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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. AliveAgain

    Nausea, Nausea, Nausea

    It was the pill! My gyno listened to me today and said absolutely it had to the pill so she told me not to take it anymore. Here's hoping to tomorrow being a new day!!
  2. AliveAgain

    Eating And Menstrual Cycle

    Yes, I had my period this week and had a horrible time with shakes and food all of a sudden. For me, it's the nausea.
  3. AliveAgain

    Nausea, Nausea, Nausea

    I have anti nausea meds but they can cause constipation -- which I'm desperately steering clear of right now with the 'roids. Hence all the fiber, which is really only 12-15g per day. A normal person would be trying to get in 25g or more. It's just odd that for the first 4-5 weeks after surgery I was fine, doing great even just last weekend. My energy was great, I was eating 3x per day plus a shake or two, plenty of fluids no problem, sleeping well. Then come Sunday night, I start the pill pack and Monday - nausea. Tuesday, worse. Yesterday, unbearable and today was just miserable....the past two nights I'm awake at 4:30am and lying there until 6am. My therapist even told me today it was like I'd done a complete "180" since she saw me last week. And my husband is begging me to stop taking the pills because he is so worried about me!! The weird thing for me is the nausea is worst in the morning and better by evening... and I take the pill right before bedtime.
  4. Man, my doctor (or I should say his nutritionist) tell me to stay below 600 and I'm 6 weeks out. I've also been experiencing my first stall for the last two weeks, coincidence? I'm curious what others are saying...
  5. AliveAgain


    I had something similar in my cleavage and on my belly, pretty sure it was the surgical tape. It went away after about a week, but call your doctor if it gets itchy or uncomfortable. I think they allow you to take Benedryl if you need it...
  6. AliveAgain

    To Puke Or Not To Puke

    My doctor told me that the esophagus sends signals that food is stuck and it makes your glands create a lot of saliva to help it down. I've found that when it gets that bad I can usually just lean over a sink and just the slime will come up, then I feel relief. But occasionally that last bite will come with it as well. I wash out my mouth and lesson learned!
  7. AliveAgain

    Cappucino Flavored Protein

    Yep, Nectar is the best!
  8. AliveAgain

    Fiber Intake And Stalls..

    I've had fiber issues since before surgery, and have been fighting my doctor on it ever since. I was severely constipated the week after surgery. Since then, I use Benefiber daily (4-6tsp daily). I've since gotten hemorrhoids, another sign I needed more fiber so I started incorporating brocolli, beans, flax, and other foods to bump up the fiber. I've been stalled at 224 for 5 days, but I contribute it more to not being able to exercise with the painful hemorrhoids. I agree, fiber is essential in keeping things moving and healthy -- any doctor who does not see it's value is ignoring a critical fact for the stake of his statistics.
  9. I've had that happen nearly every time I go out for food since surgery. First time getting sushi with my husband, the waitress kept asking if we "needed to order more" as she looked at our simple order (mostly for him, just sashimi for me). Then we hit a taco stand and I got the shrimp taco, ate the filling but not the shell. I was asked if anything was wrong with my order, as it took me about 30 minutes to eat it. At an Applebees, I got the soup/salad combo and pretty much just ate the chicken off the salad and barely touched the soup. The server asked me if the food was OK. Finally, when I stopped at my favorite taqueria and ordered a single shrimp taco, he asked me twice, "Are you sure that's all you want?" I understand they are in the service industry, and are meant to upsell and live on tips. I hope it will go away eventually. When I picked up fish at my favorite place, I asked for a 4oz portion of halibut and she tried to get me to buy 6-8oz! I finally told her why I was only getting the small piece and she was so understanding. She told me later that if I need anything in smaller portions, they'll be happy to cut it for me and freeze wrap it for longer storage.
  10. AliveAgain

    Consignment Descrimination!

    Thanks everyone. I'm going to give CL and eBay a shot, see what happens. In addition to the pieces I'd like to sell, I took 8 large trash bags of clothes to Goodwill last weekend. It was a major purge!! I've never had enough to deduct to make a difference on my taxes, though...
  11. AliveAgain

    4 Weeks Po & Not Losing

    teambrown4, I am so sorry to hear of this! I would be frustrated, as well. It will happen, soon! Everyone reacts very differently after surgery. I know I saw people losing 40+ pounds in their first month and thought only losing 20 was a failure. I'm glad you're talking to your NUT, and it sounds like you're doing a lot of the right things. I've found that bumping my exercise to one hour or more a day definitely helps, as does getting in plenty of fluids. They say aim for 64oz but I like to shoot for 80oz. Granted my weight loss has slowed down in March due to some 'injuries' that have me sidelined from normal activity....hang in there! Sleeve of Steel, I'm curious how you get in that many calories? My NUT wants me to stay below 500-600 calories (I'm 6 weeks out) and I think that's nuts. I get in my Protein, keep my carbs below 40 and of course barely any fat. But I find it hard to get in more than 600 in a given day, just not that hungry. That plus the not drinking before/after meals and wanting to keep my fluids up. My instinct tells me they have me taking in too little, but it's always hard to go against your doctor's advice....
  12. AliveAgain

