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Everything posted by tmorgan813

  1. @ NancyJerry, Thank you so much. I fell in love with my dress as soon as I saw it on the rack in the store. @Lissa, I am with you, if anyone had told me I would be walking (and wanting to walk) this much only 10 days out, I would have thought they were crazy. It's amazing how much a little bit of movement can really help. You sound like you're doing wonderful with your work outs!!! I can't afford the gym right now, but I am so excited for summer to get here so that I can get in the pool and do some low impact exercises. As for my husband, I should have explained it that a little better. He has only said something the first few days home from surgery....when I went from .25 miles to 3 miles in a day and a half. Once I told him I wouldn't do anything I couldn't, he backed off and has supported me through it all.
  2. tmorgan813

    I Was Sleeved Yesterday... Ughhh!

    Congrats on your sleeve. The only thing that helped me was walking. I walked ALL THE TIME. I had my sleeve done on the 12th and am now walking 3-5 miles a day...not all at once, I break it up between 4-5 walks. It is the ONLY thing that helped get the gas out and I also think it helped me heal much faster than I expected to. It's been almost 10 days, and I am already getting my protein and liquids in. When I started, I couldn't even get an ounce of liquid in me with out feeling "overly full" and bloated. So, I say walk as much as you can....where ever you can. I live in a Condo and my first two days home, i walked in circles until the gas moved and I felt better. Good luck and let us know how you are doing!!!
  3. I had my surgery on April 12th and I know exactly what you are taking about. The ONLY thing that helped me was walking. I walk all the time. I walk in the morning, afternoon and evening. I walk after I eat so that my body can move the food along and I don't have the gas. All this walking has helped me heal much faster and it has also helped get rid of all the gas from the surgery and any air I take in while eating or drinking. When I first started, I didn't walk that long a distance at all. But each time I go out I try to do a little more. Once I saw how much it helped, I wanted to walk all the time. MY husband finally had to tell me I was pushing myself too hard (this is a trait I get from my father...LOL). Good luck, and trust me, it does get better!!!!
  4. tmorgan813

    Mood Swings?

    So happy I am not the only one. I was thinking that this is the first time in my life where I haven't had any processed types food and I am sure that my body is in shock. I know it's not going to last forever, and I do tell myself "this too shall pass" but sometimes I catch myself after I've already "attacked" my husband. LOL I feel so sorry for him. Thanks, it's nice to know it's normal. I will talk with my doctor at my follow up next week. Maybe it is my hormones.
  5. tmorgan813


    I take metformin for my borderline diabetties. The good thing about the drug is that you can't take too much. If your body doesn't need it, it doesn't process it. Just thought you may like to know this. I was on it for years and just found this out in the hospital post op. LOL
  6. I had my surgery one week ago and I wish I had been told not to stress of protein, that getting my liquids in would be VERY hard, and most importantly, I would have to sleep on my back for awhile. I also wish someone would have told me just how little (1 to 3oz) I can get in at a time. The one thing I did learn and do and I know works is walking. I walk 3-5 miles a day since surgery. Usually after drinking or eating pureed food. My husband goes with me and we do .5 to 1.0 miles at a time. It is the ONLY thing that has helped with the gas pain and I noticed that I healed much faster because of it. I am sure there will be other things I will find that I "wish I knew" but as of know, it's gone really well.
  7. Please don't feel this way. I know it's hard but you have to remember that you are more than likely still swollen and still have gasses in you. Talk to your surgeon about this. As long as you do what they say, you should be fine. You never know, in a couple of days you could get on the scale and see a huge drop. The bigger issue is inches. As overweight people, it's hard for us not to think the scale is the way to go but trust me, you may surprise yourself. Also, you could be getting ready to start your monthly which causes weight gain too. I know it's frustrating, but try to keep your head up. I will be praying for you. The reason for this site seems to be so that we can all support each other....so, I suggest reading posts and asking questions. The only thing I would say is to make sure you walk...the more you walk the more you feel better. It's not easy going through this, but as long as you know you're not alone, you should be able to find some strength. And STAY away from the scale right now!!!!! It has been my downfall many times before this surgery and I am sure it will let me down again....take photos so you can see the changes and take measurments so you can see the inches dropped. Hope you cheer up. I will be thinking about you.
  8. tmorgan813

    Where's My 4/11 Sleevers?

