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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. AliveAgain


    One week. My nurse case manager told me it was based on the fact that anestheia can take a while to get out of your system, and of course making sure it had been 24-hours since any pain meds. Otherwise you can get a DUI! But the main reason is that the action of using your foot to brake and accelerate uses your abdomen muscles. After surgery you don't want to hurt yourself (most of all), but it can also slow down your ability to stop in an emergency. If you think about it, your car is a 2+ton peice of metal - do you really want that kind of pressure on your belly?
  2. My doctor made sure I had 0.5mg Ativan on hand to help with esophogeal spasms. Can he prescribe that for you?
  3. How much are you drinking? Are you still getting plenty of fluids in during the day as well?
  4. AliveAgain

    No Weight Loss Since Surgery

    I would suggest increasing your Protein, make sure you get 70g or more per day. That's what my doctor had me reaching for from day one. Once I started hitting 75-80g consistently, the scale started to budge. Are you counting your carbs as well? My limit right now is 40g per day. And drink fluids! Dehydration will slow down your metabolism more. Your minimum should be 64oz per day, if not more. For me, the more I drink, the more I lose. And the exercise is critical. Do what you can now and build up. I started out with a few laps around the block the first week, and now I'm doing about 1.5 miles in 45min every day. Not to mention the walking helps with gas/constipation and has made the general tummy tenderness get better. It will happen for you! Have faith!
  5. AliveAgain

    How Long Was Your Process?

    I had my consult on 12/21/11. But due to the holidays, I didn't start my paperwork until 1/5/12 (pre-op psych eval, etc). Approval came back on 1/14/12 - less than 24 hours after they sent it off! I had surgery 1/30/12. Working with Anthem Blue Cross of CA was super easy! I feel like one of a lucky few who don't get put through hell for this wonderful surgery.
  6. I was able to "drink normally" about a week after surgery. I still sip when I can, just to be smart. But when I'm walking, I need more than a sip. Every now and then I still get feedback that last gulp was "too much." But yes, it will go back to normal. I think the first week I brushed my teeth about five times a day to get rid of the sweetness that lingered. Always look forward to my broths at night to kill the cycle!
  7. AliveAgain

    Sf Jello

    Absolutely! First thing they gave to me about 8 hours after surgery. I have it almost daily because you can make it with unflavored Protein (I use Unjury) to boost your protein intake. One 3/4 cup serving is 6g protein/0.2 carbs/30cal. I like to squeeze it around until it's liquid before I swallow!
  8. Congrats! You give lots of inspiration to others on this board (including me) :teeth_smile:
  9. Rest, walk, rest, walk! Always sit straight up when drinking anything. Liquid pain medicine is a must for days 1-4. My doctor would have slapped me if I'd tried to swallow even the smallest pill whole. A lot of that grumbling (for me) was the gas pain, since pain meds and anesthia tend to cause constipation. Plus, when they are working in there, they move organs around a little (the stomach is tucked behind/under the liver) and I was told sometimes the organs are trying to fall back into place by my RN. There is more room than we realize in there. Plus the extra CO2 gas they fill your belly with is still working it's way out. Talk to your doc, get moving and realize it will get better. I'm on day 12 and even day 8 was a world of difference over day 1-4.
  10. With my weight gain I went from a 36DD to a 40H/38I (depending on the brand). One reason I did the WLS was because the plastic surgeon I saw for breast reduction told me that if I did the reduction now, I'd be higher risk of complications (losing nipple, etc) and longer hospital stay. He actually referred me to my WLS doctor. He said, 'Lose the weight, let them deflate, them come back in a year or so and it will be SO MUCH EASIER!" I can't wait!! If I can be a B cup I would be SO HAPPY... they just get in the way with stuff I like to do. I haven't been able to "walk around without a bra" in 20 years. When I sleep at guest's homes, I even where one just to sleep in because I didn't want to risk getting up in the night and running into someone in the halls. I know they'll be ugly, but I'm ready for these things to GO AWAY!
  11. AliveAgain

    Okay... Tmi Question

    I had the same problem. At about day 5 my NUT had me adding unflavored Benefiber to my shakes. It's great! It's literally tasteless, I cannot tell it's in there. I've even put it in tea and can't notice it. Very important to get the unflavored to not have additional carbs. I had to do one dose of MOM and that did the magic. The anesthia and pain killers cause it. I still do the Benefiber but only 1tsp instead of 2. Regular as can be!
  12. AliveAgain

    Was Anyone Healthy But Just Fat?

