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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead


    When I think Im hungry, Im really thirsty. Try drinking water when you get the hunger feeling and see if that helps. I also get a sf pop cycle and that helps. With the heat, I constantly have water in my hand.
  2. Looking Ahead

    Day One On Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    When I first started, SF jello was my life saver! That and ice cold water from Sonic so I could chew the ice. I had diet cherry limeaids from there to help too. Hang in there, it will all be worth it in the end. What a couple weeks compared to the rest of your life. Can't wait to see your before and after pics. I was amazed how much I looked different just from my pre op diet. Take a face pic today and another next weekend. You'll be amazed.
  3. Looking Ahead

    Sh*t I've Learned From This Board!

    What I've learned... This too shall pass. Pain , stall, hunger, gas....you're going to be ok. Others have made it through it. And I'm NEVER alone. :wub:
  4. Looking Ahead

    Fellas... Keep It Real With Me!

    Glad you offered for the women to pipe in. I've thought the same thing. I've lost weight before and gained it back so I feel I have a little experience with your statement. When I lost 88 lbs and felt..sexy, I acted different, spoke different and walked different. It was the self esteem that made the difference. Not the weight. When the men would approach me, there was a part of me that, in my mind, gave them the evil eye. I felt that had I been a bigger woman, they wouldn't have looked my way. I'm not so sure its the weight that attracts the opposite sex but the self confidence that comes with it. If you already have this self confidence, I don't see you'll have a huge difference in women who are attracted to you. When I lost the weight, I caught myself looking for a different "type" of man. I wasn't so much into the buffed tall dark and handsome..but I was wanting the soft hearted, understanding, mature man. Funny, because when I was bigger, I wanted the same but in a gorgeous body. Funny, we always think the opposite sex is the ones who want so much more, when in fact it might be the losers (weight that is). Anyway, its an opinion. In the end, you get what you give. If you don't, either you are not giving or you are in the wrong relationship. Good Luck
  5. Looking Ahead

    Is Anyone Scared?

    I was terrified and the closer it got to my date, the less I was sleeping from worrying about what if's. It's perfectly normal. I'd worry if you weren't scared. Hang in there . Before you know it, it will be over and you'll be on the losers bench too. I'll save you a seat.
  6. Looking Ahead

    Hey Gang! First Post.

    Hi Aaron! Welcome to the family. Freaking out is normal and you'll be fine. The first few days of pre op diet is the hardest. Hang in there for about day 5 and its gets better.
  7. Looking Ahead


    I wondered about this today...I know we can't have doughy bread...but flour tortilla's?
  8. Looking Ahead

    Omg Super Excited

    How exciting !! Congratulations ~ Better start practicing your sipping
  9. Looking Ahead

    Any June 25Th Sleevers?

    Rachel, so happy for you. You are doing great girl. I know the feeling about crying when you get on the scales and it has went down again. Love seeing your blogs on You Tube. Today was my first day back to work. I had about 4 people look me up and down but didn't say anything...I just smiled inside and 3 asked if I was losing weight. I was hesitant about telling people about the surgery but found myself wanting to tell them today and did. I was able to wear clothes that were too little for me when I left work 2 weeks ago. I felt like I looked nice today and stood a little taller. :wub: Still having alot of pain in my left side but today seemed to be a little better. I think being at work and having my mind on something other than the pain helped too. I also had on a girdle style tank top on under my shirt which helped the pain tremendously. Looking forward to more mornings of lower numbers. Take care everyone and keep posting updates !! Hugs angie
  10. So, I've been thinking of what I'll enjoy I have never done or will enjoy more but my mind keeps going to my "bucket list". Seems as though its changed. So, here's mine...whats yours? 1. Meet Kenny Chesney 2. Dance on a Beach :wub: 3. Fly on a plane 4. Wear shorts in public without embarrassment :ph34r: 5. Get back into church (able to wear pretty dresses and comfortable shoes) 6. Go on a road trip with no destination 7. Sing Karaoke with a friend. That's as far as I've gotten so far. Looking forward to all of them. All are within reach
  11. I need some liquid protein ideas. I hate shakes and don't want anything sweet. Don't want o buy protein in a can at the store. I know that's picky but surely there's another way to get protein on the liquid stage of going into two weeks. I try some yogurt, which is fine, but after a couples tsp , I'm full. I'm averaging 5g protein -if that- a day. Any suggestions? I'm going to try and go back to work tomorrow at least for a half day since it an office job. Hopeing that being back around people and my "norm" will help my appetite.
  12. Looking Ahead

