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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead

    2 Days Post Op

    I just came home from being sleved on Minday also. I kniw this sounds crazy but i forget to drink. Just not hungry or thirsty. Im in so much pain I can barely move. When im moving from say the rcliner to the kitchen the pain is not tolerable. Im normally have a high pain tolerance. Hate feeling thus way. I dont have sugar free Fruit drinks here. Would that count as my Water?
  2. Its 1245 am and I was sleeved 12 hours ago. Doing fine other than th gas pains in my chest and left shoulder. So happy the surgery is over~
  3. Looking Ahead

    Two Days Post Op

    I was in for 3 days. My surgery date and the next two days to make sure all is going well, Im tolerating the liquid and pain was under control. That is his normal to anyone getting the surgery. All his Sleeves are done the same. Varies from Dr to Dr.
  4. Day 3 in hospital. Lots of pain. Went walking twice yesterday. May get to go home this afternoon. Dr says we will see. Shoulder pain was the worst after surgery. They said it was the anesthia. Pain meds added to iv last night. Pump was doing it fir them. Then followed by benedrl for the itching. Today thicker liquids even though i didnt finish my liquids from yesterday. Husband has been here i think about an hour total. Parents were here till i started talking funny that ehen i ordered everyone out. Lol. Even through all this pain. I feel the hardest part is behind me. So thats my update sitting here in the hospital. Tty~~~ angie
  5. Looking Ahead

    Two Days Post Op

    Im finally home ! Sore as all get out and can barely move...but I'm home. Over the surgery hurdle. Now Im upset with my husband and son. Son never came to visit me..he's 19 still living at home. I walked through the door and he wanted to tell me something that happened at work with his dad. I never ever do this but I said" Idon't care" and walked away. My husband griped and complained the whole time after I called him up the hospital ato pick me up because it was interfearing with his work at home...own his construction company. OH>>>>and on the way home, he pulls though slim chickens...a resturant here and asked if I wanted anything! I said no and just cried looking out the window...and thats when I decided. I don't need anyone for this. Get the H*** out of my way you sorry people ! If I made it through surgery alone and 3 days at the hospital in horrible pain, I don't need you now. So, I know this will be along rough road, but its my road and stay the H**** off of it before I run your A** over. By the way, I think my hormones are little off today after the surgery. Now, Im going to sit back in my fluffy recliner, watch some tv, sip on my water and eater my banana baby food !
  6. Looking Ahead

    Two Days Post Op

    Nurse just came in. May get to go home around 3. I went walking earlier. Thats hard. Feels like my drain z ripping. I really want to sleep but nurses and familt come in alit to check on me. Husband came last night for about an hour. Other than that i heard call me when youre ready to go home. I was talking stupid last night and news i was so thank goodness they all left ! Lol. Worried about what to eat when i go home. I gave my papers to go by but having the nurses fux ut and bring it to me us a lot different than doing it youself. The janitor stopped in to say hello. He had the sleeve done about 6 weeks ago. Wveryone is friendly. K my screen is getting blurry. Ttyl.
  7. I'm leaving for the hospital in a couple hours. Surgery starts at 10:30 this morning. Down to 302 this morning. . Was 338 when I decided to do this. Its been a rough couple days for. Please say a prayer. Really needing some comfort. Talk to you when I get home wednesday. . Thanks for all of your support and advice. Made it so much easier with this support group.
  8. Looking Ahead

    I Am 12 Hours Post Op

    Im pretty weak and the pains make almost impossible to lean. My nurses have neen amazing. Ive only had abt 10 water sips since i got back to my room. After using this site daily sine i made this decision so i know hat to expect and it will go away soon as they get me up walking. This happy with my decision.
  9. Looking Ahead

    Today Is My Do-Over

    In my hospital bed as i write. Only magor roblem im having is the gas pains in my chest and shoulders. But I made theough the surgery Toolk 3 1/2 hors on rhe table.
  10. Looking Ahead

    By This Time Tomorrow...