    Your post sounds like everything I was saying out loud prior to surgery -- we sound very alike. I did test positive for sleep apnea when they were trying to figure out my headaches, but never had to go to a CPAP or any medication for it. And I did/do have PCOS, which I only knew about because two of the cysts got larger than 3cm and caused a crap load of pain one month. A lot of women have it and never know because it is usually asymptomatic or just seems like aggrivated PMS. Other than that, blood pressure was perfect, glucose was amazing and cholesterol was in check (they wanted it lower but never mentioned medication). Many of my doctors were actually perplexed when my tests came back and showed that I was "healthy" like they expected from my outside appearance that I'd have a laundry list of issues. Also like you, I was fit and less than 130lbs for my adult life until age 28. Life happened, and as such I put on weight and let my habits go out the door. I ate what I liked and barely got in exercise. My highest was 270lbs after my knee surgery (I was docile and eating out of depression). I usually maintained around 260-265lbs most of the time. That was eating salads, fish, lean meats and no soda, no chips, only occasional sweet stuff. My habits in restaurants were not great because everything out is prepared worse than doing your own at home. My nemesis: CARBS. I could plow through two bowls of Pasta after a long day at work. I didn't think much of it because Breakfast was usually black coffee and lunch would be a 6" Subway or maybe a salad at a diner, if not skipping lunch all together. I don't like most fast food places, except Taco Bell and even that came in waves. The first doctor to mention WLS to me was about 2 years ago. I was so offended I never went back. Then my other doctors mentioned it. I would always explain that I didn't go home and eat a box of donuts and a liter of soda every day, it's not for me!! But eventually, I was life passing me by. People I care about doing things I used to love to do. Got tired to stares and little kids asking me, "Why don't you exercise? Isn't that why you're fat?" and just not fitting in. I would diet here and there, get 20lbs off, then fall off a little and it would all come back. The motivation just started spiraling and it seemed to get harder and harder every time. Not to mention, I'd get into kicks of going to the gym and end up injuring myself every time. I might be due another knee surgery soon because the mere weight bearing down on my knees when I do walk, exercise is just killing the cartilege. Eventually, it felt hopeless. I'm also 35 years old, worried about the long-term effects. But I figured it has to be better than struggling like this for another 5-10 years, or even the rest of my life. I knew if I did lose it I would always be afraid of it coming back on. Then I heard a few stories of people having strokes at my age, usually weight related. I already had headaches and PCOS, which increase my chances of stroke. That scared the pee out of me. Whatever you decide to do, it has to feel right. Talk to multiple doctors, do all the research you can, go to support groups and talk to people who've had it done. I had mine 12 days ago and I feel great. Yes, I have moments where I wonder, "What the hell did I do?!?!?" but I know that's just a short-term emotion to making such a huge change. Even good changes in the right direction can be scary as hell.
  13. Wow! First of all congratulations! What an exciting (and scary) adventure. I have noticed a number of posts of women getting pregnant unexpectedly within 3-6 months after surgery. I thought it was hogwash when they said you become more fertile, but I guess it's true. I had my sleeve to that we COULD get pregnant, after losing the weight 12-18mos from now. I would suggest trying to find an OB/GYN that specializes or can work closely with your WLS doctor. I've seen some people talk about that helping them. Most of all, make sure you absolutely take all your Vitamins. You may need to evaluate if you need more/less of anything. The good news is that your sleeve is not going anywhere. It will still be there during and after the pregnancy. It will take work, lots of preparation -- but I'm sure you will get the weight off, at least after pregnancy. May I ask if you were on or using any type of BC? I'm worried because I don't like taking BC from bad past experiences, so we plan to only use condoms. Perhaps we need to reconsider? So happy for you! First of all for losing close to 47lbs in 4 months and now a BABY! Let us know how it works out :-)
  14. AliveAgain

