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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Anyone know you I can still use my Tenz Unit for my back from the chiropractor since I've had this surgery and have the staples?
  2. Looking Ahead

    Tenz Unit After Sleeve

    Ty emlefe. I wanted ti use it last week and was afraid to. What is your opinion on wearing a medical bracelet for having the sleeve done?
  3. My sleeve is scheduled for June 25. Today was a rough day at work so I thought I would take some me time before heading home. My thoughts were to find something I thought was beautiful in a size 12. The more I looked the more my mind told me there is no way you will ever be in a 12. I would like to end up in a 10. Everytime I saw myself in a mirror I would just cringe. I came home crying. I feel my dream will never get here. I need some type of encouragment that this dream will come true.
  4. Looking Ahead

    3 Days Post Op And Feeling Low Help!

    I told my mom this past week, I think day 4 that I was having a mental breakdown. Its like the old me had died and I was on the other side of the gravestone about to start a new life but had no idea which way to put my first step. I had buyers remorse too. Still trying to get over that. I just kept reading on here others experiences, asked questions and worried the pooh out of everyone. What ever it takes to get you through. If you have to comment every 30 min to get you through that hour, do it. I hate to say it, but for me, as long as I still discuss how I feel on here, I feel I'm still in the hospital. I hope that passes too. I try not to use smells or things I love while Im down so when I do crawl out of this hole a victor, I'll still enjoy those things. Thinking of you today hun. You're going to be ok. Hang in there. Going for my one week post op in a couple hours. I figure they will discuss me eating then. Praying for you in Arkansas.
  5. Looking Ahead

    3 Days Post Op And Feeling Low Help!

    I didn't and still haven't worried about calories yet. My nurse told me don't worry about eating it you don't feel like it, just stay hydrated. I do enjoy SF popsicles though.
  6. Looking Ahead

    3 Days Post Op And Feeling Low Help!

    I am 7 days out today and YES this is normal. I went through all that too. Thought I was losing my mind. I didn't want to eat, drink, talk...I just sit around in a daze like someone just slapped me and was totally confused. Didn't want to make any decisions. I still feel a little out of it but it is getting better every day. Drink when you can. Walk when you can. Try to get some sunshine. Go to town or to see a friend. My best advice - get out of the house as soon as you can ! The more I sit here, the more depressed I get. I started getting my appetite for at least water was about day 5. Day 6 I couldn't get enough water. I carry a bottle water around with me everywhere I go the past two days. I do confuse being hungry for being thirsty. If I think I'm starving, I can take a drink and be fine. Hang in there. Yes, you are right on track.
  7. Looking Ahead

    Seafood Restaurant Test

    <<<<------------- Loves shrimp! Didn't know I missed it till I read your post. One week post op check up today. Drain out today I hope. Have a good one.
  8. Looking Ahead

    My Boyfriend Left Me

    You have the support of this group. You ARE NOT alone. Vent on here as many times as you need to. You are worth so much girl. Not only to your son but to your family. Focus on getting better for now. Put your relationship on the back burner for a little while. Easier said than done - I know. I was a divorced mother of two. Having men come in and out of your life is stressful when you have kids. I have learned they need that one constant- You. And You are still there. He will be ok. I am a Christian and not sure of your religion but I beleive in my God and will be praying for you sweetie. You will make it through this. You are so worth so much! You do have people that care. Hang in there. Cant wait to read your success story. Hugs!!!!!
  9. Looking Ahead

    Starting At Over 300?

    Put some before and after pics on here for us to see. Even if its just face pics. Youll be suprised how we will notice and the compliments will make you feel more confident.
  10. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    Thank you everyone for the out pouring support. It has helped alot more than the drygs for sure!
  11. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    If I had known then what I know now....I would have gone with someone else for sure.
  12. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    I just got home from walking around Walmart with my mom. Tge walking didnt help the pain but getting out and in public helped ease it. I do have liquid Loritab. Ive been taking it since Ive been home everyday. After I have the drain removed can I change doctors? Not sure if I can or if another dr will take someone elses problem. After he takes the drain out I hope I can give him a piece of my mind. This is Dr Bruce Jones from Jonesboro Ar. I will definatly make his name known on this site.
  13. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    Its draining 10 cc a day. Not infected. Im walking n walmart w my mom to see if that helps
  14. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    From the drain. Im n so much pain I cant walk cant lye down. Just pacing
  15. I saw on one post they had Wolf Turkey Chili and pureed it...high in protein and good for you too. Im having trouble getting dressed in the mornings. Still in my gown at 4pm in the afternoon. Feelings of numb in my fingers and nose. Im supposed to be taking my Welburtrin but can't get past the grinding it up. So, Im sure its withdrawls from that too. Most of my clothes still won't fit because Im still bloated. What I would give to be in a swimming pool for an hour or so!
  16. Looking Ahead

    What Are You Looking Forward To?

