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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. So I'm curious if anyone else had problems with this post-surgery? I was convinced mine were a result of "aggressive" bike riding at the gym. You know how the saddles on those things are hard and wide, just horrid. Coming from the cycling industry I know those things are no good, but we had a raining spell and I wanted to get in my bike riding. But now I'm wondering if it's a result of too little Fiber from the VSG diet? I haven't had any unpleasant bowel movements or constipation, but perhaps there are other things at play. I am averaging about 12-16g of fiber each day, 12 of which come from Benefiber powder in drinks. Other than that, since I'm watching carbs I can't really get more in. I've emailed my doctor and they were of no help at all. They seem to think the Benefiber should do it, except I've been taking Benefiber daily for about 4 weeks now -- so well before the hemorrhoids showed up. Most medical websites say we need to get more like 25g, but there's no way to do that without breaking my diet rules. Plus, the volume of berries, Beans, and veggies I'd have to eat would cut into my Protein intake based on how little my stomach can hold. My weight loss has stalled this week due to the fact that I can't exercise AT ALL. Even a 20 minutes walk is painful. I saw my GP and he said to keep up with the suppositories, sitz baths, etc. and wait it out another week or two. They want to avoid surgery due to my age and the fact that the recovery from that is more painful and much longer. UGH! There has to be a better way?!?
  2. AliveAgain

    Hemorrhoids, Blerg!

    This is completely new for me!! I did have some problems with constipation prior to surgery, usually around travel and stressful times at work. But it never turned into this....
  3. AliveAgain

    I Think I'm Eating Too Much

    I'm five weeks out and find I have good and bad days. Most of my meals are about 1/2 cup, or close to 2 oz. But I can sit down and eat close to a cup or 4oz if I want to. My doctor says not to ever put more than 4oz on my plate, but never said I can't have more. I try to do it to be conscientious of not stretching or pushing my sleeve into uncomfortable places. Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to!
  4. AliveAgain

    Breast Reconstruction? Need Advice!

    Day 30: "Mixed Feelings" I am wondering if anyone had breast reduction/reconstruction after having WLS, and if so: How long did you wait and was it covered by insurance? I am very well endowed genetically. When I gained weight, I went from a 34DD at 135lbs. to a 40H at 265lbs. I visited a plastic surgeon in October, and he was the one who mentioned the VSG option to lose weight. In fact, it was made me decide to have VSG done. He highly recommended that I lose the weight first, then have the surgery once I was at maintenance weight. Having the surgery at my highest weight would increase my chances of risks, longer hospital stay, etc. He said that losing even 50lbs. would reduce those chances by more than half. I've never liked having large breasts. I'm an active person and they get in the way. Not to mention trying to find bras, clothes, and bathing suits that fit. I usually have to order my bras from strange online retailers and spend outrageous amounts of return shipping and restocking fees when they don't work. It's not like I can just buy a bra at a local department store for $20! I love to swim, but my only option for bathing suits is a place in the mid-west that makes custom suits. They are close to $180 a pop! And as good as they are, they still don't support me all that well and they fall apart after 15-20 swims. I guess they are made more for those who sit by the pool than actually get in the pool. In regular tops and jackets, I still have to buy 1-2X just to cover my chest, while the rest of me is swimming in fabric. I am easily a size 14 in my arms and waist if that helps make a visual. I know my breasts are going to be my nemesis during the weight loss process. I've lost 34lbs. and haven't budged in the bra department other than I changed from a 40 band size to 38. I'm going to be very disappointed if I don't lose the boobs. I'm already daydreaming of having breast reduction as soon as I hit goal. Although we want to have kids, so if I'm able to conceive we may wait a little longer. They are terribly uncomfortable and such a pain. I tried swimming at a new gym yesterday and had a freaky, creepy old man staring at me the whole time. I stayed only 10 minutes before leaving in shame and embarrassment. I've been stared at since high school when I developed, and have always gotten more attention from the male-sex than I ever welcomed. I've been groped at concerts, unable to get security to do anything. I get cat calls when I'm out trying to walk for my health, nasty things. I can't wait until they are gone and I can have a normal life.
  5. AliveAgain