    Soooo Frustrating..lol

    When I hit onederland (interpreting as being in the 1XX weight range) -- I'm going on a nice vacation. Let's hope it hits before my wedding anniversary in October... Congrats! Drink a boatload of Water or tea - that seems to help.
  15. Had my surgery on Jan 30 and it's been a success so far in that I never had vomiting or nausea, have been able to get in all fluids, Vitamins and Protein every day. I'm not losing as quickly as I'd hoped, but I'm putting some of that on being pre-menstrual (I hope). My worry right now is my brain. Ever since my surgery, I have nothing but horrific, mind-bending nightmares and even a few terrors where I wake up in a panic. A few mornings, I've woken up not sure where I was or what day it is. They are like nothing I've ever had before!! And believe me, I've had some nutty dreams in the past. They are the kind that stay with you all day and mess with my mind, I know I'm depressed. Usually going for walks and taking showers helps for a little bit, but I do not feel like my normal self at all. On top of that, I'm worried about my marriage. I'm wondering if anyone else had this problem? My husband is a fit, athletic, great guy with a kick-butt metabolism. He's never been over 165 his whole life. He can eat whatever he wants. A big part of my weight gain happened the year we moved in together. He's been nothing but sensitive, giving, loving and extrememly supportive about my surgery. Dotes on my every need and is my biggest cheerleader when I come home from walking or finish a shake. I love him like crazy. But since the surgery, we're not really talking much. Seems we used to do a lot of that over cooking great dinners, or going out to restaurants and talking about the amazing food. Now, we're in a slump of him making all his own dinners and I sit there next to him with my broth/protein. Plus, we can't be physically close because of how sore I am in so many places. It really feels like we're drifting apart. I miss him, I miss what we used to have and I'm worried we'll never get it back.
  16. AliveAgain

    Think I'm Going Crazy

    For Amanda 3.0: Yes, when my husband and I met we were both working in the cycling industry. We do love to ride together, though he is more skilled in mountain biking than I ever care to be. And I loved the 2-3 hour road rides, which he finds very boring. Either way, we always enjoyed when we found time to ride together either at home or on vacation outings. We also loved kayaking and hikes. I'm still struggling with getting back to the level I was once interested in bikes. I was struck by a car many years ago, and it's many of the injuries from that accident that still plague me today. The rest is psychological, not wanting to ride around cars anymore when I used to ride some of the busiest stretches of roads and never cared! We hope to get back there some day, but I'm worried that even with weight loss I'll still be limited with my bad ankle, knees, back and shoulder. Plus, it will months before we can start doing those things again. You see, at my size I'm a 40H bra. It's just nearly impossible to find a sports bra THAT ACTUALLY WORKS (i.e. doesn't cause horrendous neck pain). So I'm hoping losing 30-50 pounds, I might have better luck in that department. Even my bathingsuits are $200 custom made because I don't have the luxury of ordering from Land's End or just "popping down to the Target" for what I need. It's a matter of bridging the gap. Not having our normal food-centric activities now, but could be a long time before we can truly replace them with other things we both enjoy. I'm 11 days out and have only lost 5lbs. I know I should be more excited, but have a feeling I'm going to be a SLOW LOSER. Very jealous of those who says they're 18lbs lost in less than 2 weeks....
  17. Yes, your taste perceptions do change a little after surgery. I can't explain it, don't know why it happens. But it happened to me and I posted the same thing on this forum. The first 5-6 days I was miserable because I could not stand the taste of ANYTHING, even though I had tried most things during the 2-week pre-op diet and was fine with them then. But around days 7-8 it started to come back and things tasted much better after that. Best of luck!
  18. AliveAgain

