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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead

    How Do You Feel?

    Wow. Congrats! I can't beleive youre going camping!! I am super jealous. Makese excited to hit the two week mark . Youre doing great ~~~
  2. I get a sizzlin feeling in the back of my throat and then it burns. I think its like acid reflux. Are you taking anything for acid reflux? When I have it I remember to take what I was sent home with
  3. Looking Ahead

    Abdominal Binder :)

    Yes it was. I don't know if its that rare for this kind of pain and complication or those who experience it just don't post alot.
  4. Looking Ahead

    Good Scales?

    I bought Weight Watchers scales from Target. They go to 400 lbs. Glass ( pretty) and show body mass index, weight and fat %. You can save up to 4 people on it or just weigh in general. I love them. They are within one pound of my doctors scales. I paid $40 for them. Great deal!
  5. Looking Ahead

    Protein Shake Ideas

    Great ideas ~ I haven't gotten my appetite back enough to handle anything sweet. Are you having trouble keeping any of it down being sweet? Dr said I could have eggs ...I cooked them, put them on a plate...looked at them and threw them in the trash. Trying to wake up the taste buds.
  6. happy dance ~ HAPPY DANCE~~ So happy for you !
  7. Maybe you can find a support group for those before and after surgery. We have it at our local hospital. Take him to meet those who made it through fine. Might calm his fears.
  8. Just woke up from a nightmare and can't get it out of my mind so here I am group. The nightmare was people hiding in caves in teeny tiny crevasses that I KNOW I can never manuvure into or out of. I knew in the nightmare if I got into the cave "cracks", I would never come out. When I woke up, my eyes were huge and staring at the ceiling and the pain in my side and back screamed at me. Still in agony after 8 days. I feel like I've been butchered and like someone's Frankenstein. I think today I'll get a second opinion. I'm going to call around and see if someone will see me. The doctor keeps saying I'm fine, but something is not right and I can't get it out of my mind. May be just a small infection where the drain was but "something" is defiantly not right with my body. Feels like I'm battling a mental war that I lose everyday with this surgery. I definitely should not have had it. Now, I'm terrified to have any other kind of surgery in the future. I know I need knee surgery. I don't see that happening. Anyone else going through this and anyone know what I ask or how I say it when I call around today for a second opinion? Sorry if there is any typo's . I looked for an edit button or spell check...there isn't one on mine.
  9. Looking Ahead

    Nightmares And Frankenstein

    These posts are so true. I didn't think about the word pain in text. Mine is agonizing, can't take a breath , can't move pain. Past the tears and sweat and reaching somewhere else to push through the pain to move. I did call a medical supply store about an hour ago. Getting a ride there this afternoon to see about an abdominal binder. Also, Im going to call my doctor about a stronger pain med. It seems when you are in this much pain, you don't think clearly. I seem to handle the pain better during the day than at night. I'll let you know what the doctor says about calling in more meds. Thanks.
  10. Looking Ahead

    Nightmares And Frankenstein

    I read my first post about the nightmare and failed to put why I was so scared. It wasnt the cave it was that I am too big to escape somthing so small and would die there trying.
  11. Im laying on the bed in so much pain I cant breathe. I called my dr snd his exact words were 'Suck it up'. You just gonna have to deal with it. We all have pain!!!! R you f***** kidding me?!
  12. Looking Ahead

    Suck It Up The Dr Says

    I had the drain removed today. He said he thought it was on a nerve. Tonight Im still having pain above where the drain was and pain still in my back directly behind where the drain was. I layed on the couch for 30 min with a heating pad on it. That eases it but when the heat cools down the pain comes back. I start walking more tomorrow. I hope that will help. Also I go to a support group tomorrow night. Going to ask around then. Thank you for asking.
  13. Since Ive been sleeved I cant get enough water. The first 4 days I didnt want even that but day 5 picked up and you never see me without a water bottle in my hand. I feel like i need a water hose wrapped around my neck. The pounds are coming off at about 1.5 - 2 lbs a day. One week out today.
  14. Looking Ahead

    Did I Screw Up?

    Day 11 of my pre diet i went to a buffet and had s plate of all veggies. Didnt effect anything. Youre fine.
  15. Looking Ahead

    Pre-Op Questons

    I agree dont start early but I did start cutting back to make the transition easier. My hardest day was 3,4 and the last 2 days of the two weeks. I cant remember when I gad a full meal. Literally.
  16. Looking Ahead


    Im 41 and have loved that I can call on my mom for help. I have never been one to need anyone but have loved feeling like the child again. . Im supposed to start my protein as of today. Not thrilled. I feel I could live live on water and " the fat of the land" for a while. I should but today I dont look forward to starting back eating which us what got me here to begin with.
  17. Looking Ahead

    Losing Too Fast?

    Im one week today and down 11 pounds. Still on liquids which is fine. Havent started exercise yet. Given ok today.
  18. Im one week out and having severe midline back pain on my left side. Feels like a charlie horse that wont go away. Its been non stop since I had the surgery. Only thing that helps is to lye flat on my bed. For you who had this and it went away...what got you through it? Anything make it worse I need to avoid? I have also become whiny over this .
  19. Looking Ahead

    Back Pain

    I didn't think I was doing alot but may be. My mother gave me a flexerill. Going to see if a muscle relaxer will help. I know I'm only a week out but dang, I need at least one hour straight not asleep pain relief.
  20. Looking Ahead

    Back Pain

    What are you doing or did do for post op back pain? Feels like spasms or continueous charlue horse left side. Thanks!
  21. Looking Ahead

    Ive Been Sleeved!

    Yeah! Welcome. Drink and walk. Drink and walk.
  22. Looking Ahead

    Update On Patrick

    Congrats !!! Glad he has a great wife to help him. Walk walk walk. Hope you're up ans around soon !!!
  23. Looking Ahead

    Did It!

    Glad you are doing better. Im one week today and still have the back spasms. Im hold my back on the left side even as I type here now. I walked alot in the hospital too. Funny how that is the one thing that stood out in my mind to...walk walk walk lol. Take care.
  24. So, my one week post op visit.... I have been in so much pain it feels almost traumatic. Trip to the ER. Rude dr when I called for help. Its been a bumpy first week. Today his nurse took out the drain and INSTANTLY the pain was cut in half. He said he thought it may have been on a nerve. Would it had been so hard on him to tell me this when I called in pain last night instead of telling me to "Suck it up" and get through it and I'll see you in tomorrow for the appointment? Regardless of that little weasel, I am not in as much pain as I woke up in ! He won't get me down or take anything away from me. So tired of letting people take from me. This sleeve is my chance to take up for myself. Take care of me. Who would have known, my own doctor who I entrusted everything would be the first one I'd have to stand up to . Going back to work on Thursday and ready for some type of Normal. liquids for another week which is fine..I'm not hungry at all. When I think I am, Im just thirsty. Hoping to be in the pool in a couple weeks and getting my exercise schedule started. Have a good one everyone.

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