I had my surgery in Mexico as well, I went to Dr. Ortiz in tiajuana...I had a little difficulty after surgery as well, I was given good information but I had a harder time than I anticipated with the not eating, I was stressed, I was tired and I had some pain that I wasn't dealing well with, I wanted to eat for my emotions, so I cheated a little by trying some of the things you stated you have eaten. I was terrified of causing a leak. I was surprised at how frustrating it was, stick to your broth and your protein shakes and lots of water, I swore I had stretched my stomach because I could drink so much and then get so much very thinned out mushy foods down. I got so pissed at myself and depressed. BUT trust me, your stomach is NOT stretched out yet. wait until you're cleared for solids, you're going to realize just how tiny your stomach really is, and that the liquids and softies just passed through much easier. It's just like they say....eat tiny bites very slowly and chew it up well. I'm going to admit, I didn't follow my diet like i should have, I jumped into more solid foods sooner than i should have and tried to eat more than i should have and I fought to force myself to take smaller bites and wait a minute between bites, it was hard to re-program my brain. I'm almost 2 months out from my surgery and I'm just now getting it right. If anyone was going to stretch their stomach out, it would have been me. I can only comfortably eat about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of food and that is for foods i do well with. When I do 1/2 cup i'm hurting for it, and usually end up purging in the bathroom for relief. focus on getting your liquids and vitamins in and do your protein shakes, the rest will come to you in time.
Also...word from the now wise and getting wiser...you're going to stall, everyone on here will tell you that...don't get freaked out. I've been a ghost trolling the forums for a while now, only just deciding to start posting but I've read soooo many posts when I was questioning anything. The stall is the most unsettling thing I've dealt with (my mom has a failed lap-band, so I'm scared of failing myself but my hubby has a successful sleeve so I'm hoping my sleeve will succeed as well). Anyways, don't worry, your body just needs to adjust. I find that the best way to push past a stall is to get some nutrition in with low carbs and salt and sugar and up the water intake and get some exercise...for a few days then I start losing again. Thats just me though.