    I forgot that one....I don't have any pictures Im willing to share of my new grandbaby and me. I hate taking the 'fat' pictures of myself...Im always the one taking the pictures...I want to be in the pictures ! My hormones are a mess now too. Hopeing that calms down soon. I don't want to take it to work with me at the end of this week.
  17. Im 6 days out. Having alot of water. Had like tsp skim milk last night just to satisfy a head hunger. Yogurts, cream soups anything that ends up soupy before it hits your tongue. I find I am missing the "satisfaction" of food taste right now. I make ribs last night for my husband. They cooked all afternoon. I wanted it so bad. Took a TINY TINY bite....like for a mouse. Felt like I had had a buffet ! After that taste...I didn't want anything else. Come to find out, I was just hungry. Im pretty much living on SF Popsicle. I always have something in my hand to drink. Thirsty all the time. I went to kfc with my husband yesterday and got a side of masked potatoes...took about 3 "licks" of it and I was done. lol I feel Im having taste withdrawls.
  18. Im on/was on Welbutrin 300 mg a day up till Surgery This past Monday. They called on three 100 mg coated tablets to cruah 3 tumes a day. Ive been able to stomach one sine ive been home. Anyone know of a liquid antidepressant comparable to Welbutrin?
  19. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    Hey everyone. Man, its good to see all of you. Day 6. I still have the drain and terrified now after seeing the rline's youtube on how it feels getting it removed. I think the doctor is taking it out tomorrow with my one week post op. Its been a rough week. Trip to the er. Only sleeping on my back. Unimaginable pain. I try to walk but the drain is so painful, I don't get far. Its hard to find a position where my back doesn't hurt. Others on this site think that will pass after the drain is out. I was in the hospital 3.5 days. Its been an emotional week. Alot of mental and physical stress. I hope to get back to work on Thursday. I think Im hungry, fix something to only sit and look at it. Get up and throw it in the trash. Usually when I think I'm hungry, I'm thirsty. I've had about 1/2 cup food total since I've been home. I taste and walk away. Feeling like a finicky baby. lol On the up side, I'm down 10 lbs since I went in Monday for surgery. Total of 41 pound loss. Thats exciting. I can't try on clothes because of the pain but hopeful that will change after tomorrow. Anyone else having trouble with pain on the left side with a pulling pain where the drain is?
  20. Wow !!! Your are doing GREAT. Keep up the great work !
  21. Sounds like youre right on track. Drink when you can. Walk when you can. Rest when you need it. Im 6 days out and still weak. Get your rest.
  22. Looking Ahead

    What Are You Looking Forward To?

    I have sit home this week in pain from surgery last week. This IS the first post that has given me hope!! Than you for reminding me why I am here. I have never been thin so I have nwver experienxwd alor of the things listed. So I have a list of qhat I would like to try. Riding a motorcycle Sex with the light on amd a smile Jet ski Dance Pretty shoes A wolf whislte A smile from an intrigued man -i dont care im married Wearing shorts to town with confidence Exercising in public Run a race Take a cruise Enjoy going to the movies Suprise friends and family Feel like I fit in - everywhere Laugh out loud and be noticed Make jokes- ok with people looking at me Looking up when I walk Have confidence Feel sexy 100%of the time LIVE
  23. Looking Ahead

    Super Dry Mouth

    Im almost one week out and have a dry mouth too. I bought sf candy I havent tried yet. I keep sonic ice near me all the time. Seems to help. Cant get enough to drink.
  24. Looking Ahead

    Im Back!

    Beautiful!! You look amazing
  25. Looking Ahead

    Back In Hospital

    Praying for you

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