    The amount you ate is VERY normal. I can barely get 2 oz in of any "real food" The nurse I spoke with said this was VERY normal.
  9. tmorgan813

    Where's My 4/11 Sleevers?

    I had mine done on the 12th. I have just started being able to get in liquids like I should. Protein is very hard for me as it's hard for me to get any real food in me still. I did find a smoothine w/o Protein powder that I really like and it has around 18 grams of protien in it...you have to sip it all day as it's 16oz though. It's as follows. 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup plain greek yogart 1 cup vanilla Silk (soy milk) 4-5 ice cubes 2 packets of splenda...you can do this to your tastes. I found this is soooo good and I can't taste the protein in it like I could when I used I my protein powder. As for the gas pains, I still get some, but I found that if I walk after I drink or eat, it gets much better. The past few days it seems like all I did was walk. LOL Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing.
  10. I just wanted to share a recipie with you all that I tried today and I LOVED...and it has Protein. I had my surgery six days ago, and I found I have become very sensitive to protein. I couldn't seem to get any of it in. So, today I tried something new. I also found it's a great way to hide my meds (and I have a lot of them). Below is the reciepie. Enjoy. 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup plain greek yogart 1 cup vanilla Silk (soy milk) 4-5 ice cubes Splenda to taste (I used 2 packets) This made about 16oz and I sipped on all day. The total protien for the whole thing is 18 grams of protein....plus it's considered liquids so you get two in one. If anyone else has any great reciepies they would like to share, I would love to hear about them.
  11. tmorgan813


  12. tmorgan813

    Last Meal

    I had a last meal before I did my pre-op diet as well. My husband and some friends went to Olive Garden and I got my Chicken Alfredo...which I LOVE. I even topped it off with a slice of the lemon cake. I knew it was the last time I would have all that and I made sure I enjoyed it...lol. I don't see anything wrong with having a "last meal" as long as you are emotionaly ready for the journey ahead. My surgery was four days ago....and every day gets easier but it's not easy. The good thing is I don't miss foods yet as eatting anything or drinking anything is difficult. I watched my husband down a box of donuts and didn't even think about wanting one. That was pretty cool. I do miss flavors but I am sure by the end of the week I will get more foods in me that aren't just smoothies. Good luck with your surgery. I'm only four days out of mine and the thought of regret only came in once....when i was waking up from it all...only because the pain was really bad at first....since that thought in post-op...I haven't had one regret!!!
  13. Hello everyone. Please help if you can. I had my surgery on April 12, 2012, three days ago. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I do have some questions for you with things that I found "strange" 1. Did anyone else have A LOT of suliva? I feel like I have so much I can't swallow it all. 2. When does the gas pains go away? I do walk a lot and did in the hospital as well, but everytime I take a sip, I feel gas pains...is this normal? 3. Am I strange that I can't get the protein in I am supposed to? I can't eat much right now and I feel like all I do is drink and try to eat (not at the same time). Any thoughts would help. Thanks
  14. tmorgan813

    Three Days Out And I Have Questions

    Thank you all so much for your responces. One last queston. I have a lot of meds and I've been putting them in apple sauce. It's SUCKS. Any other ideas to hide the pill taste?
  15. My surgery was on April 12, 1012...that's right three days ago. I can tell you what it was like for me waking up. I actually remember them taking out the breathing tube. That wasn't fun at all. Then I remember saying how much pain I was in durring post op. It wasn't until I got to my room that the nurse saw the meds they had me on wouldn't work due to my chric pain issues. The fist night is painful but not unbearable. My second day was my worst as I had a lOT of nusea. Once they fixed that with a patch, I got better quickly. I have been home for around six hours already and the pain reminds me of really bad craps. The wost part is trying to get all the food and liquids down. I have been focusing on my liquids today and tomorrow will try to get more food in me. I have to keep telling myself that this pain is only temporary and I will begin to look and feel much better very soon. Good luck with your surgery!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
