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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. I am 41 and just sleeved 5 days ago. I've had a lot rougher time with it than the ones I read about in post sleeve forums. I still move around like Im ninty from the pain when I walk. I walk bent over holding the drain bandage. Going through all kinds of emotional things. Has anyone else over 40 experinced this? What did you do to make it through the first week? When do you start to have hope of "normal" again?
  2. Looking Ahead

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    The pain was severe enough I was back in the ER Friday afternoon. They did an MRI and CT for blood clots. It all came back fine. Was sent home saying it was surgery pain and see you Monday for Post Op. The drain isn't red and doesn't look irritated. It drains about 8 cc a day of blood/liquid. The pain is directly where the drain is and behind it in my back. I've started using a chair vibrator for my back. Worried about using it but it does ease the pain with a heating pad. I change the bandage on the drain every day with my shower. It feels like the weight of my stomach on that side pulls on it causing me to walk bent over holding it in pain. I hope everyone is right and he takes out the drain tomorrow and the pain passes.
  3. Looking Ahead

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    When did you feel "normal" again? I walked two to three times a day in the hospital. Was in for 3.5 days. I wonder why some have drains and some don't . Seems like the ones with drains are in more pain. Mind if I ask how much you've lost and when did you start your exercise after surgery?
  4. I saw you had on your signature "home dealing with the pain" No offense but I was so glad to see that. I only see how wonderful it has been. I have been in unimaginable pain since Ive been home. It will be one week tomorrow that I had the sleeve done. I just told my husband, Im about to have a mental breakdown if I don't get something that tastes good soon! Everything stinks or tastes horrible. I opened a can of minced potatoes and added milk, salt and pepper. Used a real bow, not a 2 oz medicine cup and a real metal spoon - not the plastic ones Ive been using because I go through so many of them! It was good. I paid for it for about 15 minutes of esophagus spasms and burning. Not sure if that means Im not ready for it or not. So sick of liquids. Im not hungry just ready for a NORMAL day. My doctor didn't say anything about compression stockings. I go back to him tomorrow and hopefully take out this painful drain. I sneezed earlier and swear the entire 60,000 town heard me scream. Did you come home with a drain and if so, what are you doing for the pain and back pain??
  5. Looking Ahead

    Bruce Jones Jonesboro, Arkansas

    Trying this one more time. This site has kicked me to another page 3 times in the past 5 min. I came home in alot of pain. Still about an 8 on scale of 10. I take the liquid pain med when I just can't handle it anymore. Drops it to about a 5. I think its the drain causing all the problems. I hope to have it removed tomorrow on my one week appt with Dr Jones. His nurse is great to call back with any problems. I went to the ER Friday with so much pain in my back behind the drain. Dr Jones met me there and had tests run to make sure it wasn't a blood clot. Tests were fine and sent back home within 3 hours. The drain and my back behind the drain is the worst pain. I sneezed once and coughed like 3 times and suprised all of Jonesboro didn't hear me scream. I read on this site of all the great outcomes. No pain. Walking in 2 days, back to work in one week. I guess the ones in pain avoid this site due to being in bed screaming and cursing. I have lost 10 lbs since I checked into the hospital last Monday. I can't eat alot. Im not hungry and even after preparing everything, I was lost when I got home. I used a heating pad for back pain. I think Im more thirsty than hungry. I drink alot of Water. I had to work my way up on taking in anything. Everyday does get easier but it is by NO means easy. For me, it is a VERY painful, long proccess. Day 4 post op I questioned every thing I did. Feeling scared to go to sleep for fear of not waking up. There was an emotional and phycial changed. I explained it to my mom as dying to your old self and waking up to someone else with no preperation time. Still dealing with "what do I do now" thoughts. Im on Facebook if you need to message me for any questions or concerns. Most of my friends (including FB) do not know I have done this. So, just inbox me. If you'll send a friend request, I'll watch for it. Each person's experince is different. Walk when you can. Don't be superperson...take the drugs! Tell them when you hurt and ask questions. Have bottled water, heating pad, yogurts, juices, things on your list from Dr Jones at home before your surgery. You won't feeling like leaving the house for a while. Wishing you the best and I may see you in his office someday.
  6. I was sleeved on this past MOnday the 25th. I came home yesterday in alot of pain. Made it through the night. Honestly, I was almost suprised to wake up. This morning, I feel like I knave NO idea what to do. Like I just fell on my butt and am just lost with everything circuling around in my mind. Is this normal? I don't want to eat. When I try to drink it doesn't even get down my throught before my esophogus spasms. Like a nervous tightness. My drain is gross ( I can deal with that) and I take my liquid pain Lortab every 2 hours (1/2 dose) instead of waiting 4 for the full dose. My husband is not here for me...to be honest, I think he is cheating again. It just hit me in the hospital yesterday as we were waiting for discharge papers....the same I hate you look in his eye that was there when he did it before and we divorced the first time. Please don't lecture on that..I already know. I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown. Is this normal? Im looking at the world in a WHOLE different view. From who came to see me at the hospital, to how they acted to where do I go from here and did I do this really horrific thing to myself that is just a path to me dying. I don't want to sound like a freak, I just need to know this is normal and it will pass. When can I eat even a little bit again and not be nauseous? Will I be normal again? If so, what is normal? When does the pain stop? How can I change how I look at the world right now? Because my view is grim. Is this the pain meds? Im on welburtin but I have to crush it and haven't had it since Sunday. That was for depression. Any steps or ideas to get me out of this funk? Please help!
  7. I hope your right. I can't wait for Monday to get the nasty thing out!
  8. Looking Ahead

