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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. How long ago was your surgery? I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with the reintroduction of mushy/solid foods. Please be patient and know that it may take some time for your new stomach to get used to them again, but it will happen. Did you spend a good two weeks just introducing the mushy foods before moving on to solids? Sometimes going to solids too quickly can set you back. I'm on day 28 and I'd say 50% of my caloric/protein intake is still in shakes, usually two a day. What has gone down well for me so far: Plain, non-fat Greek yogurt with 10-14 blueberries Small curd, lowfat cottage cheese mixed with 1-2tbsp unsweetened applesauce or 1tbsp pesto (or plain!) Soft poached or boiled eggs with runny yolk - my doctor mentioned that scrambled or omelette style is too hard until 6-8 weeks out Egg salad made with Greek yogurt, dash of relish and seasonings Laughing Cow or Babybel cheese Juicy, tender skinless chicken breast - make sure it's not tough, sometimes helps to have with broth Soft/medium tofu in miso Soup or slightly seared in seasame oil with mushrooms Well-cooked asparagus, okra, spinach - no raw or roasted veggies for a few months, must be mushy for first 2 months Chicken meatballs from Trader Joe's with a light, homemade marinara suace Lean deli meats (juicier the better!) like chicken, turkey The trick is definitely to take in solids at first with sauce or broth, something to keep it juicy or soft. And chew, chew, chew. Even when I eat mushy asparagus, I keep it in my mouth until it's practically dissolved. You can make great homemade Soups with the good veggies like broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower and some veggie or chicken broth. My doctor doesn't want me near cream soups or Beans at this point, too high in carbs. Definitely NO bread, Pasta, rice, or potatoes. Good luck! I'm hoping more people post because I'm always looking for ideas!
  2. Tomorrow is my four-week surgiversary, done laparoscopically, and all skin incisions closed with surgical glue. The first two came off at the beginning of week two, well healed. The third around day 20, the fourth and fifth (the two closet to the belly button) at the beginning of week three. The last two are still a little red along the incision line, nothing abnormal. Healing very nicely, applying Vitamin E every day. I was not diabetic prior to surgery, so not sure if this could be the reason for you. Not sure how your surgery was done or if you had staples, etc. -- but you may want to call your doctor just to find out. Most likely they'll come off when they're ready and they've done their job
  3. I'm 26 days post op and have had no complications until recently. I'm in the mushy phase, hitting my Protein goals every day (75-90g) and keeping my carbs under 40g. I drink constantly (except of course 30 before/after eating "food). I have a 22oz Water bottle I fill at least 2-3x daily, plus my 10-12oz Protein shakes 2x daily, usually a 12oz hot tea, and occasionally another 4-8oz of broth. I upped my exercise gradually this week, from 45min walks to 1hour walks. And today I was able to do 8.5 miles on the bike in 75 minutes at a decent pace. Felt great while I was riding, but then felt worse 2-3 hours later. My doctor has me taking the PPI in the morning, Multivitamin 2x daily, sublingual B12, Calcium chews 3x daily, and this week I started the Actigall 2x daily. He also put me on a slow release potassium pill. The past three days I've had a low-grade headache, I'm more nauseous than ever (no vomiting), and now I'm feeling some twitchy pain in my lower back (near where my kidneys are located). And despite how much Fluid I get in, my urine output seems to have decreased. I'm worried that those are the classic signs of dehydration which can lead to kidney stones. Can someone be dehydrated with that much fluid?! I'm also worried my electrolytes are low considering I get far less than the 1500mg of sodium allowed daily, and with how much I sweat during activity. My water bottle is always with me on my walks/rides.
  4. I'm suspecting it's my electrolytes or my Iron. I've had bladder/UT infections before and this is nothing like that. I personally think the 40g carb limit is too restrictive at almost four weeks out, in trying to get in proper levels of things like sodium, magnesium, etc. I'm drinking the Protein drinks within 30 minutes of working out. Having been active before in my life, it really does feel like I'm not recovering like I should. I'm losing at a rate of about 1/2-3/4 of a pound a day, so something's working. I just hate feeling like crap getting there. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow.
  5. My naturopaths actually had me practicing this well before I was even considering surgery. It was suspected that I was not making enough stomach acid to properly break down the foods I was eating, because I was B12 deficient and experiencing some digestive discomfort with meats. Drinking before eating can flush the digestive acids your body naturally makes to break down the food before leaving the stomach. Drinking while eating, like most have said, can force only partially digested foods out of the stomach too soon. But it all comes down to the "tricks" off teaching your brain to know when it's full, and it will get there faster if you just focus on the food.
  6. AliveAgain

    Ahh! I Lost A Size! Yeahhh!