    I was sleeved today also. Ive been going through all the things you mentioned and I also lol spilled it all out on the a couples nights back. Im in my hospital room now. Should be sleeping but the gas pain is keeping me up . But its going to be worth it all. Hope you sugert goes well fir tou also.
  11. I don't know any doctors but I did have Lasix done about 5 years ago...best decision ever. But...if you are being sleeved and need help afterwards, from my experience I was pretty much in bed for two days because even tv light was like looking into the sun. You both may need the same amount of help for a couple days. Might ask a friend or family member to help out. Oh yeah, I couldn't drive for about a week due to the sun so birght I couldn't open my eyes outside for about 5 days. Every person is different but just so you are prepared. Good Luck.
  12. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    Good luck to everyone...see you back here on Thursday
  13. Well, tonight is night two I can't sleep so I thought I'd share some things that are on my mind keeping me up. One is how we strive so hard to look "normal" - according to who or by what doctors notes? In mind mind of growing up is that you have to have long pretty shiney hair, I get that from my Christian upbringing. You should be very respectful to your parents...from my Parents upbringing. You must have small danty feet in which to wear the cute and beautiful shoes that would go with all the up to date styles that only come in zero to size 12/14. In the office where I work, I should dress professional which is hard to do in a size 24. Even with that 12/14 is considered huge while in school. I've always been heavy so I have dealt with this my entire life. You should never speak your mind - keep your thoughts to yourself if you want to keep that friend, keep your job or not be in family war zones. You should always wear makeup and not just any make up...expensive make up....according to the commercials, your eyes will drain, your face will sweat or feel heavy and your skin will look like an oil slick unless you use what "every one else is using". You must aways smile when a man/woman smiles and you and not show offense if you smile first and not get a smile back. You must be the "normal" height for a woman (about 5'6/5'7 ) and for a man ( about 5'9/6'). This is what we see most in movies that makes us compare our lives and bodies to the unrealist world. My husband and I married in 1990, divorced in 1994, remarried in 2002. He says I am fine just how I am. But I can't get past what reality forces me to think I should be. He is never complentary, hardly ever affectionete. Never says Im pretty or I love you just because. Never holds my hand in public or at home. We merely live together. I "think" we are in love but not even sure of that anymore. I have trust issues with him and he thinks life is all about saving money. Working your tail off most every day and not spending it...and if you do..I will hear about how many bills we have...which are all up to date, not is alot of debt. My 2005 truck is paid off in like 3 months. He drives a new truck, my son works for him and drives a new truck. We ARE NOT in trouble. I remarried thinking (from my christian childhood) that it was the right thing to do since we had kids. We did fall back in love and were remarried within 2 months of bumping into each other uptown. Now, we are back , well almost, back to the reason for the divorce. So, that is some of my sleep insomnia thoughts. Here's the rest. I have surgery on Monday...thats less than 48 hours. I haven't been able to heat much this past week. Not unusual to only get in about 300 calories a day. I tried going back to some of my norman veggies and healthy foods to help with the dizziness and lighthead that accompanies my migraines. Well, after being off real food for so long, they taste horrible so I just got get a bottle of water. I can feel how my body is deteriating. Muscle aches, headaches, dizzy, bumping into walls, vomiting after having something like jello. I don't dare call the dr for fear of him canceling. Actually looking for to the hospital stay so someone can get me back on track. Its 245am and I just had a small instant brown rice that actually did taste good. As of this morning my weight was down to 305 from 338 in April. This is just what is exploding on to these keys right now. There is so much more in my mind, I can't shut it off. I have anxiety and panic attacks which is making this all worse. Did I mention my husband is totally against the surgery. He says it stupid to do something that is elective and doesn't understand it not elective for "ME" . I need this emoionally and physically. I told him today, when I asked if he was taking me Monday and was he staying or leaving during surgery.." You haven't been there for me in the journey to get here so I don't expect you to be there after the journey". He just stared at me and said Im not leaving while you are in surgery which just sounds stupid to me considering how he acts on a daily basis. Then there is the dying on the table issue. What would happen to my kids, my mom and dad and grandbaby - I am the caretaker of all. Everything people say to me I hang on to because I don't know if I'll make it through the surgery...nothing is a guarentee. sorry for the spelling-everything is just pouring out right now. So, tell me, does anyone else feel this way or is my mind this warped from an Unrealistic World?
  14. Looking Ahead