    Need Protein Help

    It can be a struggle on busy days. I haven't tried bars yet (too many carbs) but have been using mostly nitrate-free deli meats like chicken and turkey, mozzarella sticks, greek yogurt, shrimp, fish, roasted chicken and tofu. That plus two shakes a day around 25g each usually gets me close to 90g per day, but in keeping to around 600 calories per day. Also, I make SF Jell-O with unflavored protein (Unjury) for mid-afternoon snack.
  6. Next week, I've been scheduled for a first round of interviews with a MAJOR "fruit-named" technology company here in Silicon Valley. This means going for a period of 4-5 hours straight (usually an afternoon) and interviewing in half-hour intervals with groups of 2-4 people (about 25 total). This is very normal for the type of work I do, I've done this in the past. It's grueling and exhausting! I'm nervous and worried for a number of reasons: 1. I'm still on liquids, introducing very soft mushies (eggs, cottage cheese, tofu) and will be next week. They are talking about making it a lunch thing, which could mean they want to cater or take me to lunch. I'm nervous that I will have to tell them what's going on because I'll be sipping on a Protein shake while they eat! 2. Energy levels suck!! I'm on day 17 now and will be on day 25/26 during the interview. Right now, I do OK to get up take care of some things, go for a walk, shower, etc. Then I'm absolutely exhausted! I'm also very spacey in my thinking, hard to capture words and recall details. Not good things to have for an important interview when I need to be sharp. 3. If I'm going to be with them for that long, I will need to be sipping on Water and protein at some point. Will they ask me about it? Will I have to tell them about the surgery? If they hire me, they will notice the weight loss so I might as well. But I'm worried they'll think something is wrong with me and that I'll be unreliable. I already got fired from one job when I was having to go to a lot of doctor's appointments and was sick a lot. 4. Sitting that much hurts. My belly hurts if I don't get up or lie down periodically. Plus, I'm slow walking and getting up from a chair. The incisions are still tendor inside. These are people that bound upstairs and walk with a brisk pace, because that's just the pace there. The tech industry out here is VERY DIFFERENT from most work environments. In my line of work, 10-14 hour days, working weekends, pulling all-nighters are the norm. If you aren't willing to do it -- likely there is some young college grad who's willing to steal it out from under you and get promoted. I know I need to change my habits with work, make time for exercise, planning meals, eating at the right time of day, not skipping meals, sleeping properly. But it is not working in my favor to find an "easier" job or line of work. I apply for them and I'm told I'm "overqualified and won't be happy" in such an entry-level type work. Believe me, this is an amazing opportunity that I've been wanting to happen for years now. It just seems to be happening at THE WORST TIME EVER. I'm not sure they want someone who has so many boundaries with how long and how hard I can go... Right now, I'm trying not to overthink it. Just need to make it through the interview... BUT HOW?! I want to be happy that this is happening for me, but I'm more scared about it than happy.
  7. It's been postponed until the team gets past some crazy deadlines... fingers crossed!
  8. AliveAgain

    How Long Til Mushies?