    Woot woot! It is a great feeling! I rummaged through my closet yesterday for size 20 jeans and the whole way up the leg I was chanting, "Please fit, please fit!" -- and they did! At first I thought they were too tight (you know, the right out of the dryer feeling). But less than an hour later I found them very loose and I tugged on them all day like I needed a belt to hold them up! Not quite ready for an 18, but getting closer every day! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
  7. I won't repeat all the great advice everyone has already given, it all resonates. But I will chime in as another person who questioned for months whether I needed to do the surgery after losing 20-30 pounds here and there. As a consultant, I often go through periods between jobs where I'd get on a health kick, diet, work out, and lose weight. Then as soon as I started working again with a long commute, the weight would come back on with a little extra. It got really old and made me feel helpless. With this surgery I will always have a way of policing how much I eat. Granted, I can still fill it with smaller amounts of junk food if I so choose. But the first 1-2 months after surgery helps you practice with good habits and healthy foods. Once you go through it, it seems pointless to ruin all that hard work with bad choices.
  8. AliveAgain

    Should I Take Fiber Gummies?

    Yes, fiber is very important to your heart and digestive health. Without it, you can get constipated and your body has to work harder at getting rid of waste in the bloodstream. Whereas protein is an energy source like carbohydrates and sugars, but without the insulin triggers and liver fatigue. That being said, everyone needs fiber in different ways and amounts. I would talk to your doctor or nutritionist first to see what they recommend for you and your diet. Before surgery, I ate flax seed on everything (steel cut oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce) for fiber. Post surgery, my nutritionist recommended adding Benefiber to my protein shakes (http://benefiber.com/products/benefiberPowdersPlusHeartHealth.shtml) It's tasteless and gritless. I can add it to my hot tea and never taste it. It's important to get unflavored to save as much as you can on the carbs. Though my doctor said he was not concerned with counting the carbs that come from the Benefiber, though I keep an eye on it. I only have to use it for the first 6-8 weeks until I start working good, low-carb veggies back into my diet that contain fiber.
  9. I'm only 25 days out from surgery, but I'm anticipating to get the same feelings with food in the future. At home, being able to measure everything really helps. But going out is another story. That's why we did this, we added this tool for a reason. It's a way of policing ourselves in a world that has gone wild with portion control and too many messages to EAT, EAT, EAT! When I watch TV now, it is jaw dropping how much CRAP is advertised. Junk food, fast food, pizza, after school Snacks for kids that are NOT healthy. Not to mention noticing the shear number of restaurants on every corner. Just shameful. My weakness is that I love flavors and textures. I love well made organic foods with exotic ingredients. I love when summer veggies are in season and berries abound! But I just hope I'll appreciate smaller amounts of those flavors in the future. In 2003, I was like you. I was competing in relay triathlons and going out dancing every weekend. My life revolved around getting on the bike, running, hiking, kayaking, going to the gym. It feels like a dream sometimes that I was ever that way. But you can get it back! Just in the past three weeks I've become addicted to walking. I'm increasing my time every week and feeling so good all over. I'm sleeping better than before, and it feeds my brain to make smart choices all day. Pretty soon I'm breaking out the bike again, and planning a hiking/camping trip to Yosemite this June. My husband and I LOVE motorcycle racing and we plan to ride his bike there! I haven't been able to comfortably fit on the back in YEARS. I highly recommend you find a way to get exercise back into your life. It is so addictive! And it does make you happy, gives you time to focus on yourself and remember why you started this journey last summer. Celebrate your new found body and take it out of a spin!
  10. AliveAgain

    Patience Isn't Just A Gnr Song!

