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Looking Ahead

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Looking Ahead

  1. M so depressed latetly and cant keep anything down. Canstipated anf fluid swelling. Alot going on. I dont want to see anither therapist. So heres my question- ca i have an occassional cigerette since obviosly the depression meds arent working. I need a release somewhere snd no its not exercise and no one I can talk to that understands.
  2. Looking Ahead

    How Much Can Poop Weigh?

    usually a pound or two
  3. Looking Ahead

    Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine

    THank you for the advice and the private messages. SO tired of thinking of a way to get through this. So, I'll think more about it tomorrow. Thank you again. Wish you all lived near me.
  4. Looking Ahead

    Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine

    i am 6 weeks out this week.
  5. I'm going through alot of stress to say the least at work. When I come home, I dread eating but it's the "norm" for our family. No matter what I eat, before I finish, I'm running to the bathroom throwing up. Doesn't matter if its toast, steamed veggies or cream soup. I despise having to eat anymore. I wake up with such a burning in my throat from acid reflux even though Im taking prilosec the doctor gave me when I left the hospital. I can't quench my thirst no matter what I try. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I did get back on my depression meds this past weekend. They have made changes at work and moved our department in with another, added duties and more to come and no pay raise. I'm so mad I can't get past it which makes going to work a dreaded task. I hate going to bed because I know I have to go face work again. This is a job I used to LOVE not 3 months ago. I hate shake drinks, won't tough powder anything every again. On top of it all, Im on another stall. What do I do? What do I eat? DO I go back to liquids? Tomorrow is the monthly support group. I'll be there but need advice and not the same two or three people hogging the entire meeting with guess whats going on with me.....Yes, thats the mad part in me coming out. Please advise.........
  6. Looking Ahead

    Kinda Worried

    Im almost 6 weeks out and went through that for about 3 weeks. I just kept bottled water with me at all times. Used the cup of soup you put in the microwave and lots of lite flavored popcicles. I still can't eat alot but more than I could.
  7. Looking Ahead

    Cant Get In My Protein

    Friends idea from work - pretty good. Any banilla protein drink- I use kellogs. Add a one instant cup package of coffee. Shake well and pour over ice. Drink on all day.
  8. Looking Ahead

    Weird Question...

    I haven't noticed that but have noticed I don't have to shave my legs as often...hair doesn't grow as fast.
  9. Looking Ahead


    Sounds like you are eating too fast or taking in too much. Try slowing down and stopping when you "start" to feel full. I had that also.
  10. Looking Ahead

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Good luck. Take care in the morning and walk often. Drink when you can as much as you can.
  11. Work has been so stressful lately and home life isnt much better. Came home to husband wanting to go uptown then out to eat. I took him up on it because Im too exhausted to cook. We went to a buffet thinking they would have veggies U can eat- they didn't snd the buffet was 10.97 each and would give a discount even when I showed the gastric card from my dr. I know - go somewhere you can order off menu. I tried to eat to keep from crying over my job- after about 3 bites I was so full I was nauseous. I get so sick of not being able to enjoy the only thing in this world that comforts me right now. I feel I made a mistake having the surgery znd there is no reversal. I am losing weight and grateful for it but at what price? Losing my only comfort? I am falling so far into depression. I was on antidepressants before surgery and dont want to go back on them. But I dont want to keep being embarrased over and over by ordering and not being able to do much more than lick the spoon before Im full. What can I do to help me through this. I dont have a support group at home and I dont trust coworkers. Yes I have trust issues too. Please give me something to hang on to so to get through this. Will ut ever get better or is this my hell on earth forever?
  12. Your posts made me smile today. Today was another horrible day at work. I cried all lunch hour. I feel so over whelmed. My support group meet next week and I will talk to the speaker afterwards. My daughter called today, she had a wreck. She;s ok but just something else that worried me. I started back on my Welbutrin. The pills were huge so i cut them in half and took it two halves together. I hope thats ok. Anything I drank or eat today, came back up. I know its nerves. I came home, ate, vomited, came to bed and covered my head and here I stay. I hate my job so much and loved it so much last month. They have just put way more on our office than I myself can handle. I'm watching for a new opening in the university but till then have to deal with it. And I don't know how to..... All of your advice on here makes sense and I will take it to heart and try to use it. I just at this moment don't feel like Im going to make it. Not suicidal...just unsure of my every day that I wake up. Dread waking up, dread going to bed.
  13. I did call my dr today and can't get in to see him for over 3 weeks. They did call in more of my RX. I'll pick them up tonight. I felt like I could scream all day at work and finally broke down and called. Thanks everyone.
  14. Thank you all for your support. I will think about seeing my family dr soon about the depression meds. Thank you for allowing me to vent. Hopeful that I will get some rest tonight. Angie
  15. Looking Ahead

    Protein Bars?

    When can you eat Protein bars?
  16. Daniel - I do undrstand Melissa - they had me go off it the day of surgery and didnt give it to me in the hospital so when I got home I tried crushing it which I just could not swallow the taste was so bitter. After a week I fflt better. I do really well until I get stressed. I have seen a therapist before and feel they are robots with the same questions , no answers and "pay at the door" attitude. I felt like a slave to the pills.
  17. Looking Ahead

    Nausea After New Food

    I had that a couple weeks ago and asked my dr about it. He said it was from eating too fast. Also, I had a sweet tea instead of unsweet because Sonic messed up my order. He said could have been the sugar also.
  18. Looking Ahead

    Miss Joy Of Eating?

    Im 5 weeks out and miss eating so much lately. I'm losing and so thankful for that. But I would LOVE to have a BLT or meatloaf anything with some texture and flavor. Its been almost 2 going on 3 months since I had what I consider real food. I miss sooo much an ice cold Coke. I still have the pain when I try to eat. I have to stop after only 5 bites. I went out to Cracker Barrel this morning with my husband and had to order just one egg and a sausage...couldn't eat the sausage. I ordered milk just to make me feel a little normal. One drink and my taste buds about spit it out. When will I feel normal or feel what I am is normal? With alot of stress at work, it only makes this worse.
  19. Looking Ahead

    Fresh Tossed Garden Salad

    I miss salads do bad!!! Im on week 5
  20. Looking Ahead

    Stalled? Or Are All Bets Off?

    I "think" I'm just now coming off my week 3 stall...Its been about 10 days of no weight-loss and a couple days I went up. Then yesterday I dropped a pound and last night 2 pounds. Some of it is fluid. I took a fluid pill. I hope it keeps going down. Hang in there, the scale will move...eventually.
  21. Ow long does the week 3 stall last? Getting so discouraged and feeling cheated.
  22. Looking Ahead

    Week 4 Still Stalled

    How many calories are you getting in? I cant be getting but 500 or less.
  23. My first three weeks were really tough. Week 4 seems better Just nerve pain top top of my stomach near largest incision. I couldnt have made it thru week one and two without help.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