    Think I'm Going Crazy

    I know, I know. I'm the leat patient person and drastic changes freak me out easily. My daily routine and normal activities have taken a huge hit. I am also unemployed right now (involuntarily) and I have that looming over me. For the last seven years I've worked hard, jobs that require 50-60 hours a week for months at a time. Sometimes deadlines that require working at the office from 8am to 10pm, then booting up on the weekends as well. It's a line of work that has nearly killed me, and my body took a large brunt of that abuse. Now I'm in a place where I've spent a lot of our savings on this surgery and I have a smaller stomach counting on me to make smart choices moving forward. It's been a difficult time for me to make SO MANY changes all at once. I wish I could just be going back to my old job in a week or two, had something normal still. I do have a therapist and she's working with me on all these things, but there's only so much you can heal in an hour a week. My husband and I do talk, though I find myself very distant these days. Hard to pay attention. Since surgery, my attention span sucks! I can lose track of what's happening during a 30min. TV comedy... read somewhere that it can take a month per hour of surgery to get the anesthia out of your system completely. Thank you everyone for chiming in. I'm glad to hear no one respond with tales of horror and divorce!
  19. I got mine through my doctor's office. They have an eStore online here http://lapsf.com/estore/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65 I'm pretty sure you don't have to be a patient to order from them! My NUT gave me some hints to mix them up a little: Like adding a teaspoon of SF Lemon pudding mix to the vanilla with a dash of SF Lemon Extract. Takes like a lemony, creamy dessert. Just be sure to count the carbs/cals of pudding!
  20. I'm using the Twisted Cherry. Hated the stuff the first week (too sweet), but now I think my taste buds have adapted and it's OK. I just ordered the Multi-sample Pack because I saw it has an apple flavor. Can't wait to try it!
  21. AliveAgain

    Think I'm Going Crazy

    Thanks everyone. Was curious if anyone else went through this with his/her spouse or partner. To answer questions: I haven't had any pain meds since Day 3 (one week ago). Can't stand the stuff, was so glad to stop it! I wondered about the anestheia, this was my first time ever having it so I'm not sure how long it takes to get out of my system. I've definitely been spacier than usual, assumed that was the decrease in carbs. My hormones have been out of whack for years with PCOS, so added estrogen will make this so much more fun :tongue2: I think I'm just really in shock over how much time I spent on food -- thinking about it, shopping for it, preparing it, eating it. You don't notice how much you do something until it's gone. I do feel like an absolute a** that I don't shop anymore, not even for my husband. It's not that I can't, I just don't think about the grocery store anymore. He says I'm over reacting as well, need to give it time. I've never been very good at being patient!
  22. AliveAgain

    Stomach Size ?

    My doctor told me 3-4oz capacity, but that with time that will stretch 3-fold. Still, if you think about how it used to accomodate up to 60oz -- that's still crazy restricted! I'm 10 days out and my doctor still has me on fluids until next week when I can try mushies. Most of my shakes are 8-12oz and I'm able to get them down in about 20-30 minutes. At night, my Soups and broths can be as much as 12oz (granted it takes me an hour or more to finish it). I was only able to sip for the first week, but the past few days I'm able to take a decent "mini-gulp" of Water without problems. Especially when I'm exercising, I think it makes everything relax more. I'm not really worried about the amount I am able to take in now, I heard you really notice it more when you start introducing solids. That's when you feel like it's doing it's job. I tried a small amount of a poached egg (the gooey part) and was amazed at how quickly I didn't want anymore!
  23. Of course, fit in some of your favorite foods before you start your pre-op diet. I know I did! But I would advise you start looking at them in moderation, trying to work in some of the habitual thinking that will need to change long-term. Perhaps go ahead and have that Big Mac, but only eat half? It's good to start practicing some of these things before surgery so it won't be such a dramatic change after. I did not have a problem giving up soda, wish I could help you there. But I do miss sparkling waters. The cravings do minimize pretty quickly when you're focusing on the good stuff and healing after surgery. It's more the behaviors that have tricked me up. Like driving past a Taco Bell...or opening the fridge and seeing my husband's leftover Pasta in a container. In the past, it was nothing to stop for "just a burrito" or "heat up and have a bite of that pasta." Now, it's not the cravings for the food itself, but the comforting behavior of doing those things that have been hardest to get past. It's happening for me, slowly. I think the best advise I've received on this forum is to chill out and go with the flow, give yourself a break when you feel like you can't take it anymore. I remember waking up in the recovery room, very hazy. My diaphram hurt like I'd sneezed 100x in a row. But they were quick to give me the pain meds and I don't remember much pain after that. Do get up and move around as soon as possible! Even it's walking across the room and back, it totally helps with the pain. I mainly felt it when I would get up from the bed or toilet, mostly achiness. No sharp, stabbing pain. Do know that with the meds they give you, antibiotics, and pain killers -- you may get constipated. I did, and that was the worst part because the gas would grumble and hurt. Yes, you will fart like crazy for a little while. Once they got some unflavored Benefiber added to my shakes, I was fine! Highly recommend it -- first Fiber mix I absolutely cannot taste or feel. I'm not a mom, can't speak to that. But I was a nanny for many years, so I know what it's like from that. You won't be able to pick anything up more than 25lbs for 4 weeks. So you WILL need help at home. Plus your belly is super tender, and if I know small kids - they kick and move around a lot in your arms. One thing no one told me is how hard it is to wear a supportive bra the first week, due to the placement of the incisions. That was a bummer. Try to find something all cotton now if you normally where underwire. You get out and walk everyday, doubt you want to do that loose and fancy free! I'm on day 9 now and could see going back to work next week if I had to. Depends on what you do. I'm definitely exhausted halfway through the day, but just let it be and know it will get better! This forum has been a bright light in my darkest days: Definitely return and ask as many questions as you like. While we're all individuals, we have one great thing in common, our sleeves. Best of luck with your surgery!!
  24. AliveAgain