    Day 23: "So-So" Today was a beautiful day here on the central coast. Had 75-degree temps and sunny weather during my walk along the ocean. So lucky to live where I live while I go through this transition. We will most likely be moving within the year because the cost of living is catching up to us. But I'm so grateful to be here right now, to heal, and work towards something greater. Yet, I felt sad most of the day today. Had a lot of nightmares last night, my husband woke me because I was making horrible sounds and I was drenched in sweat. I'm working through a lot of emotions right now with my therapist, trying to get to the bottom of my head hunger and self-sabatoging behavior. She told me that part of this process would be the nightmares and vivid dreams. Great... Does anyone else feel like time is standing still? This third week seem to be going at a crawling pace, which is making me feel like the weight is taking forever to come off. Patience is not my strong suit. The days and nights are blurring together, and I'm losing a sense of time. I have moments where I think, "It's been over three weeks! I'm past the hardest part!" and then later, "It's been only three weeks, when will I be normal again?!" I also know myself. Three maybe four weeks is my maximum. It's about how long I enjoy a new job. How long I usually lasted on diets in the past. About the amount of time I tried out a hobby only to realize it wasn't for me. It's that critical place where I either stick with it, or start giving up. I can feel it inside me, the moment of truth is cresting. I don't know which way it will go, but I know where I want it to go: Upwards and onwards. I don't want to quit, don't want to get weak. I hope I stay strong and make it through this week. It's too important not to!
  11. Mine spazzed after trying tuna, which was in my NUT's post-surgery guide for the mushy stage. But then my doctor freaked out when I told him. He said tuna is NOT a mushy stage appropriate food. He said that making a puree paste may give me and my stomach an aversion to it, told me to hold off until week 4-5 for that. Try to keep to true mushies until then: low-fat or fat-free SMALL curd cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, soft tofu, poached eggs, and maybe Laughing Cow Swiss Cheese wedges. Even scrambled eggs can be too much. Listen to your body and take it easy when it tells you to rest. Anytime I feel like the mushy was too much, I keep to liquids for the rest of the day and give it another try when it feels better. If the pain doesn't go away in a day or so, call your doctor. Maybe try some chamomile or decaf green tea to ease the spazzing?
  12. Hi everyone I seem to be experiencing my first plateau and trying not to freak out. I'm 23 days post-op and have only lost 15 pounds. I know from reading this forum that everyone loses at different rates, and that 15 pounds is still a great accomplishment. The last time I was in the 230's was about 5-6 years ago, and I am very happy about that. But my doctor told me last week he expected me to lose more by now, and I'm supposed to lose another 6 (minimum) by next Wednesday. Not feeling very confident that is going to happen. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do as far as calories/carbs/fat/liquids go - most days I take in 80+ ounces of water/fluids. And I've bumped up my exercise to over an hour every day. A majority of my calories are shakes and brothy Soups w/protein mix added, though I started some mushies last week. At best I get in a scrambled or poached egg w/1oz. light cheese, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese w/ 1tbsp unsweetened applesauce, or 1/4 cup greek yogurt, plain, no fruit. I made an amazing roasted cauliflower Soup the other night w/just garlic, shallots, celery and veggie broth pureed thoroughly. Felt so good to cook again! Kept it light (1/4 cup only) since it is a higher carb veggie. Hoping to make one with asparagus soon. I'm sure my body is just adjusting to the change from liquids to mushies, from 500 calories per day to almost 700 and 70g Protein to 80-90g. What's bumming me out is that I'm not really wearing different clothes yet. I can fit more easily into size 20 pants, but I still have some size 22 that I can wear. I know, mass cuts makes it all relative. I bought one bra size down, and it's a little tight - but passable. I was hoping after losing 30lbs (15 pre/15 post) that I'd be noticing it more in clothes. But I'm not. And I ran into some friends the other day who said nothing, even though I feel I can totally see it in my face/neck. Trying to stay positive and logical. I know it will happen, even if it's slow it's better than where I used to be and I know it will happen EVENTUALLY So how long before you really felt a noticeable difference? About how much did you have to lose before you really went down a FULL size in clothing?
  13. AliveAgain

