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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead

    Any June Sleevers?

    June 2013 makes one year out. Down 140 lbs. ive been in a stall for over a month now. Even though zive lost so much I feel I will never get to my goal. I originally set my gosl at 175. Eould love to be less but realistic. Im 5'8 and wear a 12/14. I did wear s 24/26. I think after skin removal I might be a size 10. That was my goal size when I started. Some days Im just as self concious at this size because of saggy skin as I was at 340 lbs. Anyone else feel this way?
  2. Looking Ahead

    June Roll Call

    Im in the same boat..started 240 and at 198 now. My eating habits are awful and no exercise. I need motivation to get back on track.
  3. Looking Ahead

    41 To Be Sleeved June 25

    Yes it did . I'm 140 lbs down and in a size 12/14. I need to lost another 30 lbs but having trouble. Havent lost but close to 5 pounds in the past two months. I'm having trouble staying motivated and eating the right foods and not exercising. Any suggestions?
  4. So, yesterday I was 200 and was super excited....almost in onederland. I just weighed and I'm at 197 ! I do not remember when I was under 200, its been at least 25 years. Figure I'm 42, thats a long time ! I've been on a stall for over a month. I hope this will get me down to my 170 goal soon. Then have skin removal and be about 150 after all is said and done.My next goal now is 189. 8 more pounds.
  5. Looking Ahead


    I was told my calories would move up after one year or when I reach my goal.
  6. Looking Ahead

    7 months out and 125 lbs down!

    You look GREAT ! We are almost the same in everything. Feels great doesn't it? Have you noticed your weight is slowing down ALOT?
  7. You lok great and seeing before snd after pics does help.
  8. Looking Ahead

    Minus 140 lbs - makeover

    I am very happy how far I've come. I can't get past a stall I'm on. I've been within the same 5 lbs for over a month. I want to lose another 30 lbs. I would hope when I have the skin removed, it would take half of that. Thank you for the compliments.
  9. I can totally relate...I've been on a slow stall for over a month. I may only go poo maybe 3 times a week. But when I do, I feel like I'm giving birth...literally screaming and hanging on to the sink for dear life in pain begging for an epidural. I know I don't get enough water....I figure that is most of my problem... It gets worse when I eat almonds.
  10. Looking Ahead

    Peanut Butter in Pureed Stage?

    I ate Peanut butter in my mushie stage. I would have a tsp and dip it in the jar and just lick it off the spoon. My own personal snack...Use plastic spoons and throw it away when done...no mess.
  11. Looking Ahead

    Minus 140 lbs - makeover

    Thank you so much everyone..I could NOT have done this without the encouragement of this website and friends I've met on here. I bow to you and say Thank you.
  12. Thank you. I'm going to try it.
  13. I'm 7 months out and the past 10 pounds has taken about 2 months to get rid of! I'm 202.9 this morning and can't get to the 100 mark. I'm 42 and haven't seen the 100's since I was about 17. I don't think I eat alot but I do eat junk. Not that I crave it, its just easier to grab something in a package for breakfast. I have knee surgery yesterday which puts me on my butt for about 3 weeks. Does anyone have any tips for those of us that are closer to our goal and the weightloss has slowed down? I'm happy its still going down, but its like waiting for water to boil.
  14. What is that? Lil Miss Diva's Boot Camp?
  15. I went to an "herb" remedies guy about two weeks ago. Some people call him a quack because he believes in herb instead of medications. As soon as I sit in front of him, he drew a picture of my legs without me saying anything. He asked my name and I explained the drop foot. He instantly drew 6 dots on the picture. Thee on my leg leg inside calf and 4 on my abdomen. He said I have 6 Vitamin E oil..they are in a get cap and I bite into it and spit out the gel caplet. He said it would dissolve the blood clots. I've been on the Vitamin E for two weeks and can lift my drop foot up and down when I'm not putting weight on it. He said it could take up to two months. My doctors back home are skeptical but everyone that goes to him say he has always been 100% on the nose and corrected their problem. He told my mom she had internal bleeding....next week, she went to the dr and has a bleeding ulcer which they fixed that week. His name is Bruce Joneshill from Rosebud, Arkansas. I do believe he is the real thing. He prays before he tells you what is going on. He is a Christian. My BP still runs around 85/55. My family dr thinks its dehydration. So, I'm taking the advice of both, taking the Vitamin E and drinking more Water.
  16. Looking Ahead

    hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism

    I went to an "herb" remedies guy about two weeks ago. Some people call him a quack because he believes in herb instead of medications. As soon as I sit in front of him, he drew a picture of my legs without me saying anything. He asked my name and I explained the drop foot. He instantly drew 6 dots on the picture. Thee on my leg leg inside calf and 4 on my abdomen. He said I have 6 blood clots. I freaked immediately. He said nothing to worry about. That my heart rate is up due to the heart trying to pump past them. My BP is down due to the same thing. My drop foot on my right leg is from the same since the blood clots mess with nerve. He put me on Vitamin E oil..they are in a get cap and I bite into it and spit out the gel caplet. He said it would dissolve the blood clots. I've been on the Vitamin E for two weeks and can lift my drop foot up and down when I'm not putting weight on it. He said it could take up to two months. My doctors back home are skeptical but everyone that goes to him say he has always been 100% on the nose and corrected their problem. He told my mom she had internal bleeding....next week, she went to the dr and has a bleeding ulcer which they fixed that week. His name is Bruce Joneshill from Rosebud, Arkansas. I do believe he is the real thing. He prays before he tells you what is going on. He is a Christian. My BP still runs around 85/55. My family dr thinks its dehydration. So, I'm taking the advice of both, taking the Vitamin E and drinking more Water.
  17. Has anyone who has had gastric surgery been diagnosed with this? I have been through **** for about a month and today they tell me I have hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism - Something to do sodium and my body not being able to absorb and keep it. Anyone have any information on this? I've googled it and just need layman terms.
  18. Looking Ahead

    hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism

    Yes that is what the dr told me too but you explained it so much better. I have had all these symptoms except being hot, I FREEZE ALL the time. No feeling in my fingers freezing 24/7. I haven't broke a sweat in over 2 years The gastric dr sent me to a diabetic dr who found this in a blood test. He prescribed Potassium and another pill to help my body absorb the salt. I have low BP and don't know how long I've had it, I've been falling, about to pass out and fell once at work and ended up in the ER overnight because my BP was too low to send me home. Somewhere around 80/48. After 3 iv bags, it went to abt 96/56...where it pretty much stays now. I have always had perfect Blood Pressure. My heart rate has always been around 56-60. it dropped to 45-48 in the ER. During the fall, I pinched and damaged a nerve in my left leg...Now I have drop foot. I can't move my left foot up at all...I can move it down and slightly sideways but nothing up. I have a brace on my leg and foot now that I got this week. It helps me not lose my balance and trip over my foot. But I till fall over to my right. My left leg is the one messed up. I started the new meds last night. So, if I get my sodium up and potassium up, my bp will go up and I will stable out? I was skin removal at the end of this year and don't want it to cause me to not have the surgery. As far as how I lost the weight...I still try to keep my calories under 1000 a day. I've had grape Gatorade for the past month. I crave it ...I guess because of the sodium I'm missing. I stalled for almost a month until yesterday. I started drinking chocolate Muscle Milk two days ago for Breakfast and sometimes for lunch and eat what ever I want at night. My stomach is still small and I can't eat a lot. Up until I messed up my left and foot,, I was always on the go..I have a sit down data entry job so I dont get up much during the day but when I get home, I hardly sit. Weekends, I spend window shopping and trying on clothes for fun. This morning I woke up to 203. Its been 205-209 for a month. Hopeful I'll be under 200 and in Onederland by Easter. I don't drink colas at all. Sometimes unsweetened tea with sweet n low. If I have alcohol, its about once a month and is a "sample" from Olive Garden for 25 cents. Its all I need and satisfies me. I am so surprised and excited and how much I have lost and how fast. I don't think its any certain secret but each person is different in losing.
  19. Looking Ahead

    Shoe Size

    Approximatly how much as far as shoe sizes can you go down losing over 100 lbs. i wear a 12 and would love to wear "normal" shoes
  20. Looking Ahead

    Shoe Size

    Here is my follow up comment after losing 130+ pounds. I went from a 12W to an 11M
  21. I've been off my Mobic for inflammatory in my knees and back for about 2 weeks. I literraly am in so much pain, I just want to stay in bed. Walking, bending moving my shoulder is soo painful . So, my question is what anti inflammatory medication or any type of help can I take now and after my surgery in two weeks? Ive been to the chiropractor and to get a massage and using a Tenz unit..nothing helps. Someone please give me some advice. I have fibromylagia and the beginning of Osteoporsis. Ive had knee scope and looking at knee replacement within 2-3 years...Im trying to push it out as far as possible. Any advice is appreciated.
  22. I'm going to try and not make this too long. For the past 3 weeks, I have been clumsy, falling in to the walls and trouble with my vision. I fell a couple weeks ago outside and bruised my right hip. Got up and knocked it off to being accident pron. When I would stand, I'd almost black out and have to sit back down. Wednesday of this week, it was really bad and I fell at work - bruised my left hip. I went to the ER right then. BP was like 70/43. I've never had problems with BP. Always perfect. Also, I can't raise my left left very high and can't tilt it towards me sitting down. The er dr asked if my back hurt, I said no, but today it does. Not sure if its a bruise or something to stress over. I've had a headache for 3 weeks straight ( assume thats due to the low bp). Nothing will help it. They keep me overnight in the hospital and did an MRI and CT, Blood work and check my BP every 15 min all night. Finally about 4am it went to like 85/58 then 97/55. They then discharged me with a cardio tilt table test scheduled and a 24 hr heart monitor. Gave me 3 bags of fluid but said the blood work didn't show dehydration. So, after all this....I get home and I'm up 5 pounds ! I haven't lost in about a month. Then it goes up. I don't eat a lot. I don't drink enough water like I should I know. But I am so discouraged with the scale going up. I try and make my meals not over 200 calories each. I don't snack a lot and try to keep the overall calories under a 1000. I (before this ER visit) had lost 130 in 6.5 months. I still need to lose another 30-40 lbs. What gives? What am I doing wrong? Then someone tells me they have sugar in the fluid bags they gave me at the er...my heart sank. I've been extremely depressed this past month and went to Urgent Care two weeks ago. Had a UTI and he added Celexa to my depression med Im already taking ( Welbutrin). I've googled it and don't see where it would cause problems with bp. Now, heres the problem. I can't move my left foot or leg much so I walk like I've had a mini stroke (embarrassing), my bp is still low, my headache is still going strong, both hips hurt and I'm up 5 lbs in a week ! Yes I'm whiney but my husband won't listen to me and doesn't understand. Im embarrassed to go to urgent care again. Do I just wait for the tilt test to do anything and who do I call for the foot leg thing? A foot dr, my ortho dr, a chiropractor, or back dr? My mind is swirling. Someone please give me your opinion.
  23. Looking Ahead

    Day 3 post op: HELP!

    Sleep in your recliner. Drink slowly and warm liquids if possible and they can call you in something for nausea. I also lived on Sonic crushed ice. You can buy it by the bag for under $2 here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
