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Everything posted by amytug

  1. I would go to the bag of chips, open it and dump it all in a mud puddle. Or put them in the trash and squirt syrup all over them. Even if they're not mine. Better I put them in the garbage disposal than my body.
  2. amytug

    Size 32 Bougie

    32, no problems w the sleeve. Almost 9 weeks out and lunch today was 1 egg yolk 1/8 c cottage cheese One bite of a baby bel cheese 1.5 pc lunch meat
  3. amytug

    Before pics

    Taken march 4th, two days after surgery. This angle and the wide angle lens make me look smaller than I was. I remember the feeling I had that day when I took that photo. I hated myself. I still holding onto lots of the fluids, but it didn't matter. I was SO glad it was done!!!
  4. I went to dr. Garcia and all expectations were met. im 8 weeks out and couldn't be happier with my sleeve. Weird, I hadn't heard of an infection I til now and I did a ton of reading. I believe you tho. Things happen.
  5. I think she meant you, Laura. "/ you're so small! You talk like you're a heifer, but you're so not.
  6. amytug

    Possible first tattoo need help

    Why not wait til you get to your goal weight and get a celebratory tat? I got one last spring, also my first, and it's shrunken down a bit and I wish I had waited.
  7. amytug

    Thinking about going vegan

    I'm all about green smoothies. Haven't been able to bring myself to making them w kale just yet, but I do make kale leaves. I'm sure I could get a ton of those in my sleeve. When going vegan, I'd want to stick to more whole foods, vs. baked goods and breads etc, and I don't mind those complex carbs. Oh the more I talk about this, the more I wanna do it now!! I may just have a smoothie for lunch. Here goes my 800 calorie limit, huh? Lol it's all good.
  8. The other day I ate a small piece of chocolate cake, got mad at myself and worked out with one of my walk at home DVDs. I was able to do 2 miles and could have kept going whereas I normally am only able to do one. What the heck? I've always been stronger in the am. Perhaps I need to switch to later in the day? I so love waking before the kids wake, and getting it done amd not having to worry about it later. And plus, if I wait I'm more likely to not do it later too. Excuses am what not. So. Is there a way to get more strength in the morning? Maybe a Protein drink or something to sip while exercising? I can't/won't get up earlier than 5:45 to eat something and wait 30 minutes.. What would u do?
  9. amytug

    Thinking about going vegan

    Hey all, I am on my phone and can't multiple quote on here, this makes it difficult to answer everyone specifically, but I'll try. Baby steps. I'm starting with food. Although I do try to be conscious about the products we buy and I definitely don't buy leather. I've watched all the documentaries on Netflix and some on YouTube like earthlings and meet your meat, so I'm aware. It's just always been easier to ignore it in a busy world, it's been hard for me to put (or keep I should say) my priorities straight. I used to watch a girl on YouTube that was vegan for many years and then went raw and she was so b-12 deficient that she started eating meat, so that gives me something to think about. I'm already taking a b-12 (methylcobolamin)sublingual, I'm Not sure of that's sufficient enough or not. I like the idea about stair stepping and changing gradually. Maybe. I don't have a solid plan yet, gonna think about it all more over the week. I have pea Protein powder in the cabinet but it site isn't very good. "/ I was just remembering that Dr. Oz said that the only diet he would advocate is one very high in fruits and vegetables, and meet once or twice a week. I may consider doing something like this with free range hormone free meat. This way at least I feel like I'm getting my B12 and the animals aren't being harmed, and lived happy lives. Maybe. I have a feeling ill change my views on things as time goes on. Sounds like life. I'll add those people on fb. Kristina- rawfully organic Kristina? She's awesome! Love her watermelon juice recipe. Have you watched her video about how much she eats in a week? Reason number 3 why I couldn't do raw again. SO expensive. I used to like Matt and Angela monarch bit they've gone all weird. Er. "/. Are you vegan? Raw? I also like the rawtarian. Especially her Desserts. The "turtles" are to die for! Been craving those too but dates are hard to get where I live. I have to order online or travel. Thanks all of you for your input. I really appreciate it. <3
  10. amytug

