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Everything posted by AliveAgain

  1. I agree with Lady Lisa, it may be too much acid? I had a few occasions of the stuck feeling, but usually only right after eating (usually too fast) and it would go away within a few hours. I've heard some people drinking pineapple or papaya juice because the enzymes can break down other food (they are known meat tenderizers). You could also try something warm like a nice decaf green or herbal tea? If it doesn't go away, I'd call your doctor to be safe. Just so you know, the beginning of solids is tough. It's great you know to chew well, but it may be a few weeks before solids are your friend. I kept things like yogurt, cottage cheese, and Soups on the menu for a while as I built up to the chicken, pork, turkey, seafood, etc. Good luck!
  2. Yes, my ratio got worse even though my overall points went down. But doctor's care more about the ratio than the points. It's definitely the rise in animal product for protein and then not enough fiber and veggies. My docs said it's not worrisome at this point, but that once I'm closer to my maintenance weight they'd like to see my cut back on the animal product and increase good vegetables. She brought up shellfish which are a higher source of cholesterol than chicken or turkey, trying to keep that to only 1-2 times per week maximum. The best way to raise the good (HDL) is exercise, getting your heart rate up and sustaining it for 45 minutes or more every day if you can.
  3. AliveAgain

    Looking For Size 22

    I have lots of stuff in 22 and 1X tops. I'm working on pictures right now to share, some items are brand new (tags still on) and but I'm pricing them to move if you're interested?
  4. Syntrax Nectar from Amazon. Not RTD, but mix well with water in Blender Bottle.
  5. AliveAgain

    Not Losing Weight?

    Google "glycogen storage" and "weight loss" and you will find a plethora of information on why this happens. Most of the initial loss is Water. Give your body some time and it will adjust, and you will lose weight. I would recommend trying to incorporate walking into your daily routine, exercise does help. Even if you start at just 30 minutes and move up over time to an hour 3-5 days per week. Or every day if you can do it! Are you journaling your intake to see how much protein/carb/fat you are taking in? You seem to be eating the right stuff, but it's good to see if you are under or hitting 600 calories per day, 60-100g of Protein (the more the better), under 40g of carbs, and under 20g of fat. Your fluids sound good, 64oz is great. Patience is definitely key with this surgery. Best of luck!
  6. AliveAgain

    Syntrax Nectar

    Ha! Yes, Caribbean Cooler is the only flavor in the sample pack that I tried once and spit out. I can't stand anything with coconut. I order the samples from my NUT, thankfully she is willing to substitute it for another flavor :-/ My favorites are Roadside Lemonade, Lemon Tea, Cappuccino, and Pink Grapefruit. Amazon has really good prices on the 2lb tubs.
  7. I hope I didn't come across as insensitive. My words came out of worry that perhaps you weren't happy, but it sounds like you are on the right track. You are right, this surgery does bring about a HUGE emotional transition for all of us. Some of us handle it in different ways. What is important to you may not be what is important to me. For me, I'm struggling with being 36 years old and I can't/don't want to go back to my former career since it does not encourage a healthy lifestyle and I'm afraid of sabotaging my progress. That and I think I ate because I HATED my career/job. Others may see this as small potatoes to what their individual challenges are with this surgery, and that's fine. I'm glad you have goals, and I hope you continue to aim for them. Remember you still have a long way to go -- time will help with all of these things -- but you have already come SO FAR! Celebrate that.
  8. Wow, MinaT. That was very well put. I know all too well how obese people are discriminated against. I was fired from my last job because of my weight. Not paranoid, I have written proof and witnesses. It is sad that l feel I'm also finding myself with some anger towards people who used to be real asses to me who are now so nice to me. I hope to move past that. Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss, before surgery!
  9. What are you eating? At three weeks I was still doing mostly liquids with some mushies. But yes, this will happen when you eat too much, too fast, or both for the first 3-8 weeks. And still at times for months out. It happened most often for me in the first month I was on solid foods. Chew your food like crazy, follow your NUT's plan on what to eat in the different phases, take SMALL bites, and SLOW down. It will most likely take anywhere from 30-60 minutes to eat 2oz of food. The good news is that it does get better.
  10. AliveAgain