    Steri Strips

    I had surgical glue. Two came off by day 14, then another by day 20. The last two took the longest, the ones closest to the bellybutton. I think those were a solid four weeks.
  13. AliveAgain

    Your Minds Eye...plays Tricks

    I'm only six weeks out, but I expect to go through the same thing. I've already gone from a 22/24 to solid 18, even have a pair of 16 that fit. But because we're going from winter to spring, I refuse to buy new clothes until I really need to. So I'm still wearing my 20 jeans and 1-2X tops and jackets. I just don't want to buy a new jacket for a few weeks. I've lost over 10 inches from arms, waist, hips, legs, etc. - so the weight loss is there. But I still see the same fat me when I look in the mirror or see myself naked. This weekend, I cleaned out my closets. I kept clothes from 8-10 years ago when I was "normal" at size 4/6. I held them up and couldn't believe I ever fit in them, nor that I ever will again. I even broke into tears at how much damage I've done to my body, and I just didn't see it. I kept asking my husband, "Do you really remember me that size?!?" There is a strange association that the memories of wearing those clothes was a different person and somehow I switched bodies. You know how your body feels when you get off a treadmill, go skating, etc. and you stop -- feels like the ground should still be moving. And that's only after 20-30 minutes. I see it as the same thing. We're wearing fat suits for years, or even decades. Our minds need some time to catch up, know you're on solid ground again. I don't ever want to forget how 275, 250, 200, etc. pounds feels on my joints and my bones, so that I will always appreciate where I (eventually!) end up. I think it will take a while, maybe even years after I reach goal before I feel stable again...
  14. AliveAgain

    Hydration Tips?

    Yes, fluids like broths or soups do count. Though the chunkier and creamier the soup becomes, the harder is it to say how much is fluid and how much is food. Remember, SF Jell-o counts as do SF Popsicles. Are you drinking protein shakes made with water, skim or soy milk? That counts and helps you get your protein in! You're doing great, and it does get easier. I try to keep a water bottle with me at all times, and I drink more on days that I exercise versus sitting around.
  15. AliveAgain

    Sleep Study Nightmare

    My sleep study was the opposite. They hooked me up, I got in bed, and fell asleep within 10 minutes. I slept all the way through the night, 8 hours solid. One of the best night's sleep I can remember! It was the next day, with them yanking that stuff out of my hair and then trying to wash it out. I cried, lost so much hair, and my scalp hurt for days! The funny thing to me was that they said I have "mild" sleep apnea and tried me on the CPAP for a month. Worst month of sleeping ever! I must've tried 30 different masks, but each and every one would leak or make a whistling sound as soon as it got to the first level of pressure. They said I had some contours on my face they made most of the masks not work. They even tried children's masks. I didn't even snore!! Not sure how to help, other than maybe to drink some hot tea and play some nice music to relax. Speak up if you aren't comfortable in their room: temperature, blankets, etc.
  16. AliveAgain

    To Bike Or Not To Bike?

    Having more than 15 years in the cycling industry, I can say biking is one of the best ways to get fit. No worries, I've sold bikes to men who weigh close to 300 -- you won't flatten the tires. And yes, your butt will hurt especially at first until everything gets used to it. I personally don't like gel or wide saddles for anyone, they can actually cause more harm by creating pressure points. But that being said, I'd get fitted properly at a local bike shop. Not a Wal-Mart, Target, etc. -- those bikes are built by teenage kids and are rip offs from copy-cats with no safety standards. Giant, Specialized, Trek, etc. all good brands that will last a long time and have resale value later. And no you won't make the tires go flat, but you will want to check your pressure before every ride. Ask for a nice recreational bike, nothing too fancy. Good luck!
  17. AliveAgain

    Im A Worrier :-(

    Hiccups are usually a sign of taking in too much too fast. You may be drinking too much at one time? Do not use straws, they cause you to take in extra air. The headache may be some dehydration if you are not getting in enough fluids (aim for 64oz every day, including your shakes). You will know if you develop a leak or stricture, I've heard it's very painful and very obvious. I remember on day 3 how every little sound and gurgle that came from my belly scared the pahooey out of me. You did just have major surgery and your body is still reacting, plus you still have pain meds and anesthesia coming out of your system. Those can also cause headache, chills. For the first few weeks I was freezing all the time, but now I'm coming up on week 6 and feel extremely normal. Try to relax as much as you can, focus on your diet and moving around as much as possible without hurting yourself, and rest when you are tired. It does get better, and you will know if you truly need more help!
  18. AliveAgain

    Im Hungry! !

