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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. Looking Ahead


    Helps me get through the back and drain site pain. When I get home, I'm ready to take it off and breath but I can tell its off because the pain is back. I wear the tank ones that go under your bra. I saw some today on my lunch hour at Cato for $11.
  2. Looking Ahead

    Hit My First Goal I Set!

    Congrats!! What a great feeling ! Keep up the great work !
  3. Looking Ahead


    I found mine at WalMart. Lane Bryant and JC Penny had some too but more expensive.
  4. Looking Ahead


    Hat can you take 3 weeks out?
  5. Looking Ahead

    Tmi Allert!

    2 weeks
  6. Looking Ahead

    Suggestions On Chewing

    I bought the sugar free snow cone liquid at walmart and but just the shaved ice at our tropical snow truck in yown. Then add my own flavoring.
  7. I went back to work on day 10. O also have an office job. I took a hearing pad for pain and still took my pain meds in the mornings znd when Zi got home. I went back last Thursday. Today I had to lesve early but I think I overdid it last night running errands. As far as being at work and sitting I think you will be fine. Just expect to be slower at your job for a while and you might hdve some brain fog. Mine is getting better.
  8. Looking Ahead

    Back Pain 3 Weeks Post Op/ Emotions

    It does help to know Im not alone. Thank you for sharing
  9. Different week, same song. I had surgery 3 weeks today and still have alot of mid back pain on the left side. Using heating pads, Liquid Tylenol and Tenz Unit. I went back to work last week for two day and had to leave early today because of it. If I put my fist in the middle of the pain and lean back on it, it seems to alleviate it some. I read so many posts where people are about 80% by this week and so frustrated. I try to walk and the pain causes me to stop. Do I just need to push through the pain and walk the 20 minutes anyway or wait till my next Dr appt which is next week? I know I shouldn't but I still get up and weigh everyday sometimes twice a day to be more honest. I've been on the same pound for 3 days. I hardly eat 100-200 calories a day just because I'm not hungry or sick of what I can have. I don't care to touch another shake for the rest of my life so I'm drinking pretty much just water. When I do eat, in my mind, I'm eating too much and won't lose any. I know I'm not getting my protein in and tried to find something with protein and it is all nasty tasting to me! Isopure and protein whey from WalMart has a horrible after taste and leaves a stink I can smell when I breathe through my nose. I know I need it but feel like Im beating my head against a wall. If I don't eat, Im not getting nutrients and protein I need...If I do eat, I'm scared I'll gain weight and surgery would be in vain. Its a constant every moment mind battle. Does this go away ? How can I get past this? Others see I am losing and I am down 50 lbs but in my mind, I'm still just as fat as I was before I started. I'm at a lose as to what to do or where to turn. Any suggestions?
  10. Looking Ahead


    Im 3 weeks out and have had some chicken helper. It only took about 3 tsps and I was so stuffed. I let it get soggy in the skillet and then chewed alot. I was ok. Tasted sooo good.
  11. Looking Ahead


    Guess I'll be buying MOM tomorrow. Thanks everyone. I appreciate it.
  12. Looking Ahead


    Last time I was at the dr I asked if I could take any pills at all...he said if its the size of a baby aspirin. Do you think I could take Correctol pills yet since they are tiny?
  13. Looking Ahead


    What... Sorry.
  14. Looking Ahead

    Most Humiliating Fat Moment

    It is so painful to read these stories when you can relate to every one of them.
  15. Looking Ahead

    Most Humiliating Fat Moment

    As I read these I was trying to think of not one but which tramatic embarrassing moment to post. Then I realized it still hurts to bad to think about so my mind couldnt come up with the worst. People who have never been 'obese' DO NOT know how something weightwise as young as 7 sticks with you for the rest of your life. Being 41 I still feel like crying when I think of what Ive been through and not being as large as some others I cant imagine shat theyve been through. It literally breaks my heart. After you go through this surgery and change how do you react to overweigt people who have not had it? Do you gave pity for them? Guilt you could get it and not them? Im only in my 3rd week but still getting through the emotional part of it. Glad Im not where I was but afraid of where Im going. Does this make sense and did you go through it too?
  16. Looking Ahead

    Fellas... Keep It Real With Me!

    So, turn this around. How important is weight in a woman to a man? Assuming the woman/lady has always taken care of herself. Attractive being overweight also. Does it make a difference to a man that the woman is not the perfect size 8? Its like the saying size doesn't matter....does it matter in a woman to a man?
  17. Looking Ahead

    50 Lbs Down!

    Congrats!!! Im down 50 this morning too. One part of me is thrilled and the other is like " whats that compared to what i need to lose?". Hate the hormonal / emitional part of the journey. You look amazing girl. You should treat yourself to something. I did a hit pink mani and pedi this weekend.
  18. Im starting week 3 and it is just now starting to get better. The only thing that helped me was a heating pad on the incision and going around to the back. I still do that at night. Ive started putting ice pack on my back after I realized it was muscle pain. My ricking chair helped some.
  19. Looking Ahead

    Tried On Clothes, I Cried

    Congrats. You look beautiful girl. I LOVE that dress!!!! I tried on a pair of capeis for thefirst time today. I was buying a 26/28 - these were 20w and fit. Had a cry myself. Im terrified to try on clothes right now. If I try them on and for whatever reason ( ex name brand) they are still a 26/28 like I was wearing Im afraid I'll give up and stop trying. So Im holding off another 25 lbs before I try. Im down 49 lbs today. PS. The smile looks good on you too. Keep smiling
  20. Is there a webiste or area on this site for post sleeve recipes and meal ideas? I can't find anything.
  21. Looking Ahead

    Post Sleeve Recipe / Meal Site?

    Thank you all sooo much . I appreciate...Going to look at all of them now.
  22. Looking Ahead

    Protein Supplement Ideas!

    I don't miss sweets yet. Today we ate at a Steak house and I ordered the appetizer of lemon pepper shrimp. It was so good. Four pieces and I was full though. Tonight I craved squash so I cooked some for my husband and ate like 4 pieces. Was soooo good. I hope me sampling doesn't slow down the weight loss. Down 49 + pounds this morning. Drinking LOTS of water.
  23. Looking Ahead

    Protein Supplement Ideas!

    The two I bought were clearanced maybe old? I'll try again with the punch..it was alarge bottle marked down from 5.49 to like 2.19. I need protein in a pill that dissolves I bought some shredded beef jerky today...think it has any protein in it?
  24. Looking Ahead

    Protein Supplement Ideas!

    I tried isopure this week. It was horrible to me ! Had a bad smell after I drank it. Guess it varies from person to person. I tried the grape and the peach...both had the same horrible after taste and smell after one drink. Im going to have to find something. Im only getting about 5 g protein a day now and tomorrow is starting week 3.
  25. Looking Ahead

    Resturant Card To Print Out

    How much did you lose in your 2 years?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