    Carb Addict For Donuts

    I don't really get CRAVINGS where I must get in my car, go to the store, buy and eat something. However, when I'm out with friends, and they order dessert -- I'll allow myself to have the smallest bite, barely 1/2 a spoonful. Like you said, the key is enjoying it slowly, appreciating the taste, and then PUTTING THE UTENSIL DOWN. This surgery is about lifelong changes, but it's not meant to be complete deprivation. The key is KNOWING how to enjoy without overindulging, being accountable, and knowing when to say, "no." I think enjoying a donut hole once a week, maybe more like every other week -- so long as your weight is coming off -- is not the worst thing in the world.
  11. Wow, sorry to say it - but that was a little depressing to read. Not because I worry about those same things, but because I'm sad that all those things are "cons" for you. I can see how those things could be a shock to you, but I'm curious about your realistic expectations of the surgery. Did someone (i.e. your doctor) promise all those things would happen for you in the first 6 months after surgery? I get it. It does suck that we may never have our high school bodies and skin back. Who the f*** cares? I'm not in high school anymore. This is real life and I see taking control of my HEALTH far more important than my appearance. I'm a girl, so of course I care about how I look. But I would rather think positively that "wow, I'm a size 10 and not a size 24 anymore" than "why am I not a size 2 yet?" Or "yeah, my skin looks like a deflated balloon but it's a reminder of the battle I'm winning." As for the relationship insecurities, chances are if your significant other thinks you may leave him then there were deeper issues underlying even when you were at your heaviest. To blame your weight loss is like saying your relationship only works when the lights aren't on. I hope you can find a way to find a good middle ground, where you are happier with yourself and the amazing steps you've taken to take control. It could be a good idea to do some inner reflection so that you don't sabotage your weight loss down the road with negative emotions towards all the changes. I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
  12. You are doing beautifully and so long as you feel good about what you're doing, that's all that matters. Most surgeons are good at cutting, but not with the bedside manner. Mine included. But when you think of the number of patients that come to them with real food issues, who think they can do this and still eat junk -- all the crap they have to hear day in and day out -- I get it. They want to push and motivate because they see people struggle, cheat, fail. And they know that after the first year is most likely when weight regain COULD happen, if you haven't adopted a healthy eating regimen or exercise as part of your daily life. Which it sounds like you do. Not that it's an excuse for his behavior. I found it easier when I didn't have to talk to my surgeon anymore because he said all the same things. They try, but sometimes it just comes out all wrong. Keep it up!
  13. AliveAgain

    Vsg And Fertility

    Most doctors will tell you to be very careful after surgery, use two forms of birth control, etc. BECAUSE losing weight is known to help increase fertility. Of course, other factors can still cause issues like endometriosis, PCOS, etc. that weight loss may or may not help. But weight loss helps regulate hormones, so most likely it could help.
  14. AliveAgain

    Dairy Allergy?

    Just as an FYI, I have not had any bad reaction to the whey Protein isolate and I drink two shakes per day since surgery. When I had my test done, the score was "off the chart" so to speak -- it wasn't like a light sensitivity. My two sisters are doctors (naturopaths) and do a lot with allergies. Sometimes they can show up on tests when your body is not creating the proper enzymes to break them down (i.e. periods of illness, stress, after pregnancy) -- but once you take that break, it is possible for the body to no longer be allergic. Still, couldn't hurt to find forms of soy, beef, hemp, and other Proteins. I see them on the shelves at Whole Foods and other natural stores. I'm sure you could find them cheaper on Amazon. Some don't pack the same protein punch as whey, so you may have to drink more?
  15. AliveAgain

    Weird Cravings (Pica)