    Are you taking an acid reducing medication? Sometimes too much acid can make you feel more hungry than you actually are. It's really best if you stick to the suggestions from your doctor for clear liquids until you can do full. I think around day 8 I was able to have some chicken noodle soup - I just took out all the noodle (which was a lot!) and ate the veggies, only 2 bites of the chicken (well chewed, of course). Hang in there, it will get better as you can start to add more variation!
  19. AliveAgain


    I use Children's Liquid Tylenol for any pain or headache. It doesn't work as well as an NSAID, but is better than nothing. You might could try melatonin or Valerian root to help with sleep, those are herbal and don't affect the stomach.
  20. Yeah, I'm an apple shape and definitely have more of a belly now than when the weight came off. It's my nemesis....
  21. I have plastic storage containers of clothes from the past 8 years, hoping to lose weight year after year. I have clothes that are a size 6 that I look at now and want to cry that I ever fit into them. Same problem here with different brands and mass cuts. Most of my clothes come from Lane Bryant (gag) and I have one pair of 18s that fit like a charm, and another pair that looks exactly the same that fit all the way up but won't button/zip all the way. It's infuriating. I still mostly wear my size 20s even though they only look good for about the first 10 minutes out of the dryer, then they become all baggy. I even have a pair of 22s that fit ilke the 20s. Clothing manufacturer's are never the same factory and cuts can very. I say pick the size you find fits the most across the lot of them and go with that! And yes, after losing 37 pounds I hoped to be down a full two sizes or more... but I'm only down like 1-1/2. But I'll take it!
  22. AliveAgain

    Sleeved On 2/27/12

    What's funny to me are the number of general practitioners and specialists that have never heard of the sleeve! And they were the ones telling me to consider WLS. When I saw my GP the other day I had to explain to him what the sleeve was, practically walk him through the procedure. He kept saying, "So it was a bypass?" - UM, NO!!! So glad you committed and are enjoying the weight loss. Congratulations! I went through the yo-yo's the first month, wondering what the hell I did. And people I talk to still think I'm starving myself. Yet, I have good energy, I'm able to get through the days just fine, headache free, and happy.
  23. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! So exciting! Everyone's doctor has different diet guidelines for the food phases after surgery. Hopefully your doctor has given you a written plan or has a nutritionist on staff to help you? My doctor and NUT had me on Clear liquids the first week after surgery. So I stocked up on chicken, beef, and veggie broths; SF Jell-O, SF Popsicles, and Protein mixes. I ordered a mixture of powders from nectar, unjury, and my doctor's office gave me some Healthwise packets. They come in variations that can be mixed with just Water (the fruity flavors), or soy/skim milk (vanilla/chocolate), or Soups to mix with the broths. One of my favorite Snacks is to make SF Jell-O with unflavored protein, so I can get up to 5g in just a snack! The first 3-4 days at home, I barely hit 50g per day which was still good. By the end of the week, I was hitting 70g no problem. I would make sure you have some Miralax or Milk of Magnesia on hand as you may find (like many of us) that between the antibiotics, pain meds, and anesthesia, constipation can be a real problem in the first week. I also bought Benefiber powder to put into my protein shakes. I also liked having decaf green tea on hand for when I wanted something warm, Crystal Light to help with getting in the 64oz of fluids. By week two I could have some low-carb soups so long as they were well blended. Then by week three I was on to non-fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. GOOD LUCK!
  24. I have been fine until this week as well, at 5-1/2 weeks out. Monday I poached a tender piece of halibut and steamed asparagus. The asparagus I'd eaten many times before, no problems at all. I ate about 2oz of the fish very slowly, chewed like crazy, over about one hour. I got that horrendous pain in the chest that didn't go away for about 15 minutes. So I finally gave in, and tried spitting a little only to have my first slime experience. Disgusting. Unfortunately I have a sensitive gag reflex, so the entire dinner came up. Now switch to the next evening when I'm at a friend's for dinner and I was able to eat about 3oz of grilled chicken, some green pepper, onion, avocado, mozz cheese, and 1/2 an oatmeal cookie made with applesauce. No problems at all! Then the next night I used the remaining halibut and put it in a veggie broth, and it went down no problem. So I'm thinking the one bad night is behind me. Until last night, when I tried eating roasted chicken (have had it before no problem) and after 1.5oz over 45 minutes -- got the slimes again. I take Prilosec in the mornings and otherwise have no heartburn symptoms. Go figure!!
  25. AliveAgain


    Are you keeping an actual food journal to log the breakdown of your calories/fats/carbs/protein? Sounds like you are getting in an OK amount of Protein, but might need more. At 6 weeks you should be aiming to get 80-90g at a minimum. And it's good if you can get half of that in before mid-day, rather than lumping it all in the afternoon. If you can, mix up what you're eating rather than eating the same thing more than twice a day. Are you logging your fluids as well, 64oz or more per day? How much are you exercising? It might be time to bump it up a little, like 10% more. More than likely it's just a stall. The human body is not a perfectly tuned machine and can have it's quirks. Be patient, I'm sure it will break soon!!

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