    My doctor had me slowly introducing mushies during week three, but I really didn't get the hang of it until week four. Meaning: in the beginning it took me 45 minutes to eat a single poached egg, then two weeks later I can eat it in 20 minutes. I slipped in a few mushies during week two, but like one tablespoon a day of yogurt or cottage cheese.
  9. Because numbers like that are usually based on statistics of averages, and we are anything but average! I would talk to your nutritionist and doctor, start logging your intake again, and examine your breakdown. Also, drink more fluids!
  10. My weakness is Pasta and Mexican food. Haven't had the Mexican yet, other than a tablespoon of salsa mixed in cottage cheese (YUM!) macaroni and cheese used to be my downfall. Before I was married, I was lazy. Could make the whole box and eat it out of the pot because I hate cleaning up after cooking and doing dishes. My husband came home the other night having picked up food from our favorite place that serves a la carte items: rotisserie chicken, steamed veggies, twice baked potatoes, and mac n' cheese. He got the smallest serving sizes since he knew I'd only eat part of the chicken and some veggie. I couldn't resist and ate THREE noodles of the mac n' cheese at the end of my meal. Tastes so good, but immediately felt that tightness in the tummy of "no more!" That's exactly what I hoped my sleeve would do!
  11. Today marks thirty days since my surgery, four weeks and two days. My husband and I went out to eat for the first time in over a month, and it was a success! I was a little worried about a negative reaction, but was feeling OK since I haven't had any problems at home this past week introducing "early solid foods." We went out for sushi and I ordered a miso Soup which I've been making at home, familiar territory. Then I was about to very slowly, but wonderfully eat three 1oz pieces of sashimi (sake and maguro) dipped in low-sodium soy sauce. HEAVEN! I took very small bites, chewed so thoroughly, and patiently waited between bites to check in with my belly for the full signal. The taste was amazing, so nice to have something my taste buds remember from before surgery. I felt like I could have gone for a fourth piece, but didn't want to push it. It was hard to not dive into the roll my husband got, but I kept staring at the rice like it was a sworn enemy. I did allow myself a small bite of the unagi he ordered for "desert" It was so nice to feel normal again. And I have to say, I loved my sleeve for doing it's job tonight...
  12. IV fluids and swelling. I came home 8lbs heavier, was gone within 5-6 days.
  13. Sorry to hear about that! Sounds horrible! Yep, corn is on the "do not eat" list - like for a really, really long time. One of the higher in sugar foods. Between that and the butter, I'm betting your system just took a major shock. Rest, go back to the basics, and hope you feel better soon!
  14. AliveAgain


    Fantastic results. What an inspiration for us all!
  15. AliveAgain

    1St "cheat"

    Hello Fitforlife! I live in the Bay Area as well, so we may have had the same surgeon (?) based on hearing you say "they hate carbs and don't want (you) to have any." My surgeon and nutritionist are the same way. Their plan is by far the strictest I've seen and I've been downloading other WLS diet plans on the internet to compare. It turned me into a stressed out nut about carbs, to the point I was willing to forgo Vitamins and Fiber I needed to get below 30g. Not smart. The funny thing is I've lost *only* 21 pounds since surgery (I'm in week 5) and to them, that's not terrible but not great either. I've notice people with other surgeons and other NUT plans seem to be losing more -- NOT that I'm saying their plans are better. Just everyone loses differently and to hold everyone accountable to the same plans is just crazy. I went through a period around days 22-27 where I was also getting dizzy, headache, weak, etc. especially when I got warm or overexerted myself. I looked at my journal and noticed that cutting the carbs so low was killing my electrolyte intake (sodium, potassium, magnesium). Not to mention I was still in the 450-525 calorie range when I should really be getting more like 600. It was just crazy to think I could continue that way. So I listened to my body and started allowing up to 50-55g of carbs instead of 30-40g, and from the "approved" list of veggies. Amazingly, I felt so much better and I'm still losing at the same rate I was before! And I do better when I snack on smallish meals 4-5 times per day than keeping to the 3 meal rule. By smallish meal, it can be 5-6 small nuts, 1oz of Protein meat or cottage cheese, or even a few bites of egg salad. I think some docs are too worried that someone will take the 4-5 smaller meal thing as dangerous ground for grazing and taking in sliders (like the cookies). Try to keep good snack options around like other posters have mentioned, and concentrate on keeping a food journal with MyFitnessPal on your phone or computer. It really is important to see how much you're taking in, or when you're not getting enough! Don't feel like you've irrevocably messed up. You will most likely do it again at some point (we all will) and the important thing to do is RECOGNIZE IT and learn from it. The more you pay attention, the more realize the difference between real hunger and head hunger. Planning is key, keeping emergency "good" Snacks available in your purse, car, desk, etc. Best of luck to you!
  16. AliveAgain

    Isopure Zero Carb Drinks

    I tried a few flavors from GNC and did not like any of them -- AT ALL. The RTD protein made my tongue and mouth feel weird, almost like there was a coating of sawdust in my mouth. My husband tried it, said the same thing. Makes my mouth pucker as well and I felt sick drinking it. Personally, I do well with the Unjury and Nectar powders mixed with water. My doctor told me the body doesn't like to absorb more than 25-30g protein in any two hour period anyhow -- so the Isopure seemed like overkill.
  17. I am one month out from surgery and looking for a good Multivitamin capsule with Iron? My nutritionist says I could save on carbs by not doing the Celebrate chewables, but that it's important that I use a capsule, not a tablet. Also, I need to introduce some iron, but not as a separate pill or chewable. Does anyone have any recommendations? Seems like every store I go to have gummies (=carbs) or the big honking tablets that I only picture hurting when swallowing. Not opposed to liquid, but prefer the travel-ability of capsules. THANK YOU!
  18. AliveAgain