    Pica is technically when you crave things that are NOT food, have NO nutritional value. Sounds like just odd cravings to me. You most likely want the creaminess and ease (going down) of those foods, plus some of the sour of the lime in the guacamole. I found my taste buds went really wonky for a week or so, then evened out again.
  16. I absolutely feel the same way. For me, I know it's because I haven't told anyone except my husband. So it can't be a topic of conversation. And for the past three months I've felt like my only hobby has been weight loss related. When I'm out socially, I don't feel like it's appropriate nor interesting conversation. Most of my friends only have 5-10lbs to lose. At the same time when my weight loss has come up, I find myself not wanting to talk about it. Mainly because people freak out when I tell them I only get 600-800 calories per day. Immediately they balk and tell me I'm starving myself. It's hard for anyone with a full-sized stomach to understand that we don't have the same mental-will challenge they have of feeling full and satisfied. I can't explain it fully, but I get what you mean. Much more of a wallflower than before.
  17. AliveAgain

    Dairy Allergy?

    May I ask how you were diagnosed as having a dairy allergy? I ask because about 3 years ago I was having horrible headaches and other symptoms, so I had a food allergy test done. It was done properly through a blood test. It came up with me being allergic to all cow and goat dairy, and chicken eggs. So I cut those things out of my diet for about 6 months and slowly reintroduced them later. Since then, the symptoms are gone and I can have those things in moderation. I know there are good non-dairy Protein supplements out there, hopefully someone who's tried them will reply!
  18. Saw 198.8 on the scale yesterday morning, let out a loud "Whoo Hoo!" that scared my cats and husband half to death! But he knew exactly what it was, gave me a great big hug, told me he's "so proud of me" and cried with me a little. Haven't seen a "1" on the front of the scale in over seven years. This is heaven (I'd post a picture of the scale but it has a reflective surface and didn't want to share my unmentionables with the world!!)
  19. Hi Erica, I have about 5 plastic bins worth of clothes from sizes 18-24. Most is size 20 or 22 pants, with 14/16 and 18/20 tops from Lane Bryant. I just took a bunch of pictures and can send you those if you'd like to see the items? Some even have tags on them as I never got to wear them before losing weight! Other items were only worn 2-3 times at best and I was hoping to try to get some money for them. Something like a flat amount for all the jeans, shipping, etc. Super cheap compared to buying new! I have a lot of the T3 (Tighter Tummy Technology), a few capri pants, that kind of thing. Personal message me if you're interested, let me know what you're looking for. I'm in California.
  20. AliveAgain

    Very Bad Day Today :-(

    Protein drink for breakfast - 75% of a chicken ring sandwich with cheese from White Castles - fast food uses butter, palm oils, and other high calorie "taste boosters" we don't use at home. And chicken only, no bun? 6 bites of a turkey sub - turkey only? no bread? about 8 chips - about 10 cheese doodles - 3 chocolate chip Cookies - 2 spoon fulls of ramen noodles - 5 spoon fulls of peas - peas are one of the sweeter veggeis (i.e. carb high), try broccoli or cauliflower Water - No rice, no bread, no Pasta (ramen), nothing made with refined anything (i.e. the doodles, cookies) Sorry if my faces come across as harsh, but I would search this forum more and talk to a nutritionist about what you should be eating. If you Google a list of low-carb veggies, you'll see what's best. Same for fruit, berries are best. Protein, protein, protein. There are 4 calories per gram of protein. So if you are on a 600 calorie diet (most patients are between months 0-6), and you're getting 80-100g of protein, that's almost 400 calories right there. The rest should come from good carb/fiber veggie and fruit sources.
  21. AliveAgain

    I Need Help!