    I'm 9 days post op and in the same boat. I gained in fluids, took 6 days to lose that and am only down 2lbs. I have been diligent about meeting all my goals for protein/fluids and NEVER go above 40g carbs, and walk every day. I spoke to my doctor's registered nurse and she said "everyone loses differently." She indicated that if I was truly doing everything I said I was doing, there was no way I couldn't lose weight. Like you can really cheat at 9 days?! Don't get too frustrated. I went there and it was an ugly place. Try to trust the process, let go of the control and let your body heal some more. As my husband keeps reminding me, we did just have MAJOR surgery not long ago. The body will know when it's healed enough and when to start doing what it needs to do. That being said, do make sure you are getting enough of the proper fluids, dehydration slows down metabolism more than you realize. Best of luck!
  25. AliveAgain

    My Fiance Works With A Fat-Hating Numbskull

    Discrimination and hatred of fat, obese, overweight (whatever you want to call it) is extremely rampant. I really wish they would add it as a criteria to the Disabilities Act. I was FIRED from my last job for being overweight. No I'm not being dramatic -- I have physical WRITTEN proof that my boss' boss did not think I "fit in with the look and feel" of the rest of the team. Granted, it was with an athletic-centered company. I used to be very athletic pre-accident/injury and weight gain, so a majory of my resume speaks to working in that industry. But since most people have known me for 10-15+ years, they knew who I used to be, who I am on the inside, and generally never bothered them. It was the best job I'd had in years, I was so happy. Then they hired this jack*** who had a real problem with not just weight but women in general who were of "childbearing years." It was a bloodbath how many good people he got fired. However, this story has a happy ending: His *** was FIRED for being a disappointment just a few weeks ago. He barely lasted 8 months with the company!! Also, I've had to unfriend a number of people on FB because they will make frequent posts poking fun at overweight people. Do not need that in my life!! I honestly feel really sad for them and feel like it's their own fears or worries to not love themselves if they ever got above 20BMI. I had a boyfriend about 10 years ago when I was 140lbs and our relationship started online. I NEVER lied about my weight, showed recent pics, etc. but he always talked about how he was concerned about a woman "gaining weight after marriage and having kids." Red flad #1. When we finally met, his face showed his disappointment. Mind you, I was very athletic and very large chested. A majority of that weight was in my legs (cyclist) and in my bra. Yet, he seemed to think I needed to be about 110lbs. That's what his former girlfriend was. Granted that relationship sunk faster than the Titanic and I have THE WORLD'S BEST HUSBAND now! Just like there are racists, sexists, etc. - there are these people. Just pray for them and hope they'll find a way to cope with being perpetually disappointed. I wish your fiance could let him know people can SUE and WIN for that type of discrimination, so he should watch his back!

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