    Amount Of Food

    Yes, this is normal and you will find you can take a little bit more day by day. I am four weeks and can now eat 3/4-cup of cottage cheese in under 45 minutes. I would advise staying away from sweet potato for a few more weeks or months since they are on the list of "high" carb/sugar vegetables. They are very nutritious, yes, but at this early stage throwing that much carb/sugar on your liver/pancreas may not settle well. Have you tried plain Greek yogurt yet? Be patient, your stomach will tell you when it's ready for more!
  19. I had mine done through Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco. The site they want me to use is private, for "paying customers only." I get access to a registered nurse and a dietician. They're both nice, but the advice seems robotic. Like they forget who you are as a person, an individual. I feel like a heel when I tell them I would like to work in veggies like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, etc. and they are freaking out about the carbs. I mean, I'm being sensible and have a list plastered to my fridge of the lower carb veggie options. It's not like I can truly eat a full portion of it anyhow after I get in my 1-2oz of protein! The only Pasta I've had in the last 6 weeks is a single, little bite off a fork of my husband's cheese tortellini. I did not enjoy it that much, and ending up swallowing the cheese filling but spitting out the pasta portion. They tell me they don't want me to eat something, have a bad reaction and then get food aversions. But what they don't see is that I'm slowly building aversions to the smell of broth, greek yogurt, tofu -- all the stuff they've had me eating for weeks now. I see more of a danger in eating the SAME THINGS over and over again. But then again, I have been lucky enough to not have a lot of food getting stuck and vomiting. Thanks for listening!
  20. I read somewhere else someone mentioning the petite's and how to get enough in they had to take a lot. Maybe I misunderstood? I'll take another look at the store. I had a hard times with Vitamins before surgery, most would flush right through me and I'd still have problematic labwork. Some doctors believed I didn't have enough stomach acid to properly absorb them then, so not sure what that means now. Before surgery, my B12 levels were in the danger zone for more than a year. Couldn't get enough from food and anytime I used the Vitamin form I'd get super jittery, a headache, and crash. I had to do my own injections at home for a few months until I couldn't muster up enough courage to do them anymore. I'd cry and panic about it for 30 minutes then jab my leg wrong and have a giant bruise for weeks. UGH! I hear what you are saying. I'm reaching that place where I'm doing my own research and realizing my doctor is insane to want me to stay below 600 calories and "well below" 40g carbs for the next six months, then expect that I'll be able to "eat normally" ever again without problems. I think he's set on putting my body into a state of ketosis, which I'm not a fan of the long-term effects. I'm sure when I'm not losing enough they'll critique my judgement. I've already heard, "Well if you are doing everything like we tell you, you should be losing faster." Like I'm either lying and not doing what they're telling me, or something is wrong with me. They gave me this "bible" they told me to read over and over to memorize about what I'll do in each stage. Yet, when I follow it they tell me, "No, don't do that!!" Seriously. It's in THEIR BOOK and they're telling me it's wrong. Not sure how hard it is to get your facts straight and keep your stuff up-to-date. And they want me to journal and blog on their site, but I think it was made in 1999 for how outdated it is. Sorry, I just needed to vent a little I guess
  21. My nutritionist said the capsule will prevent nausea and stomach upset since they tend to be gentler than the tablets. With the One-A-Day Petite w/Iron, you still have to take like 6-8 pills per day, correct? I'd like not to have nausea and that seems like a lot. I use the Benefiber because I get easily constipated. Was that way before surgery, but was able to eat proper foods to get real Fiber back then. Without fruits, veggies, and whole grains, it's just ugly. But I see it as short term, just a weird diet I have to do to lose weight and then get back to proper nutrition.
  22. Yes, I'm trying to reduce my carbs and I don't care for the sweetness. The two chewables account for 4g of carbs in a single day. Add that to the calcium chews and Benefiber, and I'm already at 20-24g carbs or half of what I'm allowed in a day. They taste like SweetTart candies and get stuck in my teeth, not a big fan.
  23. AliveAgain

    Today I Learned.......