    Wow, I'm really surprised that your doctor did not provide any guidelines whatsoever. Does his office have a nutritionist available to you as part of your services? Can you get with a nutritionist who helps with WLS patients? Not sure what to say about being about eat normally only five or so weeks out without restriction. I would talk to your doctor about that right away. At five weeks I was still doing 3 Protein shakes a day and barely able to eat 1-2oz of food at any meal comfortably. Do you know what size bougie he used? Mine was a 32, pretty common. As for guidelines, here's a quick rundown: 600 calories per day was my limit from week 5-12, now I'm limited to 700-800 per day 64-80oz of fluids per day - Water, decaf tea, broth. No sugar added, no fruit juice, no coffee, no soda. 60-70oz pf protein per day, then work up to 80-90g around week 8 - lean meats, seafood, tofu, soy milk, low-fat cheese 40g of carbs is your maximum per day - no rice, no flour, no Pasta. Should come from small amounts of veggies and fruit. 20g of fat is your maximum per day - no butter, avoid sour creams, heavy cheeses, etc. Also, exercise is a must for maximum weight loss. Try to get one hour per day where you get your heart rate up and sustain it. At five weeks, you may only be able to do 30 minutes depending on your fitness level. Anything you can do is better than nothing! Walking is the best, swimming, biking, etc. no hard weight lifting at this time. Good luck! 39 pounds is a great loss and I know you can keep it going!!
  22. AliveAgain

    Hair Loss... Help!

    Getting in as much protein as you can is the first step. I am happy that I've had only minor thinning (my husband says I don't look any different). I get in 85-100g of protein on most days, 50-65g on my "bad" days. Also, what/how you ate 2-3 months ago has more of an affect on your hair loss today. That is if you weren't getting enough protein right after surgery for a prolonged period, that may explain your loss now. So if you correct that now, you may not see regrowth for a few more months. That's how it was explained to me. My cousin is a stylist and she tells me that Nioxin products can help, but it's mostly what's going on on the inside that affects your hair.
  23. Sudden pain is usually gas if it's not accompanied with fever, chills, rapid heart beat, etc. which of course is a sign of something serious like a leak. In the weeks after my surgery, I had that a lot and it would sneak up on me in the worst of times. I found sitting made it worse. Usually walking, drinking plenty of fluids and time will make that go away. The other sign it may be gas is the fact that the pain meds aren't helping you. My incisions were also pretty tender for a good 10-12 days before I could wear pants with buttons or a zipper and sit down. That goes away and before you know it you forget you have them! Hope you feel better soon!
  24. AliveAgain


    Glad you're feeling better! I know enemas are not the most fun things in the world, but boy do they work. At 3 weeks I was still progressing from full liquids to mushies. So most of my intake was still 2-3 Protein shakes per day, made just with Water or soy milk. I was eating Greek yogurt with some ground flax seed (fiber), small curd cottage cheese with unsweetened applesauce (very little, but some fiber) -- although those are both dairy -- your system (now cleared out) may be able to handle that now. I was still doing a lot of Soups with added unflavored, chicken, tomato, or beef flavored protein with perhaps 1oz of really tender, small chunk of chicken breast. I'd chew it like 50 times before swallowing to make it "pureed" in consistency. I also tried soft poached eggs, usually only able to get down about 1/2 of one egg. Don't try scrambled until you're about a month out. While it may look easy to eat, for some reason most tummies don't like them prepared that way. Soft/medium tofu was also a blessing during the mushy stage. I'd lightly pan roast it with one mushroom and maybe a brocolli floret in less than a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. That stuff is super easy to get down! You can also make SF pudding, again adding unflavored protein for an added boost. Hope these ideas help you!
  25. AliveAgain

    Sleeve Doesn't Stretch?

    You and I sound a lot alike. My weight problem really started when I was working a lot of hours. Rarely ever ate Breakfast, lived on coffee most of the day, skipped lunch regularly due to meetings, came home too tired to shop/prep/cook healthy meals. So I'd get 60-70% of my daily calories from carb heavy, easy to make dinners and eat larger portions that I should have. That plus my exercise went from daily to NO DAYS PER WEEK. Once I started to get the weight off, I tired harder by having a small breakfast, skip the coffee and soda, and eat more healthy meals. That took off about 10 pounds and then kept me from gaining any more. But it wasn't helping me get the weight OFF. I had really good habits before I gained the weight (long story, accidents, injuries) -- so I too was happy to hear that one day I'll be able to eat more "normal" portions like those dining with me. Since I know I'll be making healthier choices, like you!

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