    Just One Pound

    I LOVE visualizations like this! My friend and Boot Camp diva made a video showing something similar. A great motivation tool! http://audrabaker.com/motivation-monday-muscle-vs-fat-vs-lean-vs-bulky/
  14. Thanks everyone! It's interesting to hear how it happened for everyone, to know just how differently our bodies react. Yes, I thought it was crazy for my doctor to tell me how much to lose. His exact words were, "Lose ten pounds in the next two weeks." And considering my (scales!) show only 4 pounds in 7 days, I deducted the rest. He wants me to aim to lose 60 in the first three months. I know he's giving me targets to shoot for, but it's daunting when I start comparing myself to others who seem to lose faster. Shellyac -- I should do just that! So far, my husband is the only person who knows. He tells me things are definitely baggy on me, but he's the worst in fashion judgement so he rarely notices what I'm wearing. I put on a shirt today that used to hug my hips and fit tightly around my lower arms; today it hung very loose (seemed like there was a large gap around my waist) and was loose in the arms. It IS happening! I put weight on evenly everywhere and the doc told me I'd lose it the same way, so it's not like my middle is going to lose it first. Seems to be happening in the legs, waist, hips, arms, and face so far. With that, it will most likely take more poundage before I see full size shifts As for friend's not noticing, I only see these people 2-3 times a year. So I don't blame them for not seeing the change. Plus, the wife is 6 months pregnant and her mind was elsewhere!
  15. AliveAgain

    Best Scale For The Job?

    I need to buy a new scale. I think... So according to my scale, I've only lost 7lbs since surgery. According to my doctor's scale, I've lost 11. WTH?! I weighed myself, right out of the shower at about 7am the morning of my surgery, 250 flat. I weighed myself same way, same time of day yesterday, 243. Yet the morning of surgery at the hospital (about 2 hours after I weighed myself), I was 251 with a big heavy hospital gown. then at my doc's office yesterday, 240. He says his scales are better, being $300+ dollars. But now I don't know if I'll be able to accurately guage my progress with mine. He wants me to lose 10+ more in 2 weeks, but I'm afriad if I go my scale I won't know if I did or did not accomplish it. Mine is about 15 years old. <b>Does anyone recommend any good brands that are easy to find in stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond?</b>
  16. AliveAgain

    Best Scale For The Job?

    Absolutely, I always weigh within 15min of waking, after going to bathroom and before ingesting anything.
  17. AliveAgain

    Best Scale For The Job?

    So the new EatSmart scale arrived yesterday and I got to try it out this morning. It's a very nice scale, good readout, easy to use. But I'm more confused than ever. As I mentioned, my old scale showed a 7lbs loss when my doctor's scale showed an 11lbs. loss. Now the new scale is showing 1lbs less than the old scale. I have no idea which to go by anymore. I'm concerned that when I have to check in next week over the phone, I won't know what I've lost at all. If I go by the new scale to the doc's scale, I've only lost 3lbs in 8 days. Which doesn't seem right. If I add the "rule" that my old scale seemed to run about 3lbs higher than my doctor's, and this one is 1lb heavier - then do I deduct 2lbs from the new one? Arghhh.... I know it's all about trends. And once I start to use only this new scale for weeks, months at a time I should be able to monitor it better. But this is so frustrating in the first month! Just venting... Yes, I weigh myself at the same time, no clothes, etc.
  18. Someone told me that the private pay portion of my surgery (the part insurance did not cover) is tax deductible, for calendar year 2012. Has anyone else heard this and do you know how it's done? My doctor also wrote me a prescription for a gym membership that he said should be deductible as well since it was prescribed. ???
  19. AliveAgain

    Surgery Is Tax Deductible?

    Thanks everyone! If only it could be a credit and not a deduction, that would be awesome. Normally we file jointly/married, but that could blow us out of the ball park of the 7.5%. Now if we file separately/married, that may work in our favor. My surgery, all the pre-op work, etc. cost me about $7000 out-of-pocket once insurance hit their portion. I'm sure there will be more medical expenses over the rest of the year. We'd like to use the $900 left on our FSA for this calendar year, but don't want to complicate next year's taxes with a small amount under 2011 FSA and the remainder being the write off in 2012 taxes. I guess I need to finally find an accountant! Not sure why my doctor insisted the gym membership could be written off when (you're right) -- it's right there on the IRS website that it's not a deductable expense. Guess he's a better surgeon that finance guy
  20. AliveAgain

    I Think I Eat To Fast

    I'm three weeks and one day post op and I "can" eat a poached egg in under 15min. That being said, I deliberately slow myself down even when I feel like I could go faster. I can also "gulp" larger-than-sip amounts of fluid with no problems. I think some people just heal in different ways...
  21. AliveAgain

    The Journey Begins.....