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    Finally got the computer back Im sitting in my recliner with a chair vibrator on the left side of my back. Directly behind the drain is horrible pain. I hope the vibrator is ok. It seems to be the only thing that relieves the pain enough for me to breath. The pain isn't constant but when it comes, it hits hard like a charlie horse. I am going down in weight. Down 10 lbs since surgery 5 days ago. I can have pureed foods but staying on liquids because nothing else sounds good. Is this pain gas pain or surgery pain? I did research this procedure before doing it but didn't bet on the 1 out of 10 who go home hurting and in pain for weeks. I foolishly thought I'd come home like the rest of the ones on here and be back at work in a week with very liittle pain or discomfort. Looking forward to a no pain day...soon! I have my first post op Monday. Trying to not take the liquid Lortab unless I have to. Any other suggestions for the back pain? I keep re reading the posts to make sure I am reading them right that the pain will leave and it will be all good in the end.
  9. Looking Ahead

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    My husband has the computer so I'll have to post more later. Reading these pists letting me know this IS normal truley helps. My husband has tried to help since seeing my stomach yesterday. But most of my support is on here while I am at home. I go back to work next Thursday. I think that will help with having my mind occupied with something other than pain. Thank you for your responses. Prayers and hugs to all if you who are doing this journey also.
  10. Looking Ahead

    Is It Harder After 40 For This Surgery?

    I thought I was walking enough. May need to walk more. Hopefully the drain will come out Monday and make the difference. Thanks for the input
  11. Looking Ahead

    Antidepressants After Surgery

    I've only had that one 100mg doge...a third of my daily dose this week. Which may explain all the emotional trauma I feel I went through this past week. Today is somewhat better . I have a Post Op surgery appt on Monday. I will probably ask about liquid Prozax just to get me past this. I would love to be off all of it all together.
  12. Looking Ahead

    Antidepressants After Surgery

    I added this note from my phone...it didn't show all these typos till I got on my computer...weird!
  13. Looking Ahead


    When can you take pills agsin?
  14. If I was sleeved on Monday, when can I expect to see the scales to go down...it just now went to my pre surgery weight. IV's liquids put on 9 lbs !
  15. Looking Ahead


    Having mine done June 25- i compare mine to my hysterectomy. Ive had a rough time and still trying to move on. In lots of pain. Trip to the ER. Trying to keep my mind on the goal but it is very hard for me.
  16. I called the dr, who sent me to the ER for tests to make sure it wasnt a blood clot. Tests were normal and he said he thinks its just surgery pain and where the drain is. It should come out Monday. Came home, tooks liquid meds and heading to bed. I'll try the soup later. He told me if I can't handle the soups, just get the liquids down. Heading to bed. ttyl
  17. Pain us back to 10. In my back. So much i cant catch my breath. Took pain meds and lying on heating pad. What do i do?
  18. Looking Ahead


