I was sleeved on May 16th and after getting out of the hospital I was readmitted into the hospital with post op Pnemonia, then after I was released out of the hospital 2 days later i was home for about 3 days and I noticed a severe pain in my calf like a charlie horse.
I thought I was being paranoid and wanted to stay away from docs and hospitals for awhile after spending about a week in one but the pain in my leg kept getting worse and after getting harassed by my wife I went to the ER and they told me I had a DVT (blood clot). So I was admitted again and put on warafin for at least 6 months and had to give myself Loveanox injections into my stomach for a week.
Lastly, about a week after my last incident I was feeling sick and was running a temperature and passed out, my wife called the ambulance and was taken to the hospital and my Pnemonia was back mixed in with me being a lil dehydrated which caused me to pass out, also I guess my warafin can cause some light headedness which might of also contributed to it. So needless to say another 3 days in the hospital and tons of medicine I'm finally home.
3 weeks post op I'm down 30 pounds but I honestly got to say with everything I've gone through I'm not sure I would do it all over again just for a 30 pound weight loss.
So frustrating for me not to mention all the pain & worry I've put the rest of my family through.