    Hi diverdiva! Welcome to the group! This is a great place to go for questions and support. Keep an open mind and realize that everyone is quite different and unique, so experiences will vary. For your age and weight, I'd strongly suggest VSG over Bypass. It's less "intrusive" and has less side effects, in my opinion. I'm about to turn 36, so we're similar in age. And my highest weight was 265lbs at 5'2". I started considering surgery in October and spent many months researching it and meeting with support groups. That's what helped me decide the VSG option. I was sleeved three weeks ago and (so far) have had a great recovery. It is important to do all the things you mentioned, start healthy living now. Definitely quit smoking! There is a risk of pneumonia from the surgery/anesthia, so the healthier your lungs the better. I'm sorry the consultation process was so difficult. It will be important to have a good line of communication - is there anything that can help with that? For me, having support was critical - that was my husband. But there is no way I could have done this alone, especially the first week. Even if it's one good friend or family member, just for the emotional up's and down's. You are able to be fairly independent very quickly (showering, dressing, etc.) but there are things like driving you can't do for about a week. Please let us know how things progress for you. Best of luck on your journey!
  22. AliveAgain

    Thinking Too Much

    Day 22: "Happy" It's nearing the end of February and it feels like time is standing still. I've never liked this time of year. It's cold, the days are still fairly short, and there's not a lot to look forward to from day-to-day. Throw into the mix that I spend my days looking for work, alone at home. It's all a recipe for depression. I'm so sick of counting calories. I feel like a check out girl with my iPhone scanning the barcodes of everything I eat for MyFitnessPal. I measure everything, converting tablespoons to cups. Don't get me started on things measured in grams (units of weight) when I'm trying to figure out units of volume! ACK! But I'm happy. I really am, sometimes it even shocks me. I know that if I didn't have my sleeve, I would be emotional eating every day. I would have tried dieting three or four times by now, only to crack a few days in. And each time I would do that, I'd beat myself up afterward. I'd feel guilty that I couldn't control my head hunger. That I was hopeless to ever get this weight off and keep it off. Not to mention the way I'd feel after eating crap. The headaches, the blood sugar rises and drops, and the tiredness. An emotional cycle that would have taken me into dark places I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Now I'm in control. Well, at least I'm getting there. It's hard to take control, it's a lot of brain power and work. I am exhausted sometimes from thinking about it all the time. I'm too afriad not to think about it because I have to stay on schedule, drink constantly, make sure I'm exercising every day. I'm known to get into projects and things and zone out for hours at a time. Heck, just while typing this blog entry I've had to stop occasionally to remember how long it's been since I drank anything so I can have some cottage cheese soon. Being in control means being responsible. I don't want to fail at this like I have with so many other things. I'm afriad failing at this will take a devastating toll. Yesterday I teared up a little while walking. It was good though, a happy misting of the eyes. I realized that I felt really good, that I was enjoying physical activity again. I actually feel lighter, like there is less pulling on my frame. I wasn't focusing on my painful knees and back, nor how chilly the wind was on my face. I wasn't caring what I looked like to others (I have no style when it comes to workout clothes.) I had a million reasons not to get out yesterday, but I did. I have a long history of making up reasons not to make time for myself. But it came almost effortlessly yesterday. I've lost 30lbs, gone down one pant and one bra size, and I can see it in my face. It's only the first step, of many more to go. I hope I find patience to make it the rest of the way. I hope it gets easier from here on out. I hope I don't freak out when I hit my first plateau, or my second, or third... Does it get easier?
  23. AliveAgain

    Why Am I Starving Today!

    And drink lots of fluids! Dehydration can mimic the feeling of being hungry as well.
  24. Glad you have such a positive attitude and have the support of your family! That's great! I'm in the same place as you with the mushy foods, about 2-3oz and I'm "full" and not wanting to push it. With time, it will get easier and we'll be able to take on more. I really look forward to when I'm only doing 1-2 shakes a day and the rest comes from food sources. Sorry to hear about the crappy boss. There are a lot of them out there unfortunately. I've had plenty of them myself, I know what it's like. I lost a job about two years ago because I was constantly sick - sinus infections, colds, migraines. The stress and the weight were just too much for my system to take on. I was upset at the time, but also relieved because I got a lot better once I didn't have that horrible boss that called on me at all hours and had me working around the clock. She needed a healthy person who could dedicate 150% of themselves to the job and I just wasn't that person. If you can, try to look for another job. I know that is hard to say, believe me I would have slapped anyone who said that to me in the past. But it's not good to keep stressors like her in your life. It's a challenge to take on emotional eating, and you've taken a great step with the surgery. Mean, bossy people are not worth what they take out of you -- your energy, your soul. Something to consider...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