    Congratulations to both of you!!! Keep everyone on here informed on how your doing and be sure to come here for help when you need it! I couldn't have made it without this group this week. Life savor ! Take care.
  19. Friday and seeing a glimpse of hope. Today I woke up not in not as much pain. Still walking bent over but I think it is the weight of my stomach pulling on the drain incision. When I lift it up light to me, the pain is ok. Im still taking the pain medicine every two hours and actually fixed my hair this morning. I had about 3 tsp of DQ gravy lasy night. Thats the only thing that sounded good since I've been home. It filled me up. Today, I got what was left out of the fridge and going to try a few tsps for breakfast. I thought I knew what I could eat during this cream stage, but Im at a loss. Suggestions please. I was supposed to go back to work next week, but I think I'll take off Monday and Tuesday, 4th holiday and go Thursday and Friday half days. Then full time the next Monday. I am finally back down to my weight of when I went into the hospital on Monday morning. That was a damper to come home with 9 extra pounds ! No matter why they are there. I hope it starts coming off soon. Thanks for the encourangment and talk to you later today.
  20. Looking Ahead

    2 Days Post Op

    Friday and seeing a glimpse of hope. Today I woke up not in not as much pain. Still walking bent over but I think it is the weight of my stomach pulling on the drain incision. When I lift it up light to me, the pain is ok. Im still taking the pain medicine every two hours and actually fixed my hair this morning. I had about 3 tsp of DQ gravy lasy night. Thats the only thing that sounded good since I've been home. It filled me up. Today, I got what was left out of the fridge and going to try a few tsps for breakfast. I thought I knew what I could eat during this cream stage, but Im at a loss. Suggestions please. I was supposed to go back to work next week, but I think I'll take off Monday and Tuesday, 4th holiday and go Thursday and Friday half days. Then full time the next Monday. I am finally back down to my weight of when I went into the hospital on Monday morning. That was a damper to come home with 9 extra pounds ! No matter why they are there. I hope it starts coming off soon. Thanks for the encourangment and talk to you later today.
  21. I just had some DQ gravy. That helped alot. Im not hungry at all and as of right this min...I am ding ok. I will call the dr tomorrow about the spasms. They hurt when I swallow! Thank you for putting up with my whiney butt today. It only took about 1 oz of gravy to satisfy me. was that a smile? Thanks everyone for being there.
  22. Looking Ahead

    Had Surgery June 25 Pain

    I do have a drain and it will come out Monday with my first Post op Visit. It is constantly draining.
  23. Looking Ahead

    Had Surgery June 25 Pain

    I also had mine on Monday.. in alot of pain with you. Alot of Burping gas. (sorry tmi) trying to do the pain meds as often as i could. I haven't had alot of nausea but some. 'I was given prilosec to take but it is so hard to crush and down. Hope you feel better soon.
  24. Looking Ahead

    2 Days Post Op

    Today has been a realy challenge mentally and physically. Im basically doing this alone. My mom stopped by twice to see if I needed anything. Other than that, its all me. I had a mental breakdown earlier today. I'm trying to stay on the pain meds every two hours instead of 4 by cutting them in half and took a xanax earlier. That seemed to calm me down. im hopeful tomorrow will be better. This is certainly not for the faint at heart. I thought I was ready both mentally and physically, but there is really no way to prepare yourself for such trama. Thank you for all your prayers and support. This group IS getting me through this. I don't know what Id do without it. I have ahigh pain tolerance usually and feel like a whimp. Checking in when I can and often. Love and hugs to everyone holding my hand !
  25. Even though I haven't posted, I am checking this post every time I wake up for reassurance. Thank you so much. You are truley a life savior in no other words. I will continue to check the posts and keep everyone updated. Just woke up and trying to get anything down. With every drink is a spasm. May call the dr tomorrow. Im going to try my welburtrin again in about an hour. Still haven't gotten it down. Supposed to be on cream liquid diet. Can I use apple sause for it?

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