    Thinking about going vegan

    Lol that was kind of an incomplete thought. Sorry about that. I have read so much about the "living raw" diet that I love the idea of "live" food and the enzymes, and no nutrients being cooked out of it. I also want to speed up the weight loss, that's no secret. "/ and my skin and body looked great. Raw diet with exercise makes for great results! But again, I'm not doing raw. I'm craving Beans way too much for that. I think I'll switch starting next Sunday. I just bought a bunch of animal food for this week. Hope your tummy lightens up quickly.
  11. amytug

    Im stronger later in the day- wha!?

    Soooo. Protein drink with more carbs, perhaps? Lol Or maybe I wake, have a decent carb/protein Breakfast, get the kids to school, strap one to my back and give the other the 3ds and go!? Lol Is it not advisable to do this in the morning!? Or. I could do half a protein bar- pure maybe, since it has a bit of carbs. Ideally has a Protein Bar too that is natural and carby. I don't think I want snickers. Although I see the correlation between the chocolate cake and the endurance tho. What do runners eat before a run?
  12. amytug

    Im stronger later in the day- wha!?

    I'm getting 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep. sometimes a nap too. I can certainly try that. now, have to get some.
  13. amytug

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Last week 192.8 This week 191.2
  14. amytug

    Occasional dessert

    I agree. I felt happy after eating the chocolate cake. Not because I had a sugar high (I didn't) but because you know what? I had A PIECE. not 6 pieces over the course of the day. One. That's it. I can now eat a small piece if dessert like a normal person ven though my head wanted more. That feels amazing! I also worked out an hour afterwards. Cake=168 calories Exercise burned 218. Boom! Now, I don't plan on doing this daily. But I felt in control. And coming from a sugar addict about cake, that's something!
  15. amytug

    Occasional dessert

    What's your take on it while in the losing phase?
  16. amytug

    Occasional dessert

    Ok. I had a piece. A small one and it was delicious and now I'm over it.
  17. amytug

    Occasional dessert

    How far out are you? Do you work out? Is your weight loss ok? I want to be strong right now but there's hot fudge cake in the other room. It smells divine. I used to eat this when I was little and haven't had it in years. I think of I do it ill exercise tomorrow even tho its supposed to be my day off. Maybe. But is it worth it? I like my day off. Man. Delimma.
  18. Op, are you keeping busy? I find that I don't have much time to think about food if I stay busy busy busy. Especially large motor activities like laundry, cleaning house, cleaning the yard cleaning out the fridge. I also like to look for herby recipes online that I can save and bake later.
  19. Well it's not TOO terrible! It's not shopping til I drop. Too poor for that. It's not smoking : been there and done that as a teen. It's not drugs: I got surgery to make me healthier. It's baking. And cooking. I LOoooove looking through cook books, especially the old church type or "my grandmas favorite recipes" types and finding yummy goodness to bake. The whole process from reading, imagining the steps, buying the ingredients, laying everything out, Mixing it all up, the smells floating through the house, My children and husband giving me a rating on a five star scale, Smiles on happy chocolate covered faces, cleanup, all of it. Only bad part is, I've been making mostly junk and I'm working so hard to keep it out of my body and now km feeding it to Mu family more than ever before. I just have so Let's extra time now as a stay at home mom who's not eating all day, so I want to do this entire process about four times a week.mostly sweets, I don't like cooking as much as baking. I have 6 picky-ish eaters and a hubby who will eat anything so I like I stick to basic stuff for them really. Note to self: find healthier things to mix in the kitchen.
  20. I love your message about being lroud, and I'm glad you dumped the other weight too. <3 I LOVE your layered top too. I'll have to remember that when I'm smaller.
  21. amytug

    Protein bars

    Agree. They make me crave. I can't think of them as food, I just can't. There are even better options for your purse.
  22. amytug

    salmon burgers

    Gonna check that out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