    Normal In An Unrealistic World

    Thank you both for sharing your experiences so help me see it will be ok. I'm not sold on it yet...but I will keeping going over in my mind what you have told me. So many days I think I made a mistake remarrying him. I honestly think we have fallen out of love....we are more roomates that love each other 'sometimes'. I hope I'm wrong about how he feels about me, my heart is searching for it anywhere else. I have been overweight my entire life. My first concern of my weight was when I was 6 and my brother and I both weighed and I weighed 77lbs and he YOUR FAT! I just ballooned from there. Not saying it is his fault Im fat, I've just had these feelings for so many years, I have no idea how to retrain my brain. I worry when I get to my size, I'll be afraid to eat worried I'm get back to this ugly person "I" feel I've become. I hope and think I'll feel better after Im in recovery. I will keep you updated. With a tearful and so thankful thank you for your imput. Thanks for listening. Maybe tonight I can get some sleep...going 3 days and little sleep is not helping.
  15. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    Im ready for monday too. I fought a horrible migriane today. Nothing was staying down. Its been a tiring journey just to get to the surgery. Im ready for a little rest in the hospital and let someone take care of me for 3 days.
  16. I went through that this past week. I was sick of the shakes and dry powder they call food when you add Water if you can stomach the smell ! It was a 600 calorie diet for two weeks. I did have one day when I went out to eat I was so hungry and just plain mad. I had only a small salad and one small plate of veggies. I walked out so happy. Like a person hooked on drugs sneaking a pill like they are hiding it from everyone else. But inside you are the only one it will affect. That night I went to bed so hungry that when I was eating the 600 nasty stuff. Long story short. It didn't affect my weightloss. But did get me onver the hurdle I needed. You are ok, I would say at least 80% or more cheat on the pre diet whether they tell anyone or not. You are human not Superwoman. Not yet anyway. Hang in there...do your best to stay on track. I ate alot of SF Jellos when I needed something different. Even had a couple plain rice cakes for texture one day. Monday is my day and it has all been worth it. By Christman this year, I will be........happy ....just happy with myself and self confident. Good Luck to you. I say a prayer for me and you today to reach our goals.
  17. Doing my happy dance. Sleeve day is Monday. Happy Dance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plus down 32 pounds for a good start on pre diet. Top picture is April...just made the decision to change.... Bottom picture was taken today...surgery Monday.. Happy Dance....
  18. Excited...Had my pre admit today and more lab work...Monday Morning here I come !
  19. Thank you for the reply. I feel like a weight has been lifted. This is my first mistake since starting the process in April. I know it be tough but looking foward to getting full faster. Funny thing- I ate tonight some veggies I was craving. Felt full when I left butnow my stomach is growling not like when I eat the nasty shakes and powdered eggs and Soups. That tells alot Thanks again Angie
  20. My surgery is Monday morning...I've been doing the diet packages they gave me since the 11th. Today I lost it...I was hungry, mad and depressed. So my husband and I wen to a buffet where I had a small spinich salad...and plate with cabbage, turnip greens and couple pieces of crab meat. I was giddy but feel guilty now... Did I screw everything up? I can stay straight now for the newxt 3 days. Do you think I screwed myself out of surgery? Ive lost 12 lbs since I started the diet on the 11th. Worried now. I didn't go back for seconds and small amount and I was full...
  21. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    I havden't even starting thinking about after surgery diet...My dr hasn't discussed what I can have...I know I don't want his diet packets anymore! Guess I'll do a little research andget some things this weekend ....So ready for Monday !!!
  22. Looking Ahead

    My Solution To Hair Loss

    Love it !!!!
  23. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    I have been having SF jello to help get through the days but today is getting to me. I didn't have an appetite at all yesterday, today I could have eat my desk at work!
  24. Im on day 8 of 14 and having trouble getting myself to eat the items they gave me for the 2 week diet. I almost made it today but missed one meal. Not getting all my water although I usually have about 24-30 oz of water a day not including the shake a day. Im losing weight but dont want to show up Monday morning and them cancel my surgery due to malnutrition...Can you be obese and malnourished? Any ideas for suger free no calorie foods other than crystal light and sf jello?

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