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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SweetGabrielle

  1. Hey all! i just wanted to get review about surgeons at Kaiser in Northern California. anyone had their surgery here? how did it go?
  2. SweetGabrielle

    Why? Why?

    my surgeon said that it is not only for the liver but to show that you are committed. i have to loose 10% (30 pounds) before i can get a date.
  3. SweetGabrielle

    Easy Way Out?!?

    I had a talk with my hubby yesterday, and when explaining everything to him, he just cut me off and told me, "fuck everyone else and their opinions. you don't need my permission or anyone's for that matter to make a change. this is your life and in the end, you're the one living it. i'm never going to understand the decision you're faced with because i've never been in that position, but do what you want to do because you want to do it. don't do it for anyone else, do it for yourself. and who knows, maybe someone out there is just as afraid as you are. and seeing that you have this surgery and seeing all the positives could give others the strength to do the same." that conversation gave me the final push to move forward 100% with this. the reality is, its not an easy way out. it is simply a tool, a push in the right direction. its up to us to use this to benefit us. and from what i've read on here, post surgery isn't exactly a walk in the park. we still have to work hard to get where we want to be.
  4. SweetGabrielle

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    I'm at a crossroads. i don't know whether to get the lapband or rny. any advice?
  5. I'm pretty nervous about everything. I have told my dad, and he is supporting me 100% i told 2 of my coworkers. 1 who is thin and told me, "if i were in your position, i would do it. it's your life, live it to the fullest, and if you think this will help you, go for it!" i love her 1 who is extremely overweight like me and said, "but Gabrielle, you're not that big... can't you just exercise?" I feel like no one really understands the position i am in. the hubby is thin, my family - thin, the majority of my friends - thin. the majority of my coworkers are overweight but say that WLS is a cop out. I'm scared. Surgery really scares me. It all seems so final. but i keep thinking, I'll never be fat again. I'll be active. when i have kids, i'll be able to run and jump, swim and play soccer with them. I would love to be able to run a marathon. to get that "runner's high" to do yoga. Kids is a big one. i want to set a good example for them when they come. i want them to have a mom that take care of herself. My grandmother passed away recently. She always told me that i was fine the way i was. She was always the one who when i would diet, would cut me fruit and veggies and try to help me succeed. I'm sure she would be all for my surgery. I could really use a buddy who is beginning the process. or someone to help answer my questions. I'm going through the process with Kaiser here in north california. My dad would like me to ask about experiences with Kaiser Surgeons. Thanks for listening guys
  6. SweetGabrielle

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    i have not read too much about the sleeve, no. i'll google it now
  7. SweetGabrielle

    I've Decided On The Rny

    how does the process work? i'm having my first class to get reffered into the program next tuesday, may 8. how long did it take you from that class to your surgery date?
  8. SweetGabrielle

    I've Decided On The Rny

    we do! i've gotten to the point where i've realized, i'm huge. i'm 23. i'm 5'4 305 pounds 53% bmi i don't like anything about myself anymore. i use to be able to convince myself that i didn't look half bad. i can't anymore. i feel like my weight controls my life. i want to do so much and i feel like it is holding me back. i would love to be active. its depressing. i feel like with rny, it'll be that push i need to get it together. any thoughts?
  9. SweetGabrielle

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    I originally wanted the band but I think I'm going to go with bypass. Is the scar really big? Is the recovery time long? I'm kinda scared of major surgery as I've never even been hospitalized...
  10. Hey all, I'm 23 years old with a 53% BMI. i'm ready to change my life. i just have a lot of questions and no support. i'll be doing the process through kaiser. how does the process work and how long will it be? I'm ready now!!! lol
  11. SweetGabrielle

    23 Years Old, Looking Into Options At Kaiser

    I've been researching, and after speaking with my dad, i am now at a crossroads. I am seriously considering RNY but i'm still considering lap band. On a happier note: i went to my appointment and now have my overview class scheduled for May 8! My PCP is very positive and right behind me every step of the way. She said, "we'll get you through this process as quickly and painlessly as possible" I'm very happy she's with me. I also this I'm her first refferal to bariatrics as shes just as interested in the process as i am.
  12. SweetGabrielle

    23 Years Old, Looking Into Options At Kaiser

    do you notice a good amount of progress? i'm now having doubts because of another forum where everyone was saying that results on the lapband suck. lies?
  13. SweetGabrielle

    23 Years Old, Looking Into Options At Kaiser

    that sounds just right. I'm extremely interested in moving forward and your answers have just reassured me that the decision is the right one. my appointment is tomorrow with my PCP, where i will be taking the first step towards lap band!
  14. SweetGabrielle

    23 Years Old, Looking Into Options At Kaiser

    wow, so recovery was only a few days? thats great since i'm trying to only request a few days off of work. hopefully kaiser is quick and painless, i don't want to jump through hoops to get this done. any issues after surgery? no sharp constant pain or anything?
  15. SweetGabrielle

    23 Years Old, Looking Into Options At Kaiser

    wow! that was fast!!! Are you also with Kaiser? I'm just afraid I'll loose my nerve. i know that sounds stupid, but i've never had any major procedure done and surgery kind of freaks me out.
  16. Hey everyone! This is my first post I have an appointment with my PCP on Thursday when I will be asking for the refferal for the lap band. I am 5'3 with a BMI of 53%. extremely high... I have no co morbities which is good, I've been looking into lap band since 2009. I am young, 23 years old, and I think i'm ready for this change to my life now. I am ready and willing to move forward I'm going through Kaiser. My PCP is at Kaiser Redwood City, I'll be attending classes at Kaiser South San Francisco most likely. My question is: how does the process work, what classes do i take, how long will it be? I know the program is call Options. 12 weeks. But i don't know much about it past that. Hopefully you all can help me, I really have no one support my decision and a lot of my obese coworkers are saying that i'm "selling out" so to speak, that i'm taking the easy route and that i'm stupid for wanting the lapband as much as i do. At least my dad supports me, but thats only one person. Thanks for the replies, you're really helping me out!
  17. SweetGabrielle

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey! I'm adding in to your topic as i'm interested as well. I'll be taking my overview class hopefully monday at Kaiser in South San Francisco. I'm also interested in how the process works at Kaiser and how long it takes. Cheers!!!

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