    It's funny, my doctor told me at my two week check up to go to mushy foods and up the Protein. Which would naturally up the calories. I was averaging 550 per day in the first two weeks. He said 600-800 is goal for the next month. I've been struggling, too, to just hit 625. And yes, I find I feel worse on days I don't eat enough. THEN, I talk to my NUT today and she's telling me to keep it under 600. WTH?!? Do they not talk to each other? I'm losing - slowly - but I'm losing. So I'm just taking it day-by-day and trying not to get stressed out by their conflicting messages Glad you figured it out and are feeling better!
  24. AliveAgain

    Rode My Bike!

    Day 28: "Impatient" Today is a good day, but as I've mentioned in my previous blog entries -- time seems to be standing still and I'm having to learn the art of patience and distraction. My weight loss has not happened as quickly as I'd hoped, but I'm still loosing 4-5 pounds per week. Nothing to sneeze at. So long as the numbers are going down, I'm stoked. Can't wait until the next drop in clothing size. My tops are loser for sure in the waist and arms, but I can't go down yet due to my bra size. If anyone has any good exercises for making the "girls" smaller, please let me know! So I now know what dehydration is all about, and it sucks. It's bittersweet because I had to learn it during two of my early NSV moments. First, on Friday I walked 2.5 miles in an hour. The furthest I've gone in years! And I felt great during the first 2 miles, very little pain in the usual places, good heartbeat. Then I bonked at the end, and even worse a few hours after I got home. I had a low-grade headache, some nausea, and muscle spasms. Not to mention I was as weak as a bird. I knew it was dehydration, but I was perplexed because I'd been drinking plenty of fluids and had water with me on the walk. So I upped the intake even more, to nearly 100oz of fluids! When I wasn't urinating very much, I got worried. Went to bed, hoped I felt better then next day. And I did. Saturday was a little better, I drank more, and seemed to be getting better. My husband and I went for an 8.5 mile bike ride over 1.5 hours and I FELT GREAT! I can't remember the last time I felt that good on the bike. Considering my history is heavily cycling related, it was a little overwhelming emotionally. My husband commented about how great I looked, my balance was better, and our pace was much faster than it had been in the past few years. What a difference taking a small, 30+ pound monkey off your back will do for your endurance! Then I bonked, again. A few hours later, I was weak, headache-y, twitchy, yadda, yadda, yadda. I had a full 22oz bottle before riding (along with breakfast food and shake) and finished the same 22oz second bottle while riding, and drank like crazy after. WHAT WAS GOING ON!? I take a potassium pill from my doctor that is the size of a horse pill. Don't worry, I dissolve it in water and drink it down. But my sodium and magnesium levels were low. I looked at my food journal and somehow the foods I was taking in were much lower in sodium and magnesium than previous days. Not sure how what happened. So I took some magnesium citrate as well (powder form in water), and drank and rested yesterday. Just a 45 minute, slower pace walk. Today I'm feeling much better, and I talked to my NUT. She wasn't too concerned, said to continue with the potassium, magnesium, and work in more sodium where I can without taking too much. It's amazing how fragile my body still feels. It takes so little to change the chemistry and throw everything off! It makes me a little sad, that I will forever have to watch every single thing that goes into my body. I'm OK with it so long as the scale is going in the right direction, but when it's not moving very fast -- it's not as easy. I knew there would be up's and down's, as I talked about in my first blog entry. This was both. A great victory for my physical endurance, but a slippery slope in my health. Let's see how the next week plays out!
  25. AliveAgain

    Who Says You Can't Eat Asparagus?

    I can asparagus like candy! I made it into a soup the other night, roasting in oven at first for the flavor, then simmering in veggie broth until super soft. Blend with an immersion blender and VOILA! I added 1/2 scoop of the unflavored Unjury powder for protein and didn't even taste it. Looking forward to summer!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
