my 3rd fill August 1, 2012. 1st fill doc took out 2 cc's of air and replaced them with 2cc's saline plus added 2 more cc's which gave me 4 cc's. 2nd fill was on July 10, and I received 2 more cc's, still no restriction! Last week my doc was going to give me 2 more, I asked for 3 he said ok. So I have a total of 9 cc's in a Realize Band that holds 14 cc's. Im not sure if my restriction is there because I have horrible pain while trying to swallow! Most times whatever I do manage to eat comes back up! Drinking Water even causes discomfort sometimes...Oh and I was one of the people who did not know what PB'ing meant, I am acutely aware now...lol. So is it possible im to tight? I have also realized that small bites are.not the size bites I must take, tiny tiny bites is more like it! I think I may be a Lil to tight, honestly 8.5 is probably my lucky # because the 9 is extremely tight! Im not complaining, I was the skeptic who had Lil faith that this would even work, im a banded believer now, LOL!

  5. I had my 2nd fill 2 days ago, dont really feel alot of restriction, however I tried to eat bread last night and it was a horrible experience! It felt like it was stuck in my esophagus, and it was very painful, so here are my questions. Is it normal for this to happen even if your not feeling alot of restriction when I eat? Secondly, is this a sign that the six cc's that I have may put me in the "green zone" in a few days?

  6. I had my 2nd fill 2 days ago, dont really feel alot of restriction, however I tried to eat bread last night and it was a horrible experience! It felt like it was stuck in my esophagus, and it was very painful, so here are my questions. Is it normal for this to happen even if your not feeling alot of restriction when I eat? Secondly, is this a sign that the six cc's that I have may put me in the "green zone" in a few days?

  7. I am 6 weeks out and I am able to exercise, actually walked 6 miles in 95 degree heat the other day. Are you eating fruit? I know we are supposed to eat Protein first, but your body needs, fruits and veggies. This is how I make sure I get my fruit in daily, I make 2 smoothies a day, 1 apple, 1 banana, and either blueberries or strawberries. In addition I add a little Water, and 2 to 3 packs of equal/splenda and a greek yogurt (protein) I highly recommend making smoothies, and using 2 or 3 different fruits, this also has ended my bouts with constipation...Good Luck!

  8. Just wanted to share a lil info about fruit! I am a firm believer NOW that a apple a day really does keep the Dr. away...actually more like 4 or 5 a day! I highly recommend you put your good ole blender to use and make yourself a smoothie or 2 EVERYDAY! I have been doing this pre and post and I feel so much better. I have even noticed a few of my health issues improved or all together disappeared. fruit gives you the vital nutrients that are sometimes neglected with us bandsters, we must focus on Protein but often tines lack the Vitamins and minerals we need, my goal is to be slim and healthy, not slim and looking like death. I use a greek non fat yogurt, an apple, pinrapple, a banana, ice, a lil Water and a few packs of equal and end up with a very delightful smoothie, I dont measure the ice and water and generally use 2 to 3 packs of equal. I have used almost every FRESH fruit but always include an apple and banana... I added a bell pepper this am and it was delicious! Happy Smoothing!

  9. To those of you who are working a 9 to 5 and cant seem to fit excercise into your schedule, Sneak a workout in during your work day! I have been seeing major results from power walking on my 2- 15 minute breaks during the day. 30 minutes of exercise a day keeps the fat away...

  10. I was banded on 5.22.12, had first fill om 6.13.12. The last few days ive been having stinging pain around my port, Im familiar with the pain that I had in the port area after surgery, however this pain occurs when I sit down, stand up, or twist a certain way. My thoughts are that is stinging pain is occuring for one of two reasons, but I am open to any reasons that any fellow bandsters may offer. My reasons are that maybe its because I have very little belly fat, or maybe because the the swelling that was in that area pretty much has disappeared over the past week. I will also add that most of my port pain was gone after week 2, and this pain is some what different its like someone is sticking u with a safety pin x 10.

  11. I feel your pain, my surgery was 5.22.12 and I had my first fill yesterday. I have a little restriction, however im not in the "green zone" by any means. My suggestion is to eat healthy Snacks, in my office I keep apples amd oranges on my desk, I have rice cakes, yogurts, ans other low cal foods readily available, until we get to the green zone, I would just watch your calories, and load up on 0 calorie foods, like pickles, lettuce, and the snacks mentioned above. FFWD a few months and you will have restriction and be well on your way to your new you!

  12. The choice is yours, I feel your pain, I had the bypass and gained all but 40 pounds back, just had the lap band at 270 pounds, however when o was going through the approval process, I realized that band or no band that this body of MINE is MY RESPONSIBILITY! From March 3 til my final appt. With my surgeon I demanded from myself to start eating healthy, and to SAVE MY OWN LIFE! I am happy to report that I went from 291 to 271 in less than 2 months and this was prior to my pre op diet for the lap band. I stopped fast food, eating out, and did 5 servings of fruit and 4 veggies a day, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU MUST GO BACK TO THE BASICS, LEAN Protein FIRST! From my experience Me and my first surgery failed each other, you have to take responsibility for why you are where you are! If we that have gained weight back be honest our habits drastically changed from when we first lost the weight! Change your habits, if your band is now positioned correctly, go get your fills and save your life! I wish you luck, YOU CAN DO IT!

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