    Here I Go Again (Scared)

    I went through the same fears. My only question at the support group prior to surgery is what's the chances of dieing on the table. This is a legit concern. My surgery went so fast. I remember going into surgery and seems like 5 minutes, I woke up in recovery. Its good you are worried, it means you have researched and know there are risks with anything. I couldn't sleep for three days prior to the surgery I was so worried. Turns out it was for nothing. Take a deep breath. Remember why you are doing this and try to relax. You may talk to your doctor or his nurse to help calm your fears. Saying a prayer for you tonight.
  13. How much were you able to drink/take in the first few weeks?
  14. Looking Ahead

    Protein Shake Ideas

    Im one week out...how much protein are you actually able to get in a day? Im still drinking about 2 bottled waters a day and maybe 5g protein a day if that. I hate crystal lite and Im still on the liquid stage. I'm not just knock down tired but require one nap a day. Still in pain so I don't walk yet. On a scale of 1-10...its about an 7 all the time. When I drink, its only about 3 sips and I'm done for a while. I mostly only crave water which may be from the pain medicine. Is there another way to get protein in a liquid other than store bought protein drinks or vials?
  15. Looking Ahead

    1 Week Post-Op

    I had the same crzvings for mashed potatoes n gravy. It seems like that is one of most wanted after surgery. I had my husband get me some 4 says out. One taste was all I could handle and the craving stopped. It was mire like two spoon lick tests. Lol. Like u were feeding a baby kitten. Ready for 'normal' foods.
  16. Looking Ahead


    Can you crush some of it and drink the juice for the same satisfaction of eating it?
  17. Looking Ahead

    Prescribed An Nsaid

    My doctor said no NSAID's for good..
  18. Good to hear you are doing well. Im day 9 today and just starting to have hunger thoughts. All last week when I thought I was hungry, I was really just thirsty. Take it slow on starting foods. What did you doctor say you can have week two? Amazing how each doctor is different. I'm still on liquids. Any type and try to get my carbs in.
  19. Looking Ahead

    Pre Opt Diet And Snow Cone

    Great Idea !! Thanks
  20. Looking Ahead

    Pre Opt Diet And Snow Cone

    m post op and went for one this past week. I bought a small which I didn't even make a dent in but it satisfied so much. At ours, you can buy just the ice and no flavoring too.
  21. Looking Ahead

    Doing Better

    Thought id pop in and say thanks again for all those who have stood by me and held my hand this week. Its been an emotional one. The side pain is still there but knowing why dies help deal with it. Im ready to stand up and fight now. Rime to pick myself up. Enjoy my sleeve and let it work for me. I bought a binder today that im wearing to bed. Already can feel the differene. Going to work on getting in my protein tomorrow. Start putting on makeup and gi through my closet of 'cover up' clothes. Time yo start shining. Im still 100 lbs from my goal but down 46 of my originsl weight. Thats nothing to laugh at ! So time to stop whining and start getting better and enjoying my new improved life. Look world- no hands~~~~~
  22. Looking Ahead

    Update On Patrick

    Looks like most of us have taken you on as the brother figure. Better hurry and get well. You got alot of shoes to fill. . Glad your wife is thre to help you through it. See ya here next week in running shoes !
  23. Looking Ahead

    Belly Sleepers

    Im 8 days out. Tried to sleep on my belly last night. Im not there yet. Alot of pain when using the muscles to move. Looking forward to it though.
  24. Looking Ahead

    Glad U Did It?

    Ive had alot of complications but everyone here and my local support group say to hang in there it will be worth it in the end. I do beleive that. As with anything there is a risk and with anything we will get through it. It depends on how bad you want the prize. Knowledge is everything. You need to know the good and the bad in order to deal with it no matter the outcome. That way no matter what - you win.
  25. Looking Ahead

    Ive Been Sleeved!

    Take it sliw and dont do too much too soon. The pain may kick in in a day or so. If tou hurt tell the nurse. Drink as much as you can. Come back to the group often for help and suggestions. Glad everything went ok for you.

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